Join me...100 pounds to lose!

Hello everyone! I would like to start a blog for anyone who has 100 pounds to lose. I would like this blog to help each other, by making daily stops, and learning about each other in ways we can help each other through this difficult time to SUCCESS. Never thought you'd have 100 pounds to lose?? ME EITHER! But it creeps up on us, don't it? WIth each other's help, and maybe a challenge thrown in here and there, I know we can help each other DO THIS!! Join me in this journey, and we can help each other SUCCEED!



  • SailorMoon007
    SailorMoon007 Posts: 93 Member
    Sign me up!
  • vdub88
    vdub88 Posts: 79
    I'm in! add me as a friend - currently walk/run 2.5 miles a day and using this site. we will see how it goes
  • chillrose
    chillrose Posts: 290 Member
    Wow, that was fast! I hope we get a group who can help each other through this. I was on the biggest loser competition at work, and won. 37 pounds in 15 I know I can do it. it's been 10 months since that competition, and I've gained all but 11 pounds back! I'm ready to re dedicate myself to make a permanent life change. Welcome to the group. All suggestions are welcome!
  • sweetg1222
    ADD ME!!! I have 130lbs. to lose. Trying to see the light at the end of a very long tunnel.
  • ineedtodothis
    New to this site and yes 100 lbs is a goal. I'd like to join all of you in blogging for the support.
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    I'm in too. Just joined mfp a few days ago and still exploring. This forum sounds like it would be a good fit for my goals. currently eating healthy and walking 2-3 miles a day.
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Count me in!
  • chillrose
    chillrose Posts: 290 Member
    Ok, Ladies, I'm gonna try to post a daily challenge for all of us. Hopefully this will get us moving. Some of you are already walking and that is awesome! I just started this yesterday, so my metabloism is basically non existent! This challenge will kick start our day. This will get your heart pumping, and hopefully you'll enjoy it too! 10 minutes of cardio with one of my favorite guys, Paul Eugene. So here's the link.
    Enjoy! and let me know how it went for you! and PS, don't forget to drink your water today !
  • michellemae24
    michellemae24 Posts: 20 Member
    Sign me up! :)
  • pbuford
    pbuford Posts: 2
    Count me in. This is great timing for me. I have just joined this site this week and know I am going to need some team work along this journey.:happy:
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Add Me to the list. Is there a start point...because I have already set Mine and I have set a goal date (18 Months from Sept 1, 2010). But I have actually already started but My weigh-in on that day will be My "Official" start time. Thanks for the Post, this is a Major Challenge and I hope to stay positive, and be a very positive voice in the Group. Thanks
  • chillrose
    chillrose Posts: 290 Member
    I guess we all need to post a weigh in date. How about we all weigh in on Fridays and post our progress?! I know it's only 2 days away, but it's all's just a starting point. Good luck everyone, and the video was awesome...woke me up from my comatose state..LOL :0)
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Right now My Fitness Journal is Private; I am thinking about opening it up to Friends...that would be Members who have decided to do this challenge. What do you think?
  • SarahElittlebit
    SarahElittlebit Posts: 66 Member
    Count me in.
  • chillrose
    chillrose Posts: 290 Member
    Value me: I think that would be great! Go take a look at mine. Believe me it's nothing to brag about. I ate enough yesterday for 3 days!! I think opening your page up to your friends would be one way for all of us to be accountable to each other. I know it really helps me to know if I eat that twinkie, my friends will tell me about it!! LOL We are all here to help and support each other, I know I need it, and I need all you guys!

    FYI, I just opened mine up to my friends. If we all add each other as our friends, we can keep up with each other.
    If you don't know how to change your profile, you go to your home page, click on account settings, diary settings, diary sharing, and choose "friends only". :0)
  • leanandmeanmachine
    Count me in too. My food diary is open for my friends to see and to evaluate how I'm doing. As far as the weigh in - I only weight myself every 4 weeks. I was becoming to obsessed with the scale and this way I stay motivated to keep on eating right and exercising.
  • SailorMoon007
    SailorMoon007 Posts: 93 Member
    Is there going to be any particular name for this group so it's easy to find on the message boards?
  • californiajuls
    californiajuls Posts: 201 Member
    Just what I needed,, count me in!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • chillrose
    chillrose Posts: 290 Member
    Right now it's "Join me...100 pounds to lose!" Think that would be easy to find? You could go to my profile and look under my recent forum posts. I only have this one, so that will probably be the easiest way to find it!
  • SarahElittlebit
    SarahElittlebit Posts: 66 Member
    How do you foresee this group working together?