runforsummer Member


  • That definitely seems reasonable. You're doing a lot of riding, so keep fueling!
  • I did my first century last year with my dad. Basically I did a few 50 mile rides, some 20-40 mile rides, and one 65 miler. I'd recommend doing at least 70 because the century was tough for me. But it also may have been because my normal pace was around 13mph and the century went out so fast and my dad was like "let's try…
  • I based my average calorie burn per mile based off my dad's (just scaled it to my weight). I've heard the calorie burn is fairly close no matter what your speed is.
  • I'm doing it! So excited!
  • Trail mix (of any variety). How and why would I eat only 1/4 cup? Not happening. Also, PASTA! Really, 2 oz. is a serving? It takes much more (even though I eat whole wheat) than that to fill me up.
  • I love eating mostly clean foods simply because they make me feel so good and full of energy! However, I find when I don't let myself eat what I'm craving (homemade cookies, or other desserts, or whatever), just end up eating tons of healthy foods that should be eaten in moderation such as raisins (I know, it's weird),…
  • I ride my bike to and on the Farmington Canal Trail usually from Simsbury/Granby to the end in Mass or to the end in Farmington then take the connector trail through Burlington area. I also discovered the 4-5 mile Windsor Locks trail. It's really cool because the CT river is on one side of you and the locks/canal on the…