nuanwc Member


  • I feel all late to the party lol. Ok: CW: 140lbs GW: 130-132lbs I hit a plateau followed by vacation for 2 weeks so it's time to get back on track! Switching up the exercise with some HIIT and eating a pescatarian-ish diet (mainly no land animals). Halloween costume ideas: Princess Jasmine as a throwback to my favorite…
  • My advice to her wasn't bad at all. I encouraged her to eat the 1500-1600 and burn to reach the 1,200 net if she so desired. That was the whole point of the 1st paragraph, to eat what it says b/c the deficit is build in and you will lose by eating rather than not. Sharing what I'm personally doing is something different…
  • Switching it up is a great place to start. My trainer says that after about a month your body becomes conditioned to your workout routine. Even if you are continuing to challenge yourself and increase resistance, speed, etc., it 's still the same movements over and over again that your body is no longer responding to.…
  • Hi! I think whenever you initially enter your info on MFP and select 2lbs a wk it will always start you off at 1,200cal. It's based on the idea that without exercise, you need to consume at least that many calories to stay in a healthy and not send your body into starvation mode yet still lose. It's important to remember…
  • I second that, it's is the best explanation I've read! I had the same questions when I started so it took me a while to get the hang of it. Soooo many people on here are not eating enough because they think they are eating back what the exercised off. What you see on your report after adding exercise is MFP's way of making…
  • I actually just had a mole completely excised which is different from having it removed. It was the same size as yours and when I went to the dermatologist for an unrelated reason she checked it out and wasn't comfortable leaving it. So she shaved it off (numbed the area with a couple of shots and literally shaved it off.…
  • The bad fats are the saturated and trans fats so like jacksonpt said, change your settings under the food tab to show them as categories on your reports. My reports show fat and saturated fat since I know almost everything I eat is trans free. Good Luck!