Daily Chat Thread



  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    QOTW: My family doesn't care. They want me to be happy . If losing weight makes me happy, they are happy. They don't like it when I impose my ideas on them though :laugh: They say if I am "dieting" they shouldn't have to suffer .
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    No worries! I'm not sensitive or defensive about them. As I lose more weight sometimes I actually miss being smaller. Some clothes that I used to wear don't look right now. Others look better, so I guess it's a trade.

    QOTW: my family is supportive. My husband eats Paleo with me (and shares cheat meals with me :-P ). The kids don't like my Paleo cooking, but they're generally just happy to be fed. We all enjoy being more active.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Good morning all - hope you all have excellent weekend plans! I lifted this am and did treadmill warm up and 5 min of intervals. Tonight is date night. Really need to limit the alcohol given my airport extravaganza yesterday.

    Jessica - I really laughed that your kids are "happy to be fed". Maybe I just don't let my kids get hungry enough!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,977 Member
    My family is totally supportive. I've never been overweight, but have always been an exercise junky and they've always known that exercise, for me, comes before all else. It's all good - my husband is an exercise junky, too....and my kids are developing the same (good) habits!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Happy Sunday all!

    Man, am I sore after 4B1! Going to go out for a run shortly to try to work some of the soreness out...I got some new minimalist running shoes (new balance) that I am looking forward to using for lifting as well.
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Happy weekend all!

    No workout yesterday but I walked about 5 miles. Today I did my first run back since my 10mile race and the pain in my hip muscle came RIGHT back. This is no good. So back to the dr for me. Hubby and I did join a gym near home together so I also got a good lift in! It was so nice to have a workout buddy for a change! The idea behind joining the new gym is twofold: I will now workout at night so I can sleep in a few mornings a week AND hubs and I can motivate and spot each other.

    After running AND lifting i am sooo tired! But I have a delicious pot of chili on the stove :)

    Former QOTD: I played field hockey

    QOTW: hubby is very supportive, but he can also be an enabler bc he and I have the same food weaknesses. The rest of my fam is super health conscious.

    Haha the "itty bitty club". You guys crack me up. I have the opposite problem: at 5'1" I have 34DD and sometimes I think they make me look heavier than I am. And beeps: I wear super strength sports bras and yes they get in the way all the time.

    Km - ur gonna rock that half marathon!!!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    lcu, I hope you got to run. Nothing like a nice walk or run to work out soreness.

    Emgel, that's just rotten about the hip. Hope it heals quickly so you can get back to running. Yay for getting a better lifting routine!
    I am actually a 34DD too, but I don't * look* like it since the rest of me is so big, lol.

    My mom made a comment today about how "women aren't designed to left heavy". She drives me crazy. I don't really care what she thinks, but I sure don't want to have to hear her viewpoint every time the topic comes up.
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Starting over this week. With all of last week's events life was just CRAZY. I think I'm going to push back my half marathon so I can refocus and recharge. I will be starting Stage 3 over today. I'm also going to focus more on getting in enough protein. I've been REALLY bad at that. My protein powder isn't that great unless it's in a smoothie so I'm thinking of picking up some Larabars for after the gym on lifting days. I will still run but I'm not going for set distance or time. I just want to run as long/far as I want and enjoy it.

    I'm going to catch up on other posts now..
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    no run yesterday...got about 10 yards down the street and could not continue due to knee pain. I first got it on Thursday and iced the pain away Thursday night, but its back. I could not even treadmill it this am...will ice more today! This am I lifted (4A2). Almost no knee pain...its a very specific pain when I am engaging my quads. I have a sprint workout scheduled tomorrow am, so I better figure this out today!

    emgel - sorry to hear your hip pain is back! have you tried massaging with a tennis ball? (you can try the tennis ball on the ground or against a wall). I am so jealous of you lifting with hubby AND getting to sleep in a few days a week!

    cowgirl - someone has the profile pic "women no lift heavy? neandrathal woman no think so". I love that!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,977 Member
    PLEASE REPORT IN FOR STAR CHALLENGE - week of Mon, Apr 15 - Sun, Apr 21st.

    I had a TOTAL BLOW-OUT at my games club on Saturday and, therefore, end up with only a "silver" star this week!

