Starting late with a goal of 15lb by Christmas. Starting weight= 149
I'm in for a 15lb goal!
Thanks- you're right, I need to remember that I already know how this works and just apply it.
Thanks, that's a great idea!
I'm re-starting again after gaining back 15 of my original 25lb loss. I never used the community before and I'd like to get started. I'll add you!
The first time I reached my goal of 25lbs lost, I gradually stopped working out and fell back into old eating habits and gained 13lbs back! This time I know I need to keep up with exercise for maintenance.
I just went into the custom settings and added 300 calories to my daily goal. It saves the step of adding the "calories burned" every day.
Good ideas! I've been having steady progress and then slacked off over the past 2 weeks. New recipes and pushing the cardio are two things that could help me out of this rut.