

  • At 5'5 and 110lbs you would have a BMI of 18.3%, which is technically underweight. Personally, I find that tracking your body fat percentage is more helpful than just focusing on pounds lost. Google "5lbs of fat vs 5lbs of muscle" and you'll see why. :)
  • Your best bet is to stick with a professional. Shop around and ask friends/co-workers/strangers for recommendations until you find someone who's budget friendly. I had to get a wisdom tooth surgically removed and after a lot of calls finally found someone to do it for $400 instead of the $1,200 and up everyone else quoted…
  • I have the same problem... its so easy for me to tell myself I deserve a glass (or three) of wine or sweet treat after a long day! For me, the best alternative is a bit of hatha yoga. Lots of videos for download or on youtube.
  • What's your name? Opal Where do you live? Georgia What are your food vices/ cheats? Mmmm... Reese's. :) My biggest health vice that I skip several meals and snack on sweets throughout the day. Even though my caloric intake is low I'm pretty much surviving on junk food. What do you think is holding you back from being in…
  • Once they're done cooking transfer the eggs to a bowl of ice water. Works like a charm. :)