yomommaz Member


  • I lost about 13 lbs in January and I'd love to lose 8-10 in February. However, I've started NROLW and so I imagine I'm going to see more reductions in inches than on the scale. Losing 8 would get me out of the 190s and farther away from the dreaded, evil 200s. Soooooooo, if one or more of the following happened by the end…
  • While I am looking forward to a productive Feb and have joined the group, I just started NROLW and thus not sure how much the scale will move. However, I know my general awesomeness will increase. Will that be tracked on the spreadsheet?
  • AL.CO.HOL. Sweet, delicious beer, how I miss thee.
  • THANK YOU! I've been struggling with how to balance growing my LBM while dropping the fat. Not surprisingly, I started out trying to eat under my calorie allotment every day. However, after reading Venuto's blog posts on his site, I've upped my calorie intake and have been seeing the scale move in the right direction.…