thank you
I used to log 30ds under general circuit training, but once I started using a heart rate moniter I found MFP cals come in alot higher for it... so please be careful :) Hope this helps :)
Thoughtful :)
Wow what a story !! You have come so far with your journey hun despite your weight gain... your determination inspires me to carry on with my journey :) Keep going girl you can do it !!!! Feel free to add me anytime :)
Figure :)
Just for fun Hi :)
I try to exercise 5 days a week occasionally 6.... you need at least 1 rest day for your body to recover and repair thats what I was told anyway :)
Nottingham lass here :) always looking for new motivational friends
Hi Im starting chapter 2 of my weight loss journey feel free to add me :)
You have done so well hun, you look amazing.... dont put yourself down like that.. Look at those photos everyday and remind yourself how far you have come !!! Well done you :)
Well what can I say other than WOW you look fabulous girl !!!! Well done you :)
I very rarely do any other exercise other than walking due to health issues... but it does work I have now lost over 3st, it may take slightly longer than if you were hitting the gym instead but it works :) and if you enjoy it then go for it. Jogging can be harsh on your joints if you are overweight and if you are not…
My breakfast is normally around the 200-220cals mark as I like to save my calories for later in the day when Im more awake :)
- You can buy it here :)
Delicious days !! Love it !!! At the end of the day we are all going to have bad days due to one thing or another, the trick is how you deal with them, do you go and sit in a corner and sulk or do you get straight back onto it and fight ?? Love life and enjoy those bad sorry delicious days when you have them
I always have rice cakes on standby, low calorie and a nice crunch
Same here lol
At my lil sisters 18th taken in a club with a mobile phone and I think its the best picture I have of me :)
Hi there, I only joined 3 weeks ago so I'm still a newbie myself.... The help and support I've had so far has been amazing so dont be scared, we are all here to support each other in this venture... Please feel free to add me at any time :) Susan aka the mad redhead :D
I'm so glad I'm not the only one that has had this thought !!!!!! I joined about 3 weeks ago after doing Slimming World for several months and not really getting anywhere even though I was following the "diet" down to the last detail... 3 weeks in and discovering that foods that were "good" on my previous diet are not good…
Hi all, I was diagnosed with depression at 12yrs old after my grandpa passed away, after a couple of half arsed suicide attempts in my teens I got my life on track and manage my depression on a day to day basis rather than a life basis as it seems to be the only way I can manage it.... I have a child with ADHD and he is…
Finding things alot easier this week guys thanks for all your great advice, I have put some of it into action already xxx and I have decided to not focus soo much on the scales, so only going to weigh once a month.... I have started to notice a differance with my clothes so something must be happening :) Thanx again xxx
Wow such fab advice already from you guys thank you so much :) Its nice to know that their are such kind people out there willing to share ideas etc Feel free to add me and thanks again all xx
Thank you, I have thought about shakes but I need to find one that is dairy free as im intolerent to milk, but who knows there may be one out there that I havent found yet xx
Thank you for that info will definatly be looking that book up :) my hormones do play a big part in my weight at times so any help I can get there would be a bonus