

  • My BMR is 1400 and I exercise 5-6 days a week for an hour of cardio or weight. I've always eaten 1400-1600 but feel like I should be seeing more results so I'm bumping it up to 1750 and see how that goes. I'm 20 years old, 5'2", and 128 pounds. Let me know if this is too many calories or what you think!! I love food :D
  • Well you can do it!!! I'm trying to lose weight and build muscle...I just want to be toned! The scale doesn't matter as much to me I'm just sick of seeing flab!
  • Yeah I feel more educated too! I just think it's strange that if I'm not losing that much fat that UPPING my calories would help?? It just seems illogical to me haha but I've been looking at my macros and need to cut carbs but it's SO hard for me! I try to only have bread with one meal but I usually eat oats for breakfast…
  • I have read the first and just read the second! The number on the scale isn't that big of a deal for me looking tone is what I want! :) I just feel like I still have excess fat on me that won't go away. When I calculate everything it says around 1750 calories but if I've been eating 1600 and only seeing a little difference…
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