Join me...100 pounds to lose!



  • JustKat
    JustKat Posts: 16
    My name is John, I'm a third shift truck driver and dont' always have the best of time to exercise, weekends are hard especially because when I get home on Saturday, its afternoon and I usually work 14-16 hours that night. Sunday and Monday mornings are really my only "free time"

    When I started this I need to lose 212 and I've only lost 6.

    Any other guys or even women out here, who are having issues losing the weight? Send me your ideas....thanks :)
    And I"m always looking for friends.
    Hi John, I kinda know how you feel my dad and my little brother are truckers and my older brother was a long time ago. They are all overweight and I have watched them try to lose too. They are just always so tired after being in the truck all day that they drop in bed. But things will change this is a wonderful group and I am sure you will have lots of tips to help you. When I first started i just cut down on portions and walked alot. If I can come up with some things that have helped my brothers and dad I will let you know. If you want a new buddy on here feel free to add me.
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Question for you guys? When i go walking I ususally walk 5 miles in 1 hour and 5-10 minutes. What mph do I log that as. I think i walk fast but not sure. I have been putting it as 3.5mph. But if i walk 5 in an hour should it actually go as 5mph instead?

    If you walk 5 miles in 1 hr 5 min, that's 4.6 mph, if you walk it in 5 hr 10 min that's 4.3 mph. If you use a HRM it doesn't really matter since you'd be putting those calories, bt if you're using the mfp amounts I'd probably round down to 4.5 or 4 mph so you aren't over-estimating the calories - especially if you eat your exercise calories. Hope this helps!
  • chillrose
    chillrose Posts: 290 Member
    Hey everyone! I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!:heart:

    I spent a nice day with hubby, going to flea markets, and EATING way to much, but tomorrow is a new day!!! :happy:

    Makes me thankful weigh ins are FRIDAY!!! :bigsmile:

    Tomorrow I post the new challenges for the week, so be on the lookout!! :huh:

    :heart: :heart: LOVE YOU ALL!!!
  • chillrose
    chillrose Posts: 290 Member
    Question for you guys? When i go walking I ususally walk 5 miles in 1 hour and 5-10 minutes. What mph do I log that as. I think i walk fast but not sure. I have been putting it as 3.5mph. But if i walk 5 in an hour should it actually go as 5mph instead?

    Yes, just a little under 5MPH! AND, that's really FAST!!!
  • jph1282
    jph1282 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey everyone! I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!:heart:

    I spent a nice day with hubby, going to flea markets, and EATING way to much, but tomorrow is a new day!!! :happy:

    Makes me thankful weigh ins are FRIDAY!!! :bigsmile:

    Tomorrow I post the new challenges for the week, so be on the lookout!! :huh:

    :heart: :heart: LOVE YOU ALL!!!

    I've had an good day so far. Got home from work, watched the kids so my wife could go to the women's day at the gym, took a nap, had a nice dinner with my wife, and then the family went on a short walk. It was quite nice outside this evening too. We're watching Clash of the Titans and then off to bed.

    Tomorrow's a new day like you said. Tomorrow's goal, off to the gym for me and then in the evening another good walk with the family
  • iDreamNEON
    iDreamNEON Posts: 112
    I Can't Wait Until Monday When I Can Go Grocery Shopping And Get Back To Eating How I'm Used Too. LOL Not The Old, Old Bad Way But Since Poor College Student Status Hit Hard This Month I Relied On My Meal Plan At The School And Just Made Careful Choices [And They Paid Off I Still Lost The Weight] But I've Become Completely Obsessed With Knowing Exactly What Went Into My Food And How Many Calories It Was. it Bothers Me Not Having An Exact Calorie Count Even Though I've Gotten Pretty Good At Reading When My Body Needs A Little More And When I'm Done For The Day. I've Also Become Accustomed To Cooking My Own Meals And Trying To Stay Far Away From Processed Foods. I'm Also Noticing More And More That Starchy Foods [Potatoes, White Rice, White Breads] Cause Serious Bloating To The Point Of Discomfort. These Lifestyle Changes Really Have Caused Me To Get To Know Myself A Lot Better.

