widows and widowers welcome



  • beckster2223
    beckster2223 Posts: 19 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    I have been offline for a few days. A couple of my girlfriends/co-workers and I went to Cancun. We flew out Thursday morning and came back last night. We did an all-inclusive stay and only ventured off the resort for part of a day to visit a flea market. We spent lots of time at the pool, at the beach, reading and relaxing. I have never been anywhere like this. It made me very sad that I was able to go since my husband is no longer with us. So Bittersweet! This was a very theraputic time for me. No schedule, no kids, no worries....

    Now back to the real world! I will weigh in tomorrow morning and see where I sit. Half afraid that I will be back to square one. I will be back on track starting tomorrow.

    Hope you all are doing well!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,111 Member

    So glad you were able to have a vacation. I understand about being sad...so was I the first time I went somewhere without my husband. But, you went and sounds like you had a great time. Good for you!!!!

    I'm pretty sure you were unable to eat enough extra calories to gain back 7 pounds. So, even if the scales show that, a lot is probably water weight and will come back off easily. So, don't be discouraged. And don't feel guilty. You needed that time for yourself. Like you said, you can get back on track. Good luck and let us know how you really did on vacation. You may be surprised. What if you lost?!

    Hope everyone is having a great week.
  • beckster2223
    beckster2223 Posts: 19 Member
    Thank you quilteryoyo! Way better than I thought. My scale showed me up 2 lbs. My jeans feel tight around my calves so I am thinking there is some water weight there. That was one thing I had started to notice before I left for vacation was that my jeans were fitting better on my legs.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,111 Member
    That's not bad, beckster. You'll get rid of those 2 pounds in no time! :happy:
  • JulieGo
    JulieGo Posts: 45 Member
    Hi ladies,
    I've been away from this site for a couple of days — but they were very good days. My brother in law is talking now and we couldn't be happier. So Brandi (his wife, my BFF) came over Saturday and we celebrated. We had champagne and made a pot of shrimp etouffee and then had some cupcakes.
    Also lots of laughs and stuff. So Sunday I got right back on the diet horse and started being good again. Not expecting the scale to go the right direction for a few days but that's okay.
    It's beautiful in California; I got my garden planted on Sunday and life is looking a lot cheerier for me and the people I love the most.
    Beckster ... you're doing great. And water weight is a real and (pardon the pun) fluid thing. It comes and goes. I stopped worrying about water as long as it eventually moves along ... and it will! That's when I know to walk away from the salt and drink plenty of plain water. And a trip to Cancun??? You rock. I haven't been able to take a trip yet. So I'm just nesting. Making my home as relaxing and 'girly' as I want. There's a lot of therapy in that.
    Ladies ... have a great Wednesday. Get outside. Breathe some fresh air and take a walk. I did two miles this morning and it's made my whole morning better.
    Hugs and wishes for a good day.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,111 Member
    JulieGo, Very glad to hear the great news about your brother-in-law. :bigsmile: You two deserved to celebrate that! Gardening is a great way to get outside and enjoy yourself and get a little exercise too. It's not time to plant much stuff here in E. TN yet...may still have a frost or two. The temperature and weather here changes drastically in a day, or even in hours, this time of year. We always say if you don't like it, just stick around a little while.

    I just got back from a 3.1 mile run/walk...in 39:33 minutes. Sweaty, but feel good.

