

  • I like the ideas from MissMandy and Jenocelot - I'll try those! Thanks so much!
  • For those who don't like sweet stuff for breakfast, baby spinach and shredded cheddar in the oatmeal....cook the oats as directed, toss the spinach in the bowl, cover with the oatmeal, sprinkle some 2% shredded cheddar on it and micro until the cheese melts - good!!
  • This may sound a bit strange, but it is really good. I never really liked oatmeal, especially the pre-pouched flavored stuff, and I don't like anything sweet for breakfast. Plain oatmeal was not interesting at all. Then I discovered that I really like oatmeal with spinach and a bit of shredded cheddar cheese. I use the…
  • I'm glad I stumbled upon this thread. I too have an issue relating to wine. Somehow it went from a social special occasion thing to an almost every day craving. It has to be affecting my health and damaging my weight control progress. All those extra calories and losing track of time and the foods I'm putting in my mouth…
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