mreichard Member


  • I don’t have a belt, so I use a 2.5# plate under the innermost 45.
  • Reistience exercises that hit the forearms/grip (high volume deadlifts, curls, chin ups, rows) can really impact my elbows. My PT told me to roll my forearms longways with a lacrosse ball in the middle of the muscle and across the muscle close to the elbow. It really seems to help.
  • Do you squat in a squat rack? If not, does your gym have one? If yes, then have you practiced failing at squats? Once you can comfortably bail on a set, they are much less intimidating.
  • I did this exact program. It get really hard about 4 1/2 weeks in. It really does teach you that if you pause and breathe you can do a lot more reps than you would otherwise think.
  • This is really concise and well expressed. On a kinda related note: I've frequently heard other men assert that they didn't understand how starting a conversation, complimenting a woman, or calling a woman a name like "honey" could be creepy and threatening. A way of framing this that made immediate sense to me was this:…
  • If you get a squat rack, an Olympic bar, a bench and 300 pounds of weights it will be much cheaper and let you do all the standard compound lifts. You can add a dip attachment and a chin-up bar to most racks and be all set. Then you can add dumbbells, weight plates and different bars as you need them. My son does front and…
  • Yeah, assuming some of the 20 or 21 reps are really light, sure. I am probably different than many people in adding that last heavy warmup set (and it’s probably costing me a work set rep), but I find that a heavy last warmup set helps me focus on form (shoulder blades back, everything tight). I’ve hurt my shoulders a lot…
  • I know less about this stuff than people you’re already getting advice from, but I’d say don’t back off weight just yet. You can optimize your warmup and work sets and probably make more progress. I think many people would probably agree: 1. Limit warmup sets to as many reps as you work sets. Get rid of the high rep…
  • If you don't know someone in real life to watch you do the big barbell lifts (squat, deadift, bench press), take a video of yourself lifting with your phone and post on here. There is a thread at that's…
  • Yes. I had a guy step into the rack behind me and try to start spotting me, then tell me I was doing it wrong. I asked if he’d heard of low bar squats, and he admitted he hadn’t. I very rarely work squats near failure, but If I do fail it’s never been an issue to set the bar down on the pins, so I kinda don’t get the whole…
  • I could never really get anywhere with high bar squats. I see people pushing big weights high bar and I admire it, but it just doesn’t compute for me. Low bar, I feel so much more balanced and stronger. I like the point about how you get up out of a chair - makes total sense to me.
  • I’ve wondered how to interpret those percentages too. Looking around my gym, they seem about right —- if I count all the new lifters who drift in and out. If I counted only people who had been lifting for a while, then I’d say my percentages as reported by the site are too high. Make sense?
  • Me too. I can see well enough to without a light, but after two cars (whose drivers I was sure had seen me because they were looking right at me) almost hit me within a week, I realized that I needed to run with a light.
  • I wouldn't deadlift or squat in them, but other than that they are fine. Some people don't like cushioned shoes for overhead press. Note also that some of this depends on the weight. If you're starting with an empty bar, then this makes a lot less difference, but it starts to matter surprisingly soon. When I was squatting…
  • How about if you do close grip bench - do you feel those? If you haven’t tried them, maybe you should. It could be that your elbows are flaring on bench and you are using your shoulder muscles.
  • The shoes you posted have cushioned soles. Those soles will compress if you do heavy deadlifts and feel unstable - like lifting on a mattress as Chiefrlg one wrote. When many people talk about weight lifting shoes, they are talking about shoes with a raised heel and a hard sole. I use shoes like that (Nike Romaloes) for…
  • I’d check if running stores have group runs. That’s a good way to find running partners.
  • I'm 51, and I think this is especially important as we get older because I think it gets harder to find the balance of enough training stimulus and enough recovery. I spun my wheels for quite a while with 531 because I was not getting enough volume for training stimulus but I was doing too many close to 1 rep max lifts, so…
  • It’s an entirely reasonable question. The gym I have to use when on holiday has no power rack, one barbell and a total of four 45 plates. I use every plate they have to deadlift. Many gyms aren’t equipped for free weight training.
  • OP this may be totally unhelpful, but - my son got headaches lifting until he really worked on his breathing to make sure he was getting plenty of oxygen and usually breathing out a bit out during the positive part of reps (esp. on OPH and bench, not on deadlifts where you have to maintain tightness).
  • How old are you? How are your macros? Given the marathon training you might not have a lot of flexibility in terms of your training, but you probably want to make sure you are getting plenty of protein. I think that if protein comes at the expense of carbs it might make your training runs a bit harder, but I’m not sure -…
  • I don't know where you are and how competitive the basketball team is that your daughter is trying out for, but I would say that "practice, practice, practice" is good advice only if she knows what and how to practice. There was a kid in my son's class who spend the whole summer before their freshman year at the park…
  • I'd just make sure that they are being safe --- spotting each other for bench press, not doing weights on squats or deadlifts that they aren't ready for. Also, not doing exercises with bad form just so that they can put more weight on the bar.
  • The site added the icon next to the “woo” button to clarify that it is a BAD thing —- as in “that’s a bunch of woo.” As used on MFP it’s short for woowoo.
  • This thread has a lot of great programs.
  • I find that the ability to step back and actually listen to others is really helpful in discussions like this. I hear your concern about trivializing “real discrimination.” I’m technically a member of a group that has suffered a lot of discrimination, and while that’s not a big part of my identity I somewhat get the…
  • On the scale of problems in the world, this one is pretty minor. But... your post seems really entitled and dismissive to me. You get that there are PFs where real people in the actual world who innocently paid their 10 bucks and went to work out have had a loud noise and a flashing light single them out for ridicule,…
  • For trained lifters, not really just as effective: « The average amount of muscle mass gained in the high rep group was 2.2 pounds (1 kilogram), compared with 3.5 pounds (1.6 kilograms) in the low rep group. » Also, they define « low rep » as 8-10 reps. The last meta analysis that I read on this topic included the more…
  • I’m a guy, so YMMV, but I bulked from 185 to about 205, and I’m currently am cutting back down. I didn’t think I’d gained much muscle, but at 193 I’m leaner than I remember being at 185 (I currently have the most ab definition I’ve ever had). When I measured, I’d gained about 1.5 inches on biceps and 2 inches on chest. I…
  • Well, it's being brought up explicitly as a gaslighty way to minimize the opinions of others. That's a feature, not a bug.