

  • Yeah i'm just going to focus on calories. I'm having a hard enough time as it is eating 2000 a day. I dont have high blood pressure or any problems sugar causes. 95% of my sugars are natural with the only bad thing i take in is about 1/2 tbsp of chocolate to make chocolate milk because i cant stand plain milk. I need to…
  • Thats what I was doing. Took me a long time to drop 30 pounds and i am still 25 pounds overweight but i'm stuck dead in my tracks at 175. I cant seem to drop passed that number no matter what. I went on vacation in october and stopped the diets/workout until January. I gained 7 pounds during that time and once i started up…
  • Read over this and figured out my numbers and according to that i should be eating about 2100 calories a day to lose weight. Thats a lot of food and its so hard for me to understand how eating that much will help, but i'm gonna try it. I figure the way i have been doing it stopped working a while ago so i'm gonna give it a…
  • You know whats really killing me are the expectations I have of losing weight when i was 30. I think i dropped about 50 pounds in 3 months and i didnt pay attention to calories/carbs/etc. I just ate healthy and worked out. I think i'm a victim of overthinking and unrealistic expectations. Also I cant get it in my head that…
  • I've thought about maybe a thyroid problem since my mother and sister suffer from it but i dont have any symptoms. I lost the first 30 pounds relatively easy but 175 is a brick wall for some reason. I've lost weight like this before and it was always around the 160 mark that I plateau at. To get from 160 to 150 i knew was…
  • I was going to weigh myself at 10 days using the product but I got curious. After 8 days, I lost a whopping 1 pound, which i'm pretty sure had nothing to do with the product. All in all, they were pretty worthless to me. Other than a couple of times, I never felt like my appetite was suppressed and it obviously didnt help…
  • ^^ Yeah i dont know if they are working weight loss wise, but some days i do notice the lack of appetite. Last night for example, I ate my mid day snack (pb and jelly sandwich) around 4 and didnt have a desire to eat the rest of the day. I still ate, but only because I needed calories. I've been really consistent with…
  • Depends on your body type. If you are naturally thin, you should be okay. I'm the same height and my ideal weight is 150. My ideal waist size is a 31-32.
  • I just started taking this a few days ago. No side effects so far. The bottle I have would give me a 10 day supply. I started my workout/diet 10 days prior to buying it coincidentally. After 10 days of working out/diet without pills I lost 6 pounds. I will report back next week with how much I lost in 10 days with the…
  • I'm really trying to avoid going to a gym so I was pretty desperate. I dont have a lot of room at home for weights and equipment. I have my curl bar, weights, and stationary bike and they have all worked in the past. Yesterday I did weight training with only 8-10 seconds of rest between reps and mixing in some kickboxing…
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