

  • I'm often mistaken for being Irish or Scottish, because of my accent, especially since I moved away from home. I have both in my history, but I'm Canadian, just from a small island with a culture of it's own.
  • I agree. I use a bike to get to work, and find myself being almost hit on a daily basis, including once by the police. There are very few motorists who actually pay attention to cyclists, and there are so many here.
  • I think it's sexy, but I also admire determination, perserverance and hard work in people. I know my boyfriend thinks it's sexy, but he also really likes toned women, and with one comes the other.
  • Planks, crunches (if you're really ambitous, use an exercise ball, or your feet on the couch with your legs at a 90 degree angle. It hurts like hell the first few times, but it works a lot faster), reverse crunches (also kill, but work quicks), flutter kicks, twisting crunches (dunno if this is the name for them, but legs…
  • To each their own, but I use a mountain bike to get back and forth to work, and love it. It's designed to handle bumps well, and the wider tires give you lots of traction. But as many have already said here, you need to try them out for yourself, to see what you like best.