

  • I guess a too hard a question for you all! :)
  • Are you eating enough FATS? If you're always feel hungry it sounds like you're on a reduced fat diet, which can make you hungry cause your missing the nutrients which give the full sensation. Keep saturated fats to a good low level, for me no more than 20grams of sat fats. Also, many people think they are hungry when they…
    in Hungry! Comment by casparuk January 2014
  • Losing weight to get into a healthy range isn't all about how one looks, it's how you feel... but also to be healthy long-term... and being healthy can also mean being kind to your internals, which you can't see. Why not try getting into your healthy range and see where you go from there. :) Best of luck!
  • Hi Sabine_Stroeh - we were away from Thursday to Sunday afternoon. We drove, taking approx 4 hours only... for England you can get quite far in 4 hours!
  • Hi maryjane_88 - is losing water weight bad? Does that mean i'm doomed to fail this way? At the moment, this high protein/ low carb routine is teaching me not to snack. I used to joke to myself that I don't remember a single night for years that I haven't had a late night snack, which could get up to 500 cals! Since…
  • thanks all for the replies :smile: bellaiabello - i do log everything, on a normal day at home in my own routine anyway. I found it hard when we were away, not because i was tempted, but because i felt a complete lack of control of my [food] environment. And those food i did eat, i had no real way to measure their content,…