    Hope you are all doing well.
  • JulieGo
    JulieGo Posts: 45 Member
    Quilteryoyo — you're inspiring to me to increase my walking distance. I'm going to work toward a 3-mile goal. Which means I have to get up a little earlier in the morning and that goes against everything I believe in :laugh: but I'll give it a shot.
    The one thing that keeps my walks from being the best workout that they can be is that I have my dog with me. And the walks are for her as much as for me. Since my husband died, I feel really bad leaving her alone all day. He was retired and was home with her (we had another dog as well who I had to find a new home for a couple of months after Bill died — she had horrible separation anxiety and literally started tearing up my house!). But Mali (my beloved Old English Sheepdog and owner of my heart) means the world to me so the morning walks are my gift to her. Except there are many stops and starts since she has to smell every blade of grass and foreign object along the way.
    It's okay though ... I wouldn't have it any other way. So, I've also begun to do some strength training after we get back from the walks. I'm usually pretty much warmed up after 2 miles, so I alternate doing upper- and lower-body exercises. Since I've been pretty sedentary for quite a while, I figure anything I do is better than nothing.
    I might go all out and actually join a gym if I start toning up, losing more weight, and can't get what I need at home.
    Anybody in this group a member of a gym? I haven't done it for a long time and I always lose interest.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,111 Member
    JulieGo, Glad I can be an inspiration. :happy: I agree that anything you do is much better than nothing. And, you must be doing something right....look at all that weight you have lost already. Thirty pounds is amazing! I don't have a dog, but understand how much of a companion they can be. I'm glad you have Mali to keep you company on your walks.
    I don't belong to a gym. I did when I was in the AF, but found that I just didn't go enough to justify the cost. And, now, I live in a rural area and would have to drive 30 minutes to get to one. So, I have opted to not join. I am thinking about getting a set of exercise bands and using them. I had to use one for rehab back in 1994, when I broke my elbow. I remember how great it made my arms looks, but I quit doing them for some reason. I think now that I'm on a path to better health overall, I just might be able to keep it up this time. You might find that you are more dedicated to the gym this time too. Maybe you could do a trial membership and see.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,111 Member
    It's been nearly a week since anyone else has been on here. I hope you are all ok and staying on track with your diet and exercise. I have subbed a couple of days this week and have 2 days scheduled for next week. This close to the end of school, that is not the easiest job in the world. The kids are just ready to be done with it and it is hard to keep them on task. But, for the most part, they are a great group of kids.

    I have been able to keep up my running, even though I had to run when it was 86 degrees yesterday. That was tough, but I stashed some water at the 1/2 way point and took a couple minute break to hydrate. I was able to do 3.7 miles in 45 minutes...with 10 minutes of that being warm-up and cool-down walk. I thought that wasn't bad at all.

    I still haven't started to strength train. I just can't seem to get as motivated to do that, even though I know that I need to.

    Hope you all are having a great week.
  • beckster2223
    beckster2223 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I am just having a yucky day. Kinda feeling sorry for myself. Started some therapy on my elbow this week. They figure I have tennitis (sp) or golfer's elbow. I haven't golfed for several years so not exactly sure why but hopefully with some ultrasound and therapy I can get it straigtened out. My anniversary was on the 1st. I did ok that day but then we had a thunderstorm come through last night. Pretty much the first one since my husband has been gone. I love them and he was always nervous. I just really miss having someone to snuggle on a rainy stormy night.

    A while back I had been struggling with life and had decided to give my 3 cats to the humane society. I am really liking my house without a liter box but I really miss the cats too. Part of me thinks maybe I should have kept one of them. I am sure they are all in good homes and it wasn't that my home was bad, I just wasn't doing very good with house cleaning and liter boxes and just more than I could handle. I fell so stupid for missing the cats. Somedays I feel like I miss them more than my husband. Maybe because I know I couldn't bring my husband back and the fact that I could have kept the cats.....maybe just a guilty thing.

    I just want to be happy again and right now I am not happy.... I am so sorry that I am venting on here, but I am hoping that you all will at least have a little understanding of my stupid pity party.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,111 Member
    beckster, It is perfectly okay to vent and having bad days, unfortunately, is expected and normal. You may have gotten along okay on your anniversary, but I'm sure all of the things you mentioned have been on your mind. When the pile gets "high" enough, it has to fall, so to speak.

    You are probably right about the reason you miss the cats so much...it was your choice to give them away. You didn't have a choice with your husband. So, that is not stupid at all. It is understandable.