    (I ate 10,483 calories....which isn't too bad, given my height, but it is NOT gonna get me the FAT LOSS THAT I WANT!)
  • evedroid
    evedroid Posts: 134 Member
    i swear ive done my right bum-cheek in with todays lunges, feels like ive gotten punched by hulk hogan.
  • lazyjane75
    lazyjane75 Posts: 34 Member
    Another bronze star week for me.... Also didn't make it to the gym for my NROL workout on Sunday, so only 2 workouts last week. We had crazy rains here on Thursday which resulted in 4" of sewer backup in our basement (YUCK). We have a playroom and an office down there, so lots of toys and carpet lost. But it's clean now! Anyway, my husband had his hands full dealing with Service master and trying to minimize the losses and so I was on kid duty all weekend and couldn't go to the gym. I did take the kids to the park both days, long walks with the stroller, and lots of lifting my 28 and 37 pound toddlers. So I guess that counts for something. But also lots of convenience eating (out for brunch on Saturday and pizza delivered on Sunday). Hopefully this week will be better.

    Former QOTD - my husband is supportive, but works long hours and that makes it hard for me to get to the gym. My kids are too young to be unsupportive, but my littlest one (17 months) detests the daycare at my gym (read, screams the whole time), despite the fact that it's super nice with lots of great caregivers, so that works against me too. My mom is a total gym rat (straight out of the jane fonda aerobics era) who eats on the 1200 calories plan. So she's very supportive of my weightloss goals. But then she's crazy so I try not to talk to her about it.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,977 Member
    Eeeekkkkk on the sewer-back-up, lazyjane - THAT'S NO FUN!! (We had 2 of them - the 2nd summer we were here and then the 4th April that we were here! Lost our basement TWICE!)

    evedroid - yikes, if TODAY is already smarting, just WAIT UNTIL TOMORROW, lol!!

    I got my lifting in and done. Today was Phase 2, Week 6, Day 2 - X-sets....TONS AND TONS OF SHOULDERS, TODAY! (My favourite - yahoo!)
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    OMG I had such an awesome weekend up in Maine. I stayed with sisters, visited with high school friends and saw the Vagina Monologues with them - one of my classmates performed a couple of the monologues. It was all terrific! We ate some great food and I stayed on point the whole time! Yea me! I'm down 2.8 #s from the last time I weighed, and tada I have an awesome NSV. Last year I bought a pair of skinny jeans, which I could get on, but were so tight my legs looked like sausages crammed into them and which were so tight I could barely zip them up! I have them on today! They are loolse in the legs, loose butt and very loose in the waist!! I'm a very happy camper!!! I have not measured since I started the program, and although I thought I would once I finished Stage 5 (last Thursday), I think I might wait. I have enough other indicators that I don't feel the urgency to measure now.

    To day is my birthday. I'm 61. I feel better, more fit and more healthy than I did at 35. I'm absolutely more strong, and even my balance is improved,

    Mary, I am so proud of you! How to work through a tough time and come out on top! You can do that every time now. Just remember how good it felt to you!!

    Cowgirl, thankfully you know otherwise, though I am sure you'd be happier with your mom's approval. Funny how, no matter how old we are or how right we are, if our parents aren't on board, we sort of second guess ourselves!!

    Em, I'm really sorry to hear you hip pain came back! I hope the doc can find what the issue is and that it's an easy fix! I am very envious. I wish my husband would workout with me! He is not happy with his weight and embarassed to go to the gym the size he is. I keep telling him there are people there who are much bigger than he is, but he won't hear it.

    That said, responding to QOTD, he is totally supportive of my program and doesn't ever say anything derogatory about my meals or my gym hours etc. And he does notice and says so!

    Beeps I'm PLATINUM again my total cals this week was 10,465, 1335 under my 11800.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,977 Member
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Sue, happy birthday! You are so inspirational to me!

    I was under net again this week, despite a crazy near binge on Friday!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,977 Member
    Well, it's been a crappy Monday for star-challengers "reporting" their results!!

    Date: Apr. 22, 2013
    Handle of Participant Week 3

    Beeps 2011 SILV *
    chubbycowgirl PLAT *
    suelegal PLAT *
    lazyjane75 BRZE *

    So far, "chubbycowgirl" is the CLEAR leader - after 3 weeks of posting, she has had PLATINUM * for each and every one of those 3 weeks!

    We're now in week 4 of the "star" challenge - runs Monday, April 22 - Sunday, April 28th....RECORD YOUR CALORIES, LADIES!!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Hi Ladies -

    Beeps - I do not get a star this week..over 1000 over. Sigh. The good news is that I still lost weight last week!

    Sue - love your strength gains and jeans losses! Happy Birthday!!

    LJane - sorry to hear about your basement!!
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Happy birthday, Sue!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Thanks for all the birthday wishes! Love you guys!!