

  • I'm so sorry to hear that. How are you coping with everything at this time? I'm an emotional eater myself but I'm trying to turn to working out as my stress reliever. Have you tried that?
  • I own turbofire but right now I've been doing Wii Excerbeat with my FI. I really love working out with him and knowing that we are both getting in shape together.
  • I just wanted to update everyone. My wedding is now on 5/27/13 so I have less time then I originally thought. I'm 1/6th of the way to my goal. Yay! But I have a long way to go so let's kick this up a notch bees and let's push each other to reach our goals!
  • I'm trying to get back to my old normal size of 4/6 as well. My wedding is on 5/27/13 and I at least want to be within a normal BMI range. When I started my weight loss journey my BMI was in the obese range but now is down to overweight. I'm thrilled because at least that is something. I've been on a ton of "happy weight"…
  • Keep in mind that 80% of reaching your goal is what you eat. You really have the exercise down so you're half way there to putting together the perfect plan. On vertically challenaged women (LOL, sorry I'm 5'8'') it only takes 10lbs to reach the next size "typically". So you can do it in 10 wks by losing a pound a week.…
  • You look great! Good job on your weight loss.
  • My goal is to lose 60lbs before my May 27th, 2013 wedding day. I'm 1/6th of the way there now so I'm really excited and motivated to get going at this point. I'm not starting my wedding dress shopping until next year in Jan. or Feb. so I'm hoping to lose most of the weight this summer and fall. My engagement photos will…
  • Hey Bees, I'm aiming to lose 60lbs before the wedding with a wedding in June of 2013. I plan to wait to buy the dress until Feb of 2013 so I have some time to get the weight off. My FI is smaller than me and I want us to be on equal footing at the wedding. Also I'm a nursing student who wants to model a healthy living…
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