I eat them very occasionally. I think they are a great source of energy for me, mostly before a race. All of the ones I have tried, I have liked.
Thanks, you as well!
I started off counting calories and running. I did boot camp once a week for strength training and was dong videos at home when I could. I plateaued over the holidays but maintained, so I was happy. I think the biggest advice (which I still try to convince myself) is to not get discouraged if things don't happen as quickly…
Thank you :)
You too! Love you!
You were right, thank you for the suggestion!
yay, got the links to work!
Anyone that can help with pics?
Great advice, thanks!! It is funny how my first run...36mins seemed awesome, then you realize it really wasnt! Although I finished so thats good I imagine. But now I am on to improving...getting stronger and faster :)
thank you!
I never noticed that! Thanks!
love it!
I will check it out. Thanks for referring me to the blog :)
Oh and also for a cheat you go all out or still monitor what you are eating?
very good point!
great topic! huge help, thanks!
I just see what she gets to eat doing low carb and it looks yummier than what I get to eat, lol!
thats great advice!
I know exactly what you mean. When I have worked all day I feel like I need to get home to my family, not go to the gym for another hour. Its a struggle for me too.
Thanks for all of the replies :)
I have a friend that swears by it. I wanted to get into it, but then I got concerned about the sugar intake with the fruits you are putting in it. I am interested to hear others thoughts on this as well.
I think its okay, I have been allowing myself one sweet thing a day and honestly I dont even crave the junk as much anymore. I think the most important thing is portion control. Have a cookie, just dont eat 5 of them. Have a swiss roll, but just eat one instead of the two that normally come in a package. I read something…
exactly, lol!
also would like something I can pick up as opposed to ordering online, thanks!
jjmk54--GREAT hair!!
Fiber is your friend :)