My oatmeal needs help



  • Craig772
    Craig772 Posts: 100 Member
    Every morning I have porridge with 25g of raisins or a chopped bannana's which is good. It helps to get your 1 a day of fruit in nice and early. If it's cold then a sprinkling of cinnamon makes it seem more winter warming. Not sure why. I've also stirred in protein powder but I found it made it more bland and preferred to take the protein seperately.

    I've also experimented with homemade flapjacks and did a high calorie fully loaded version with sunflower, sesame and various other seeds which I used on long bike rides as they were high calorie.
  • I like the ideas from MissMandy and Jenocelot - I'll try those! Thanks so much!
  • Thanks for all the great ideas everyone! Looking forward to trying some of these out...think I'll start with the cinnamon and apples, since I have those on hand :)

  • wiggleroom
    wiggleroom Posts: 322 Member
    Okay, I tried something new this morning and had to share!

    I mixed in a packet of Swiss Miss diet hot cocoa - it's just 25 calories! I normally try to avoid artificial sweeteners, but for an occasional treat, it was really yummy. I was wishing I had some banana to add -- maybe just 1/3, sliced thin.
  • ShellyKay67
    ShellyKay67 Posts: 489 Member
    i sprinkle cinnamon on it, add raisins and 1 T of honey! Have it almost every morning!! delicious!!!!!!
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