

  • I LOVE my Fitbit. In the few days I have had it, I find I have been motivated to move more and have lost 3 pounds in 4 days. I have lost 84 pounds altogether and found I was stalled and playing with the same few pounds for the last 2 months. This little gem is motivating me to move more and the rewards have been great! I…
  • You should touch base with your doctor about this.
  • I agree with the "eat until your full" statement. While I keep track of my calories and exercise, neither rule what I do for the day. I go by how I feel and how hungry I am and eat/exercise accordingly.
  • I have lost a total of 80 pounds BEFORE I joined. You are right, only 8 pounds since I joined. I ride my bike 5-8 miles per day and garden and do yard work a lot! I do watch portion sizes and am going to start yoga and kettlebell exercises for strengthening. It just gets so discouraging that if I miss even one day of…
  • I don't eat them back just because I have them. If I am hungry for a snack at the end of my day I use the calories I have earned by exercising. Rarely do I use them all, though. I have lost 80# and am close to my goal weight. Let your body tell you if you are hungry and you won't go wrong!
  • Feel free to add me. I lost 70# before joining MyFittnessPal and 10# since. Encouragement and tips from others surely helps me to stay on track. Good luck!!