

  • ClintsWifey...I agree with you to an extent, but you may be stating it all a little too harshly. I think Russell also has somewhat of a point as our society as a whole has in a lot of ways has helped transform us to be the kind of people who are obese by design. All of the societal pressures, hobbies, jobs, popular…
  • :happy: :smile: Thanks for the support everyone!! Good luck to all of you as well!!!
    in Hey y'all Comment by kbabe0017 June 2009
  • :smile: Yeah I mean to be honest, I have only played around with the wii fit when I visit my brothers at home because they have it, but I never really felt like I was getting much of a work out. It was definitely fun to play though. But with the wii active, you do a lot of lunges, shoulder presses, squats, squat jumps,…
  • Have any of you guys tried the wii ea active?? It's a lot like the wii fit but like 10 times better IMO. It even comes with a resistance band, which was kinda weak, but I bought some stronger ones and it defintely kicks my *kitten*. And its compatible with the wii balance board too!