    I know it doesn't feel like it now, but things will get better and you will be happy again. It will always be different, but happiness is possible. Just let yourself feel what you feel and grieve like you need to. As my hospice chaplain told me, "You have to trust the process (of grief)." Feel free to vent anytime you like. Hope you are having a better day today. :flowerforyou:
  • JulieGo
    JulieGo Posts: 45 Member
    Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't logged on for awhile.
    Beckster - I feel your pain. I'm having some troubling times also. Yesterday would have been my 27th wedding anniversary and it's my first one without Bill. I was doing fine, but I'm trying to get a loan modification on my mortgage and I finally got a human on the phone and had a very frustrating day. On my anniversary ... I had to go through all of the "death" paperwork and try to find documents to RESEND to Bank of America because in the 5 MONTHS they have been working (not really) on my application, all of the paperwork I sent them "expired." I was so sad. Look through insurance bills, death certificate, all the stuff ... just very sad.
    Anyway ... I got past it and sent them a very snarky letter and now I'm probably not going to get the loan modification after all. But I feel okay about that and kind of relieved to stop dealing with them. I swear ... if I'd stopped making my mortgage payments, maybe I could have gotten their attention.
    Sorry. Had to vent.
    My weight is stuck. Has been for a few weeks. Maybe that's why I'm not motivated to log on very often. I plan to change that and re-motivate myself. I'm not re-gaining weight. But I'm not losing. I count that as a win.
    So I got up early and walked Mali for a couple of miles and did some crunches and a wee bit of light yoga and I'm back on track.
    Thanks for listening my friends. Have a great weekend.
  • heyjudev13
    heyjudev13 Posts: 8 Member
    Good Day to You All!
    Just checking in before a hectic work week starts. Just feeling at loose ends and thought this was the place to go... rather than the refrigerator. I thought I had my dog "farmed out" to a new family... but I am going to pick her up today. She came into our lives when my husband became ill. We had just put down the sweet family pet who was old and sick. Then Sally came into our lives. She's a Border Collie and a sweetie. She was a good companion when my husband was ill. She stayed near him and gave him love and provided a distraction for us both. But now, my "new normal" means leaving her locked up all day while I'm at work. She is needy and shows it by digging in the yard and just general nervousness. Any little noise sets her to pacing and whining and doing some grab and rip damage to my bedspread, etc. She needs to be where she can have the attention she deserves. I thought I had found a place but they have to return her because of an illness in their family. So, off I go this afternoon to retrieve her. I will keep trying to find her a better place, but in the meantime... she will be back. This kind of means I'm living in her home rather than her living in mine. I feel I'm moving backwards instead of forward. When I get her back this afternoon, I'll bathe her and play with her and enjoy her sweetness. Tomorrow morning, I'll have to kennel her. Tomorrow night... she will be neurotic and require time and attention that I really have in short supply. Sorry you have to listen to my "rant." But I thought I had dealt with a problem in a good way... and am back to square one. (I will not take her to a shelter... she's too good a dog to throw away, or end up where she might be abused. She needs an understanding, patient, owner, who can be home with her.) I will get her picture on the Border Collie Rescue Web Site soon. I am using another dog rescue site in the meantime and they assure me that in TIME, they will find her a home. signed, Impatient about my Impatience
  • JulieGo
    JulieGo Posts: 45 Member
    Heyjude — I feel your pain about your dog. I sent you a message.
    I hope we all had productive weekends. I did and feel great today. I'm motivated now to get off my butt and start tracking my food and pumping up the exercise. Maybe it's the weather or something, but I'm feeling very strong.
    Have great week everybody.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,111 Member
    Heyjudev, Hope you have gotten your dog situation worked out. I can tell that you love her a lot and just want to find her a good home.
    Juliego, Glad you were feeling better and hope you were able to stay motivated this week.

    I have had a very busy and sometimes stressful week and only gotten to run 1 time and managed to play tennis one night. I do plan to run again today. My eating has not been where it should be, so I have gained a little this week. I am choosing to look at that as an opportunity to lose the same two pounds again. I've already lost nearly one of them. I know a lot of it was water, but still.....

