Jessica1274 Member


  • I've had a herniated disk for years. I do weights and squats, among other things. If you aren't actively in pain, then you can do lots. Form and common sense are crucial. There are things I avoid, like sit ups, but you can do much more than you think. In fact, some of those things will actually help your back to feel…
  • Single leg Romanian deadlifts are probably my favorite leg exercise. They do a great job firing my hams and glutes, while strengthening my abs and lower back in a "non-threatening way". They don't hurt my back, hips or knees. Yep. I like 'em.
  • Just got back from Chicago. Sooo good to be home! I walked a ton, but ate junk all weekend. Hoping to get back at it tomorrow. QOTD: I yelled last night. Hotel room and all. Nice.
  • Happy birthday, Sue!
  • No worries! I'm not sensitive or defensive about them. As I lose more weight sometimes I actually miss being smaller. Some clothes that I used to wear don't look right now. Others look better, so I guess it's a trade. QOTW: my family is supportive. My husband eats Paleo with me (and shares cheat meals with me :-P ). The…
  • Whine and cry and try to get my husband to get me food. I'm pathetic. I'm sorry you are having such a rough time. ((Hug))
  • I never played sports in school. I was on the equestrian team in college, but that's it.
  • Lol! They aren't real...
  • I think we may be twins Beeps! Same exact height. Same exact weight. I have no idea what my shoulders measure. My waist is coming in at 27 and hips at 37.5. My body fat has dropped 4 or 5 percent since last year. I tried on some pants that were in storage. All the 8's fit or were loose, and two were 6's-and they fit! I'm…
  • :-) For the past month or so I've been doing a workout from an Oxygen special issue from last year. It included my favorite lifts, so I thought I'd just do it for a while, until I figured out what to do next. I have to admit, I have loved the results. I've actually seen more improvements from it than when I was doing NROL.…
  • No, I actually live in Kentucky. I was in Chicago this past June. I'll be there again next weekend. I'm taking the family this time. :-) I did (most of) NROLFW last spring. I started Abs, twice (lol!), but I dropped it. Some stages I liked, some I hated. I have some old injuries to work around, so I have to modify some…
  • Hi everyone!! I can't believe it's been so long since I've been here. I missed an entire thread of 500 posts! I've skimmed through to try to catch up, but it's a lot to read. I haven't been doing NROL for a while now. I'm lifting twice a week, but haven't had a real program. I feel like I need one, but I was feeling kind…
  • Glad you're doing well. :smile:
  • Good gracious! I can't keep up! Mary, how is your back feeling?
  • I was told a lot of that, too, by the doc who diagnosed me. BUT, it is possible to do a lot of those things. Obviously, since I'm here and still lifting! Lol! My physical therapist who I went to for my hip was very encouraging and even taught me some exercises to do to help. Get a second opinion or see a physical…
  • I have a serious lack of creativity when it comes to breakfast. Usually I just have a protein shake in almond milk with some instant coffee. If my husband is home, he might fix us some bacon and/or eggs and cheese. Fortunately I don't mind having the same thing over and over for breakfast.
  • Hey Beeps! Glad you had a great vacation! Things are going well here. My husband and I are in our third week of Abs. I'm getting back much of what I lost when I stopped in Oct. I have been Paleo/GF for nearly three weeks now, and it's going really well. (Except for the entire chocolate bar I ate today--at least it was GF.…
  • Yes! I would do some arm work, for sure!
  • I attempted a workout, but workouts and hangovers don't mix well. :blushing: I rarely drink, but I put away an entire bottle of wine sitting here watching tv NYE. Needless to say, I felt awful yesterday. We started our Paleo/gluten free eating. So far so good. I'm doing 100% GF for a month. After that, I'll see how I feel.…
  • Mary, can you get in to your regular doc? He/she should be able to order an MRI, then maybe you can move forward from there. I have lived with a herniated disk for 8 yrs. It can be very painful when not cared for properly. I hope you are able to have it seen about soon. (((Hug)))
  • Merry Christmas everyone! Hope it was great! My husband and are both miserable after all this eating. Getting back on track this week though. I am SO ready.
  • Is Christmas over yet??? This is awful, but I'll be so glad when it is! I'm ready to start this new way of eating and get back on a program.
  • I'd be pissed, too. That's more or less why I set up a gym at home.
  • Those single leg RDLs really got my hams!
  • When January rolls around, I'm going to restart NROLFA from the beginning. Right now I'm going to do some weird squat challenge for December. I am working on my push ups and doing planks and my physical therapy exercises. It's not much, but it's something while I'm holding it all together. I am toying with the idea of…
  • Sue-- Great job on the planks! Two tests down. Still have lots of work left to do, but just another two weeks until I can rest for a few weeks! And by rest I mean start work out regularly. :-)
  • Thanks, Beeps. Have a great visit!
  • Beeps, scratch me from the challenge. It just isn't going to happen until my finals are over. I have three tests this week, two the next. Plus I have two take home tests and four online assignments. My sleeping is bad again, and I'm on overload. My workouts are a very bare minimum right now. I don't need feeling like a…
  • Bad week. I hate this crazy schedule. Just a couple more weeks now.... I did not meet my goal this week. For much of anything.