jph1282 Member


  • I am a 3rd shift truck driver and its hard for me to do things, especialy with the family. My only true day off to spend time with my family is Sunday. The Monday mornings, I can spend a short time with my wife and son, then its right back to the 3rd shift routine. Any body else out there 3rd shift and have any ideas for…
  • I should have noted in the above post, my schedule consists of being gone from like 9pm-11am, then when I come home, I eat lunch with my wife and our son, and then its time for bed, til around 6pm-7pm, and then do it all over again. Weekends are hard too, I work Monday night into Saturday morning/afternoon, depending on…
  • I've had an good day so far. Got home from work, watched the kids so my wife could go to the women's day at the gym, took a nap, had a nice dinner with my wife, and then the family went on a short walk. It was quite nice outside this evening too. We're watching Clash of the Titans and then off to bed. Tomorrow's a new day…
  • My name is John, I'm a third shift truck driver and dont' always have the best of time to exercise, weekends are hard especially because when I get home on Saturday, its afternoon and I usually work 14-16 hours that night. Sunday and Monday mornings are really my only "free time" When I started this I need to lose 212 and…