

  • Congrats Jonathan you looked great before, your weight loss just compliments you even more, keep it up!
  • I lost 40lbs in 4 months and then I hit a plateau
    in plateau Comment by kissableki July 2012
  • I tried OEP and followed the instructions to the T, It did suppress my appetite and I had a lot of energy however when it was time for me to go to bed I had trouble sleeping because the caffeine was too much for me so I stuck to one pill a day. I noticed when I ate sweets I felt nauseous so It made me not crave or eat…
  • That's wonderful congrats!
  • I lost my first child at 35 weeks and 4 days so I understand how anyone who has miscarried feels, after my lost things became quite overwhelming and I wanted to give up but I knew my son wouldn't want that for me so I slowly began to lose weight without trying and I was down to a size 16 from a 20 which took two years. I…
  • I totally can understand you frustration I feel like that quite often but the thing that keeps me going is I know that this is a lifestyle so you can't give up. Just take baby steps and play around with your exercise regimen and also drink more water, i'm sure you'll see results soon ;)