How much do you want to lose?



  • I am just starting and want to lose 10 to 12 lbs.
  • Melimoo2012
    Melimoo2012 Posts: 24 Member
    January was a complete wash out for me as hard as i have exercised and tried to keep calories down its not worked due to my pill in 5 days the ack finishes and my body should start to return to normal in the next few weeks and 8 llb loss would be very pleasing im curently 168 so to get to 160 would be an achivement

    im setting my self a goal to do 100lengths at the pool this month and keep my exerciseing up to 6 days a week i try to do atleast 4 classes plus various cardio and want to start some weight work next month when there is a little less of me
  • I am going to REALLY stretch and aim for 10kgs...which is 20lbs
    We will see how I go!!!
  • justkate2
    justkate2 Posts: 33 Member
    I am shooting for 10 pounds in February.
  • I had a consistent January - no weightloss!
    In February, my goal is still 1/2 pound per week, so that is 2 lbs. By the end of the month, I'd like to be at 157 (I'm 159.5 now)

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Mackman99
    Mackman99 Posts: 34 Member
    CW: 216.3

    Goal for February:207
  • Teshablue82
    Teshablue82 Posts: 67 Member
    I would love to lose inches so clothes fit better, and I look and feel better. Weight it just a number so I'm not stuck on that soley. But I would love to maintain a 1-2 lbs a week! I haven't laid out what my goals are for my inches to lose.

    CW: 203
    End of Feb Goal Weight: 195ish
  • My goal is to drop about 10 lbs this month, so I can see 2-oh-something on the scale. I just got out of the 220's today so that was exciting :) Ready for the next milestone, and then in March or April I hope I can see the 100s again.

    I'm going to be more careful about counting my calories, drinking more water, and no snacks after 10 pm.
    As far as workouts, I'm going to do something (cardio at the gym, swimming, wii fit, maybe attempt 30DS) 5 days a week.

    Good luck to everyone!

    SW 228.5
    CW 218.8
    GW for the end of Feb 209
    UGW 175
  • kayleen_longworth
    kayleen_longworth Posts: 147 Member
    I would love to lose between 5-10# in February. January was 7# lost, with 10# total from HW (Christmas 2011). January was a warm up month, just getting into it and seeing where I was fitness-wise. If I keep my portions under control and make it to the gym 5 days a week, life will be pretty good.

    ETA: CW 234.2# GW: 224.2# - 229.2#
  • sistrckv
    sistrckv Posts: 10 Member
    My overall goal is to lose 20 pounds, I would love to see 10 pounds off this month! :)
  • 6lbs. trying to be realistic. my main goal is to get to 3 spin classes a week.
  • ideally, I'd loose 8-9.
    BUT, I would be happy with 5-7.
  • jdeckness
    jdeckness Posts: 22 Member
    I would like to get to 240 by the end of the month which would put me at losing 5.2 pounds. I would also like to stay in my calorie range 5 days of the week and not go over on the other 2 by more then 200.
  • yomommaz
    yomommaz Posts: 4 Member
    I lost about 13 lbs in January and I'd love to lose 8-10 in February. However, I've started NROLW and so I imagine I'm going to see more reductions in inches than on the scale. Losing 8 would get me out of the 190s and farther away from the dreaded, evil 200s.

    Soooooooo, if one or more of the following happened by the end of February, that would be aces:

    * Weight loss of 7-10 lbs
    * Loss of 2+ inches on waist
    * Dropping a dress size
    * Feeling kick-butt awesome!!!

    My plan:
    * 3 days a week lifting (using NROLW)
    * 2-3 runs a week (training for a race in March)
    * One rest day
    * Tons and tons of foam rolling so I can still walk
    * Eating 70% paleo (I eat dairy and occasionally something with wheat, like a piece of toast)
    * One sweet, delicious life-affirming beer a week (I do live in the Pac NW, after all). 1-2 glasses of wine too if I feel I'm going mental.
  • mshel19
    mshel19 Posts: 28 Member
    I'm 5"4 and 166.2 I would like to get down to 125 all together but for the month of February I would like to lose 10lbs :)
  • autovatic
    autovatic Posts: 99 Member
    I'd love to lose 5lbs - but realistically, I would be pleased with any loss. I really, really just want to develop a consistent workout routine. It's rough for me,, midwinter, to find time for anything but sleep! :/
  • I have 12 - 17 lbs more to go to meet my goal... would love to lose 5 of that this month
  • SlimStacey74
    SlimStacey74 Posts: 74 Member
    I would love to lose 10 lbs this month!! :happy:
  • I would love to loose 15lbs.
  • Maybe try some sort of trail mix? You'll get good things in there like nuts and raisins but still feel like you're treating yourself a little bit with the sweeter stuff too :)