

  • When Chuck Norris jumps in a lake he doesn't get wet, the water gets Chuck Norris'ed!
  • My best friend's getting married in August. Hoping to lose 10 more pounds by then or at least tone up the stomach area and hips.
    in WEDDINGS! Comment by Tiarek June 2012
  • I'm taking my best friend the night before her stagette. Seems like a good warm up to the weekend to me. :tongue:
    in Magic Mike Comment by Tiarek June 2012
  • I've always told myself that as long as my boobs stick out farther than my gut I'm not fat. Well, I've got a 34 H and that just isn't the case. I'm fat well before the gut reaches the chest. Ha ha. I've thought about reduction surgery to help ease the back pain but I feel I'd be lost without them. They're a part of me.…