    The Only Habit I Can't Seem To Kick Is My Love For Diet Pepsi And/Or Coke Zero. But Just Between Us I'm Not Really Freaking About It. [The Aspartame Police Will Probably Come For Me With Pitch Forks Now]
  • Deezle59
    Deezle59 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in. I have 140 pounds to lose.
  • LaurelHerbert
    I would like to join your group as well
  • jennlynnx0
    I would love to be apart of this group : ) i just started this about 3 days ago so i'm trying to figure everything out. I'm up for meeting new friends!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,280 Member
    Hey everyone! I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!:heart:

    I spent a nice day with hubby, going to flea markets, and EATING way to much, but tomorrow is a new day!!! :happy:

    Makes me thankful weigh ins are FRIDAY!!! :bigsmile:

    Tomorrow I post the new challenges for the week, so be on the lookout!! :huh:

    :heart: :heart: LOVE YOU ALL!!!
    That's why you had such a long leisurely walk for your exercise. Your day yesterday was similar to mine. We went to our State fair which is not that big (the western washington state fair is bigger). I saw my niece ride and then we walked around the fair. I did an OK time staying away from food temptations there but we had a family party later:ohwell: . I just squeezed under my goal thanks to the extra exercise calories but then it is hard to post every little bite (I'll have to look up pickled okra):embarassed: I would wish you happy Sunday but being on the west coast I am always behind most everyone else on here. So happy whatever!:wink:
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,280 Member
    My name is John, I'm a third shift truck driver and dont' always have the best of time to exercise, weekends are hard especially because when I get home on Saturday, its afternoon and I usually work 14-16 hours that night. Sunday and Monday mornings are really my only "free time"

    When I started this I need to lose 212 and I've only lost 6.

    Any other guys or even women out here, who are having issues losing the weight? Send me your ideas....thanks :)
    And I"m always looking for friends.
    I haven't been a truck driver but I kind of felt like one for about 4.5 years until I was laid off. My job was in one city and my home was on the opposite side of another large city. I didn't take any breaks at work so I could get home for my main job being a Mom. I loved that job too but put me last. Right now I may be unemployed but it is giving me time for me for once. Wouldn't wish being laid off on anyone else though. The problem is that whenever my schedule changes exercise goes out the window first for me. I got fitter but haven't lost any weight until MFP. I took some classes this summer looking to update some skills and started to gain so luckily I found this site and so far so good. There are some truck drivers on here too though
  • jesspinnella
    Sign me up.....I am Jessica, mother of 4 ages 6,4,2,and 6mos. Was 200 lbs when I got PG with my first and now am 270lbs. My goal is 170lbs @ a size 14-16. I have been at this for a week and I am not seeing any results. I am truthful about what I eat and the exersize I am doing and nothing. This happened to me about 18 months ago. I tried to get healthy started working out 5 days a week spent 6 months losing and gaining the same 3 lbs. I got frustrated and quit. I am scared the same thing is going to happen. I have upped my exersize everyday but any tips would helpful.
  • chillrose
    chillrose Posts: 290 Member
    Hello everyone! Happy Happy Sunday! Hope everyone remembers today's challenges and downs that extra glass of water!!:drinker:

    HERE NEW CHALLENGES FOR THE WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile:

    Monday.........8/30....Do 3 sets of 10 squats!

    Tuesday..........8/31..... Skip the junkfood for today!

    Wednesday....9/1.....Park a little further away and enjoy the walk!

    Thursday.........9/2…..Exercise during commercials!

    Friday...............9/3.....WEIGH IN, Post it...pat yourself on the back, and do something nice for yourself! :flowerforyou:
    Saturday.........9/4.....Go to You Tube and DANCE to your favorite song!

    Sunday............9/5.....Have a salad for a meal today!!

    LOVE YOU GUYS!! I am in awe of your progress!:bigsmile:
  • chillrose
    chillrose Posts: 290 Member
    I have been trying to add everyone to my friend's list as we grow, but if I have missed anyone,PLEASE PLEASE ADD ME!!!:bigsmile:

    I want NO ONE to have to do this alone! :flowerforyou:
  • chillrose
    chillrose Posts: 290 Member
    Hello everyone! Happy Happy Sunday! Hope everyone remembers today's challenges and downs that extra glass of water!!:drinker:

    HERE NEW CHALLENGES FOR THE WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile:

    Monday.........8/30....Do 3 sets of 10 squats!

    Tuesday..........8/31..... Skip the junkfood for today!

    Wednesday....9/1.....Park a little further away and enjoy the walk!

    Thursday.........9/2…..Exercise during commercials!

    Friday...............9/3.....WEIGH IN, Post it...pat yourself on the back, and do something nice for yourself! :flowerforyou:
    Saturday.........9/4.....Go to You Tube and DANCE to your favorite song!

