

  • Hi Everyone, I wanted to say HI since I haven't post anything lately . Things have been crazy with Corey graduating, getting through Father's Day, and then our anniversary a few days later. I cant seem to get motivated to get back on track. It seem like I keep falling in the same hole with my eating. I hate going to the…
  • Hey Thanks for the information. MFP is new to me and my friend keeps telling me I don't eat enough. I have a lot of weight to loose and I think this forum will help me a lot. I'm lucky if I eat twice a day. I have it in my head, if I eat I will gain more weight and I can't do that. I know I have to get healthy for myself…
  • Thanks everyone for the great welcome. I'm so sorry for everyone loss. I'm still trying to figure this all out. Bill only fought for four months before he passed and lost 100 lbs. It took them 3 weeks to figure out where it originated from. All they could tell us he had some type of stage 4 cancer. My boys were 13 & 16…
  • Hi Pattie! mY name is Jeannie and I'm new to the MFP. I lost my husband a year and half ago to cancer. He was 39 years old and my BFF. Now I'm raising 2 teenage boys on my own and I have always struggled with my weight. I know I need to start caring for myself because I am all my boys have now. I always put me last because…