    I didn't tell you all my great news. At least I think it is great. I had some extra time when I was in town last Saturday and decided to try on clothes, just to see what size would fit now. I fit into a size 8!!! :happy: I don't even remember the last time I wasn't in the double digits. Being a size 8 was one of my goals and I still have 5 pounds I'd like to lose. So, maybe a size 6 is doable. Wouldn't that be something?! Anyway, I was excited and wanted to share my success.

    Hope you all are doing well.
  • jonesjeannie
    Hi Pattie! mY name is Jeannie and I'm new to the MFP. I lost my husband a year and half ago to cancer. He was 39 years old and my BFF. Now I'm raising 2 teenage boys on my own and I have always struggled with my weight. I know I need to start caring for myself because I am all my boys have now. I always put me last because I did everything for my husband and boys. I'm hoping this site and groups will help me learn who the real me is. :smile:
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,111 Member
    Welcome Jeannie, I'm so sorry about your loss. There is way too much cancer out there taking our loved ones before their time. I don't know if you read my story or not, but my husband died of brain cancer in 2006. I'm sure raising 2 teenage boys by yourself is tough. I hope you have a good support system near you.

    Kudos on wanting to be healthier, for yourself and for the boys. You do have to learn how to love and take care of yourself too. I hope we can help you discover how to do this. Getting on MFP is a great first step toward a healthier you. You just have to take it one step at a time and not worry about it when you go backwards a step or two. Look forward and start again. Eventually, you'll find that you have taken many more steps forward than you have backward.

    Good luck and keep us informed of your progress and struggles.
  • JulieGo
    JulieGo Posts: 45 Member
    Hi all,

    Welcome Jeannie. I'm very sorry to hear about your loss. I lost my husband a little over 7 months ago and my pain is still pretty new. This group helps.
    And Quilter? Size 8? I'm not sure what that means!!! Single digits?
    I just moved from a size 18 into a size 16 so ... there's that! I'm not dropping any weight right now, but I'm walking 4 days a week and doing my crunches and leg kicks and weight work on those days. So I feel amazing. At least I'm not gaining.
    I'm going through a very busy time at work right now so I'm lucky if I eat a healthy meal at all. Worked about 11 hours yesterday but still came home and grilled a chicken breast, made a quick salad and heated up some quinoa. So, a healthy meal (and a glass of good red wine ... I deserved it!)
    I'll touch base again when I can stay longer. Just wanted to say hello and now I have to get back to work.
  • beckster2223
    beckster2223 Posts: 19 Member
    Welcome Jeannie, I am very sorry for your loss. Our stories are very similar. I lost my husband (he was 40) last September. I have two boys (10 & 5). Please feel free to add me as a friend and/or message me anytime.

    All other Ladies - hope you all are doing well. It has been crazy getting to the end of the school year with all the extra fun things at school. I have been a little depressed lately and need to make myself get back to my journal. Of course that makes me actually deal with life by writing it down so if I avoid it, it isn't really happening, right????
  • jonesjeannie
    Thanks everyone for the great welcome. I'm so sorry for everyone loss. I'm still trying to figure this all out. Bill only fought for four months before he passed and lost 100 lbs. It took them 3 weeks to figure out where it originated from. All they could tell us he had some type of stage 4 cancer.

    My boys were 13 & 16 when Bill passed. I'm trying to get Corey ready for prom on Friday & graduation. He made the comment he wished my brother-in-law could be back to help him get ready for prom. I didn't know what to say. :cry:

    My youngest Travis is struggling in school this year and he always had good grades.

    As for me, after a 1 1/2 I started sleeping in my bed. I slept in Bill's recliner. I started line dancing and actually met some widows. They are great people!.

    Beckster . . . my heart aches for your boys. Don't let that depression get you. Focus on getting through the day or even a minute and you will do it.

    JulieGo . . . I would love to see an 8 again! I know what you mean about eating a healthy meal. My boys are like mom can we have something good tonight. Meaning healthy. I need to start planning my meal out or something. This is crazy.

    Quilteryoyo . . . I'm sorry. I didn't get to read all the post. I'm sorry about your husband. Cancer just SUCKS.