

  • This wins. The mental image is amazing!
  • WOW, this is really impressive!!! You look absolutely gorgeous in that dress and so much more vibrant! Well done on all your hard work! :D
  • I'm 5'2" ish/and a half and my goal weight is 125 lbs. Well, my first goal weight is under 140 lbs, because that's when I wouldn't be overweight anymore according to BMI measurements. I was 115-120 lbs. in high school and doubt I could achieve that again, so 125 seems perfectly reasonable, but y'know, at this point,…
  • These ARE good lists! I just joined this site yesterday from the Swapbot posting about it. I want to: - Try clothes on in the fitting room without shutting my eyes while I'm undressed. - BUY clothes without agonizing over how terrible it's going to look over my fat rolls. - Turn heads. - Not feel like if someone doesn't…