eclong Member


  • It gets SO much easier. I started waking up at 5:45 to work out a week and a half ago and now I don't even need an alarm. Just be consistent!
  • Thank you so much!
  • Thanks guys! I usually go on an empty stomach in the morning but sometimes get tired, I'll probably start having a banana or black coffee before hand. Afternoons are no big deal for me, it's just the morning fasted cardio that gets me sometime. Thanks for all your advice :)
    in Pre-Workouts Comment by eclong June 2013
  • I have Crohn's Disease and was put on a low fiber diet to help manage the pain. It is EXTREMELY difficult to find foods to eat. While I was on it I just uppped my protein a lot (lots of boiled eggs, fish, and chicken) and ate a lot of bland foods. Mine was only for a few weeks but it did help with my stomach issues while…
  • I would love more friends for motivation, feel free to add me! Good luck everyone!!