Jessica1274 Member


  • I brought down some winter clothes today. I had a couple pair of jeans that were too small last winter. They fit! Yay!!!
  • Did you feel that? It's my vibes. They are good. :wink:
  • Better than me. I can barely do one, and it's not all the way to the chest to floor. . :blushing:
  • Um.....okay... Maybe I'll work on push up progress? Is it okay that I only lift twice a week? If I'm lucky.
  • Thanks, Sue. I am considering riding on a more regular basis now that I know I can. :) I lifted today. My sporadic workouts have definitely left me weaker. I struggled doing bench presses with the 15dbs. :-( All of my lifts are less weight now. I have been doing more body weight stuff, too, which affects it. BUT, I'm…
  • I feel ya, Beeps. My schedule has really screwed up my workouts. I am sleeping better. Not as great as I had hoped, and still hope to eventually, but better. Well enough to function. :) I have a few hours this morning, so I'm going to go upstairs and hit the weights a bit. Tuesday I did something I haven't done in 18…
  • I worked out this morning! Yay me!! That's all. I'm just happy about it.
  • In case anyone has wondered, I haven't fallen off the planet. Just the wagon. :tongue: Seriously though, I'm having a really tough time. I'm so overwhelmed with school and my schedule. I'm eating HORRIBLY. Still not sleeping well. And because of it all, I think I've worked out once in three weeks. I feel like crap.…
  • No workout so far this week. Crappy sleep. Still. And even more school work now. This afternoon my husband and I went mattress shopping. We bought the MacDaddy of Tempurpedics. If that puppy doesn't make me sleep, nothing will.
  • DOMs. Dom........Dom-Dom-Dom.....DOMMMMMMS. It has arrived. Oh sweet muscle soreness, be kind to me.
  • Hey...guess what! I lifted today! As in my workout A6 of Abs. For realz. Finally! I am not sleeping as well as I hope to eventually, but I'm sleeping enough to function again. Yay me! I have to say, making myself go workout after a couple weeks off was tough. I had a good workout though, pretty much picking up where I left…
  • I've gotten a little bit of sleep. Not super great, but it's definitely an improvement over NO sleep. I'm working on some deep relaxation techniques to help relax and get my mind to stop racing. It seems to be helping some. Now, I just have to figure out the tossing and turning part. Good news: I'm down on the scale. Bad…
  • I don't have a S.A.D lamp. I'm in KY though, and winter hasn't really hitt yet. We still have enough sunshine for that not to be an issue yet. Yet. :-/ I did some body weight squats and pushups on the bathroom counter before my shower. It's all I could muster, but it's making me anxious to not be doing anything at all. :-P
  • @!!&$&@#! How can a person be so fricking sleepy and tired, and NOT be able to go to sleep? I'm going on my third day with only a few short periods of lucid sleep at night. Somebody stick a fork in me. Today should be a lift day. I don't even know if it's safe for me to attempt. I'm thinking probably not. This is really…
  • :sad: Last night was horrible. Took the same dose, but my mind raced all night. I was doped up, but didn't sleep much. WTH??? Just shoot me, please.
  • Last night I took half of a pill I slept. I actually slept. I went to bed at 11, and I woke up on my own at 6:30. I dozed back off and got up at 7:30. (The kids are on fall break, so I get to sleep in some.) I don't know if I woke up any in between those time; if I did, I don't remember it, and I was still wearing socks…
  • Saw my dr today. Finally got something to help me sleep. I'm so excited for bedtime! Lol! Beeps, I think I'm on workout A6 in stage one. I'm going to go to 8. It's just taking a while at twice a week. I'm just proud of myself for not stopping with my schedule having gotten so nuts. I'm the Little Engine that Could, slowly…
  • Taking the day off. I don't want to take off an entire week, but I just need a break. I feel like I shouldn't need a break, since I only lift twice a week. But my body is just tired. Maybe it's stress. Whatever, I am taking a day or two off.
  • You do not want to know what I had for lunch. :-P
  • I've not made the greatest food choices, but by golly, I got my protein! Me: 1 NEP: 2
  • Me: 0 NEP: 2 :frown: I was doing so well. Until those damn cookies. Now I'm short on protein, and more than 300cals over. Stupid cookies.
  • So yesterday was Me: 0 NEP: 1 My goal is somewhere around 115g. Give or take a bit. It could be closer to 120, but I'm thinking it's still 115.
  • Mary, I can't do whey, either. I buy a vegan powder. It's a pea protein. It has 22g per scoop. It isn't as ideal as whey, but hey, we do what we gotta do.
  • I can't even log my dinner. I ate out, and what I had isn't in the database. And Cracker Barrel doesn't post their nutritional info the last I checked. :grumble: Yesterday was a good protein day. Today is a meh protein day. I ate too many carbs. I just lost all control at dinner. Since I switched to almond milk I have even…
  • Crap. This means I'm going to have to do a better job logging, doesn't it? :ohwell:
  • Yes. They separated and went in under the upper pectoral. I chose this way because it is easier to get clear mammogram readings since the breast tissue isn't obstructed. Also, they look more natural.
  • My workout sucked today. I'm not making any gains in strength. Endurance, yes. Strength, no. I am still not progressing with push ups. I'm so frustrated. I feel like crying. I love my boobs, but I had no idea how much the surgery would weaken my chest. I have actually gone backwards lately. I feel weaker now than I did a…
  • Workout done. I had to force myself upstairs to do it. I haven't slept well the past two nights. I'm exhausted and overwhelmed. I do feel a little better after lifting though.
  • If you're me, you don't log it. :-P
  • Hey Sam! I'm glad you're feeling better! I wasn't ignoring your post, I've spent the entire day studying. Except for having to go help my mom out for a bit. But otherwise, study study study! I have a test Monday. I've never really had much help. My husband helps when he is off, but he works long hours. We only recently…