leeneme Member


  • :wink: Im ready......
  • Looks like I joined just in time. This motivation is greatly appreciated and needed. I have hit annother plataeu and I am started to head in the back in the wrong direction. Thank you.
  • I am in the same boat. I have finally got my meds "right" since my thyroidectomy and have found that I can loose weight but find it much more difficult now, but it is possible if you are serious and positive. This site has helped me a lot. I can access it from work, my phone and home so there is never any problem keeping…
    in hypothyroid Comment by leeneme May 2012
  • Hello there. I am new to this site and am trying a different approach to losing weight. I need all the motivation I can get and fell more responsible when I have people who are routing for me. Feel free to add me and I will cheer you on!!