

  • It is her body and therefore her choice but that doesn't mean that she's making a wise decision. That's like saying that it's my body so self-mutilation (cutting) is okay and I don't need help. There's a deeper issue there as I don't see why anyone would chose to lose mobility and die sooner. I think, unfortunately, we…
  • Thank so much everyone! Didn't realize anyone as replying as I thought my phone would notify me...I'm way to dependent ;). I'm not sure what I'll do yet. Buying it is a bit expensive for me because shipping from amazon to Korea is pricy and I am saving every dime for a two month Asia tour in doing befor moving back to the…
  • I definitely understand. I've just finished week three and I'm regularly shocked by calorie counts (I live in Korea and they really don't believe in "fat free" or "light" products). BUT if this is something you really want then you just do it. Joining on here, having friends that know what you're doing. Having those…
  • Thanks so much everyone for your help! I think I'll try doing the "modified" push-ups and even start with the wall ones...I honestly just picked p90x because I've heard about it...and well nothing else :). But I enjoyed most of the other exercises! I'll look into the book BUT I'm not sure how I feel about going to the ONE…