

  • There is an iPhone version in the works actually. It's been delayed, due to life things :) but it's definitely coming.
  • In most WODs, you'll see 24/20 for the box heights, 24" for men, 20" for women. That's typical. Some of my box's WODs have been incorporating taller boxes, 30/24.
  • o_O whoa. anything over 5 rounds makes me whine inside...(like the stuff between the mile runs in the Murph). Good job getting over your fear though. Prior to that, would you do the box step-ups instead? I saw you said you jumped on a mat, just wondering about the step ups. My wife is afraid of the box too. She and I both…
  • Same thing for me. I do Crossfit whenever I can. I get up at 5, workout for an hour there, home by 7:10. Take a cold shower and I just stand under the water for a while. I get out, towel off and......bam, sweating again. I eventually cool off by around 8:30, as I'm walking through the door at work. I hate the feeling. Glad…
  • That just made me cringe. That must've been HORRIBLE!