

  • I have to agree with the exercise...You know we all face depression in crazy levels and cycles...When I am feeling punky..I either wallow in it and eat...or I chose to go to some extreme cardio work out... I am not coordinated for many reasons...the Zumba makes me concentrate on the steps...and sweat!! The extreme…
  • Struggling with sore knees and a frozen ankle (stiffins up like it needs to pop and hurts like the ****ens)...could you give me an idea of how to do squats without killing my knee! Zumba 4-5 days a week..is my main cardio and squats are becoming a routine with most instructors! This knee is keeping me out of boot camp!
  • This is off the wall, but..Hulda Clark has a gallbladder cleanse (google it). I wish I had done this before I had my gallbladder removed! In the last few years I have done the cleanse 4 or 5 times. It is awful but it is better than surgery...cleans the liver where the stones occur....I would research the cleanse to see if…
  • I was thinking the same thing...you have done enough today... Drink some water....take a advil or something for the soreness and go to bed! Make sure you you eat your calorie allotment. Your body needs the food to heal the muscles you used! You will feel better in the morning...and can start all over again!!
    in help? Comment by oldsalty1 August 2012
  • Amazing progress...give us the details...what worked... what didn't work...Looks like you have it figured out!!
  • This is a journey....what ever will work for you... I had to up my calories to be able to work out...lack of energy and not eating enough set me up for binges..2 weeks of upped calories and cutting back on my exercise to 1 hour a day....I lost 5 lbs...No binges... Get your food clean and keep up with your added movement…
  • I know the feeling oh to well...it still bothers me sometimes...but my best solution was to eat more breakfast and lunch calories and a late snack around 4 pm has done the trick...Healthy snacks with protein really do the trick...
  • You guys kill me!! Take a step back and lets worry about the things that matter...mmmmk! Raised four....rambunctious kids.... Used one of the wrist velcro bands one time...It was worse than trying to keep them herded in the same direction...Tripped some poor guy when one of them stepped in front of him...That was a long…
  • I work out in the evenings....and I take a baby asprin before I go to bed...helps me out of bed in the morning..Lots of water after I work out too...helps to flush out the toxins created from the workout...
  • Thank you for that info...will pass that along to my daughter....
  • My daughter is vegan...5'2" and eats all the time..she uses kale, nuts etc for her protein. I don't think you are eating enough. What is your BMR and TDEE..(if you do not know just google them and the calculators will show up). Many other folks here on MFP are much more experienced and knowledgeable on this subject...Do…
  • Publix Veggie Chips 130 cal, (1 oz or about 22 chips) Fresh Salsa 30 cal 1 Tablespoon No Fat Greek Yogurt 30 cal (greek yogurt mixed into the salsa is just like sour cream) Protien Shake Whey Smoothie Protien Powder 170 cal Blueberries 1/4 cup Water&Ice.. Emerald Dark Chocolate Almonds (1 oz about 28) 150 cal (YUM) High…
  • Stay calm and dial 911 and then your neighbor..tell them heart attack Do not lay down......These are classic signs of a heart attack...please do this now do not wait... If it is not a heart attack the EMS will tell you so...something is not right...
  • Today...there was not one ounce of passive available....That other person I do not know...took care of the problem... All is well.....i might use this person more often....seemed to work out very well...
  • Teens...well as I said to each his on.....but most of the BC is sugar coated...and they really do not hear what is said with out graphic...explanations...Ask your kids...they will tell you they are not adults yet....and speaking to them as if they are..well guess it works for some kids...Penis Vagina...fine they know good…
  • Just logical parenting...I guess it is hard to conceive of telling the honest to goodness truth...but if you think about it...every time there is ummm clean things going in to something ummmm unclean...or the reverse...unclean going into something clean.... boom...ozzey...goey...green...catfood...stinking... God I had a…
  • Don't believe in chemical BC..mostly because of the drugs effect on the body....It is scary...especially for the young and mid teens...check your local hospital and see how many girls are admitted with strokes and blood clots.... Didn't threaten my kids...and to this day,...the single ones get told to keep it zipped...the…
  • "Do what you want!!!"...my special line for folks that tick me off... Or the ignore button...(If I speak what is on my mind...it will not be pretty) Usually I am a passive person...if my emotions get involved....someone I don't know rises to the occasion!! lol
  • Depends...I tend to believe...it is a result of PEE...(that also needs DEPENDS)...Depends on your age and number of children...for the ladies..
  • Soo...how many of you did the BUTT FLEXES...after reading this...LOL...
  • I just finished day one of Level 1... Had a good sweat and veins poking out on my arms..I think I can go the whole 30 days... My exercise usually consists of Zumba 3-4 days a week and Extreme Cardio 2 days a week...Can't give up my Zumba so i will replace the Extreme Cardio with the Shred... Really surprised how quickly I…
  • Being cheap.. I buy what is on sale...My favorite is Fave... Always plain...fat free...will give the full fat at try...may help to curb my hunger a little... My favorite it a couple tablespoons yogurt with fresh chunky salsa...tastes just like sour cream...love it..
  • Thank you guys...I finally gave it a 800 cals...Whole Foods calorie count on their deli Pot Pie...
  • That was my plan..just trying to be accurate with the numbers.....
  • Ok...so Zumba was amazing...new song tonight had 94 jumping jacks...glad to know about the zumba calculator...725 tonight... Hard to know if it is right so I only put in 45 mins...600 calories feels like a safe number...
  • Thanks for the link...well it says 683 in 60 mins...which rocks... I do the live classes...so much fun...time flys... She is a mover and a shakers...arms going all the time...3 lb weights for 3, 4 min songs. The way she explains her methods is...every body part should be fatigued by the time we are done... She is…
  • So...I was thinking this...just didn't say it...LOL.. How to Prevent Moldy Berries whewwww not what i thought i was gonna suggest washing your got dern underwear
  • Yep...I pee in the shower too...doesn't everyone...
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