JKew Member


  • The calculator is only a rough guide on where to start don't take it as gospel! I'd just use it as a starting point, and adjust based on how your weight responds
  • I agree with all of what you've said. The only thing that I would add is that it is important to realise than maintenance calories is a moving target. So while my maintenance was 1550 back at the beginning of November as I was not losing weight at this intake, my maintenance is now 2450, and my weight is holding constant.…
  • Either way can work. Instead of doing a Heavy Upper, Heavy Lower, Ligher Upper, Lighter Lower split, I've spread my heavy lifting over the 4 days (using Wendler's 5-3-1 program as a template) and thats worked well for me.
  • I've just left Durham Uni, but still think of myself as a student! Now studying Sport and Exercise Nutrition part time!