

  • Hi, I think everyone who is actually listening to the experts and consuming at least 8 glasses of water a day has this problem. But like the others have suggested, once you are drinking a lot of water instead of coffees, sodas, etc., (which can actually dehydrate you), your body will adjust itself. I have to be careful…
  • Hi, I, too, have an addiction to sodas-Pepsi! My family used to tease me that Pepsi was flowing through my veins! Now, I am diabetic and had a very hard time giving up the Pepsi. I have to have really really cold drinks or I just won't drink anything at all. I started drinking Koolaid with Splenda. Even my little…
  • Hi, Karen- That sounds like something I can do! I will try it and see how it goes. Looking hopeful-Thanks! Kim
  • You Go Girl! Glad to see you're making an appointment with a doctor soon. Get it taken care of so you can LIVE your life!
  • Hi, and thank-you to those offering suggestions. I have done everything you have mentioned, with doctor's orders, over the past 10 years. My left arm and left leg are in good shape but the right side arm and leg aren't, so I want to see if there are other things I can do to try and even it out. Plus, I have to be mindful…
  • Hi, Brenda- GO SEE A DOCTOR!!!! By allowing your pain to continue for so long, you may very well have worsened what may have been a slight injury to begin with. Hopefully, there isn't permanent muscle, tendon, or nerve damage already by repeated use of your legs. Pain is a signal that something is wrong. The old adage, NO…
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