:( not had the best of weeks..

i've just checked my diary from this time last week to now and on wednesday last week i had 1600 calories - 400 over what im supposed to, on thursday was ok, friday was 1550, saturday was 1550, sunday was ok, monday was around 1550 and yesterday was 1650!
...I know today is a new day but just to add to my worry i had an operation on my right foot yesterday so now i'm on crutches for about 4 weeks and in alot of pain at the moment so cardio is just 110% out of the question for me. and becos i can barely make it up and down the stairs i just feel so unmotivated to do any form of exercise incase i hurt my foot more.

*sighs* the main thing thts getting to me is that i thought i'd been eating really well for my age because i've been having either fruit&yogurt or 2 poached eggs on 1 slice of wholewheat toast for breakfast, a big salad for dinner (no dressing) and then i have tea with my family (my mums on a diet too so it's usually good for us) and i dont eat that many snacks, if i do it'd be some twiglets or fruit or a yogurt...
i'm happy eating these foods but seeing that my calorie/protein intake is goin over more times than not is making me feel like im failing a little bit. I have noticed that sumtimes when i go over it's because of pasta so i am gonna try and cut that down to maybe just 1 day a week or sumthing n see if that helps. but with this operation and not being able to even walk well im feeling abit... :frown:
any advice? :heart: Emma


  • rizzagizza
    i'm no health expert, but if you are eating really healthily, which it sounds like you are, then just keep at it. i know MFP calculates you should be eatig 1200 cals or whatever but i do think this is very low - you should still keep losin at 1500 a day, just a little slower. PLUS your body is repairing itself after an operation - give yourself a break! x