

  • Wow you are SUCH an amazing inspiration!!! I really wasn't sure that it was possible without the weight loss surgeries to lose that amount of weight but people here keep showing me it really is! I'm so encouraged by people here, just like me, who are doing it!! I have about 150 lbs. to lose and have lost 17 so far. It's a…
  • I'm almost 40? I have about 150 lbs. to lose and I'm just getting going. I have lost a bit so far but not quitting til I get there. I log in everyday and love to have new friends who are serious about being here and making their lives better and healthier! Feel free to add me if that's you! Love and light, Katy
  • I have a tendancy to do that too when stressed out or upset and it sets me up for a nasty binge later. Sometimes I'm busy and forget too until like 5pm... not good. I've actually not had that prob since getting the MFP app for my phone because it reminds me I havent logged my meal which also reminds me to eat it. lol I…
  • Awesome post!! Thank you!! :-)
  • I was here and lost some and left and then life happened. Stress etc and gained it all back and then some! I'm an emotional eater too. Welcome to the best weight loss sight! I wish you all success! I'm older than you but always welcome new MFP friends! I turn the big 40 next march and refuse to do it fat!! I have about…
  • Wow I just had this experience too! I'm so glad to see people post about this on here who aren't actually just 10lbs. over and saying omg I got so fat. I'm 5'7" and been everywhere from 150lbs. healthy to 120, 110, lowest at 79lbs. and up to 200s and currently at 315. Every time I get going eating healthy and "normally" My…
  • Agreed! The smoothie I make is spinach, dark leafy greens, a few pieces of kale, strawberries, bluberries, banana, and plain greek yogurt. I add a little stevia if it's not sweet enough and about one cup of water. Blend it up and away ya go! Good meal replacement. I have it for breakfast often.:-)
  • Wow!!!! WTG! Thanks for sharing your transformation with us all! You are such an inspiration and reminder that I want to take pictures on the way down too. All those people who made fun of you have nothing to say now! Good for you buddy!! You're a very handsome young man too btw! :-) Before AND after! I hope you do…
  • Hey have you tried the new frozen GREEK yogurt?? It has the creaminess of ice cream but still relatively low in cals and fat and plus it's got a lot more protein. :) My new fave is Black Cherry! I'm an ice cream gal too but I'm so converted now! I used to find normal frozen yogurt had a funny taste but this stuff doesn't…
  • Wow my email just exploded with friends requests and you are all so amazing and so supportive!! Thanks for replying to my post and I really hope all of you friended me as I'm happy to have you all on my journey and happy to be on yours too! I lost track of who sent requests and who didn't....lol With this kind of support I…
  • I'm amazed at all the people on here losing larger amounts of weight and you are all inspirations to me to get going! Thanks for all the friend requests too! I'll take all the friends I can get on this for sure! I'll also be a friend to anyone who needs someone who cares and will encourage them on this path. I have about…
  • Yay thanks people! 100lbs. seems so insurmountable so it's awesome to see two people right off who have done it! Thanks for being such an inspiration!
  • I know the feeling about staying on track too! Making the time to enter meals and exercise is tough for me too! I'm a full time student and on the go ALL the time! lol I finally got this app on my phone though with the scanable barcode thing so I'm hoping that will help me keep on track while busy. I have about 150lbs. to…