    Sunday............9/5.....Have a salad for a meal today!!

    LOVE YOU GUYS!! I am in awe of your progress!:bigsmile:
  • chillrose
    chillrose Posts: 290 Member
    Hello everyone! Happy Happy Sunday! Hope everyone remembers today's challenges and downs that extra glass of water!!:drinker:

    HERE NEW CHALLENGES FOR THE WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile:

    Monday.........8/30....Do 3 sets of 10 squats!

    Tuesday..........8/31..... Skip the junkfood for today!

    Wednesday....9/1.....Park a little further away and enjoy the walk!

    Thursday.........9/2…..Exercise during commercials!

    Friday...............9/3.....WEIGH IN, Post it...pat yourself on the back, and do something nice for yourself! :flowerforyou:
    Saturday.........9/4.....Go to You Tube and DANCE to your favorite song!

    Sunday............9/5.....Have a salad for a meal today!!

    LOVE YOU GUYS!! I am in awe of your progress!:bigsmile:
  • chillrose
    chillrose Posts: 290 Member
    Hello everyone! Happy Happy Sunday! Hope everyone remembers today's challenges and downs that extra glass of water!!:drinker:

    HERE NEW CHALLENGES FOR THE WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile:

    Monday.........8/30....Do 3 sets of 10 squats!

    Tuesday..........8/31..... Skip the junkfood for today!

    Wednesday....9/1.....Park a little further away and enjoy the walk!

    Thursday.........9/2…..Exercise during commercials!

    Friday...............9/3.....WEIGH IN, Post it...pat yourself on the back, and do something nice for yourself! :flowerforyou:
    Saturday.........9/4.....Go to You Tube and DANCE to your favorite song!

    Sunday............9/5.....Have a salad for a meal today!!

    LOVE YOU GUYS!! I am in awe of your progress!:bigsmile:
  • chillrose
    chillrose Posts: 290 Member
    Hello everyone! Happy Happy Sunday! Hope everyone remembers today's challenges and downs that extra glass of water!!:drinker:

    HERE NEW CHALLENGES FOR THE WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile:

    Monday.........8/30....Do 3 sets of 10 squats!

    Tuesday..........8/31..... Skip the junkfood for today!

    Wednesday....9/1.....Park a little further away and enjoy the walk!

    Thursday.........9/2…..Exercise during commercials!

    Friday...............9/3.....WEIGH IN, Post it...pat yourself on the back, and do something nice for yourself! :flowerforyou:
    Saturday.........9/4.....Go to You Tube and DANCE to your favorite song!

    Sunday............9/5.....Have a salad for a meal today!!

    LOVE YOU GUYS!! I am in awe of your progress!:bigsmile:
  • chillrose
    chillrose Posts: 290 Member
    Hello everyone! Happy Happy Sunday! Hope everyone remembers today's challenges and downs that extra glass of water!!:drinker:

    HERE NEW CHALLENGES FOR THE WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile:

    Monday.........8/30....Do 3 sets of 10 squats!

    Tuesday..........8/31..... Skip the junkfood for today!

    Wednesday....9/1.....Park a little further away and enjoy the walk!

    Thursday.........9/2…..Exercise during commercials!

    Friday...............9/3.....WEIGH IN, Post it...pat yourself on the back, and do something nice for yourself! :flowerforyou:
    Saturday.........9/4.....Go to You Tube and DANCE to your favorite song!

    Sunday............9/5.....Have a salad for a meal today!!

    LOVE YOU GUYS!! I am in awe of your progress!:bigsmile:
  • chillrose
    chillrose Posts: 290 Member
    Hello everyone! Happy Happy Sunday! Hope everyone remembers today's challenges and downs that extra glass of water!!:drinker:

    HERE NEW CHALLENGES FOR THE WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile:

    Monday.........8/30....Do 3 sets of 10 squats!

    Tuesday..........8/31..... Skip the junkfood for today!

    Wednesday....9/1.....Park a little further away and enjoy the walk!

    Thursday.........9/2…..Exercise during commercials!

    Friday...............9/3.....WEIGH IN, Post it...pat yourself on the back, and do something nice for yourself! :flowerforyou:
    Saturday.........9/4.....Go to You Tube and DANCE to your favorite song!

    Sunday............9/5.....Have a salad for a meal today!!

    LOVE YOU GUYS!! I am in awe of your progress!:bigsmile: