

  • I've always been a "runner wannabe" but could never do more than maybe 1.5 miles without feeling like I was going to die. So, I signed up for a 1/2 might not have been too bright but it seems to be working! hal higdon has a really cool website about running & the basics of it. I am not up to 3 miles…
  • heck yeah! i have the xd 45 :) but not what i carry if i run
  • My husband says if I don't take our Doberman (Moose) I have to wear a bellyband, with a concealed carry permit. Also they make really small pepper spray that will clip on your shorts so you can still be hands free.
  • I put fat free italian dressing in my baked potatoes.....a little strange at first, but I love it!
  • I postponed my cigarettes. If I wanted it as I was leaving for the store I'd say..."I'm going to wait until I get there to have one." Then if I still wanted it when I got there I'd say "I'm going to wait until after I'm done shopping." Then it was "I'm going to wait until I get home." Eventually I'd forget that I wanted…
  • i always try to eat something about 30 minutes before I matter when I exercise. It gives me the energy and my workouts seem to be more effective.
  • I only have experience with the one around my waist & I love it! I was surprised when it didn't get in the way or bother me. It fits right under the elastic on my sportsbra. The brand I have is Polar...tried a cheaper one first & it really didn't work so good. I think I got mine at Walmart and paid about $50 for it. Good…
  • I just turned 30 this year and was tired of being insecure and uncomfortable with myself...especially my dancing and coordination. The gym I belong to offers lots of dance classes & I made the decision to learn to dance no matter what. Out of all the classes Zumba was the most fun. My only advice is to stick with it. It…