Daily Chat Thread



  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    hahahaha Kate you just CRACKED me up!!!

    When I lift, and I mean when I get in a good lift, by night time I am too exhausted to dream

    As for the voice thing, it's possible you are straining your throat when you lift (I have noticed this sometimes either bc I am struggling with a lift and grunting or bc I breathe through my mouth sometimes) - but i don't think you are turning in to a man!
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    Hi everyone! Just checking in and letting you know that I'm still at it! Will be doing stage 1 5-b tomorrow. I am at that point now that I will either have to purchase more weights or hit the gym (which I'm choosing more weights lol - can never have enough weights lol).

    I haven't been dreaming more when I lift but I do know that sometimes I am FAMISHED (and exhausted lol) after a good lifting session. Good thing the protein shakes are so filling!

    Can't say my voice has changed.....but it may be because I haven't noticed.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    LOL Kate! I never even noticed! I will now pay attention. I generally don't remember dreams. At all... Ever.. unless it's a nightmare and it wakes me up. Then I remember the detail vividly!

    My good news is that I have an appt on Saturday morning (7 AM!!) with a trainer at the gym to go over Stage 2 A!! YEA!! I'm very excited, nervous and feeling a bit intimidated by actually lifting at the gym! They have only oly equipment - good and bad - but Pat has already said don't get discouraged if you can't put the same weight on. I know the bar is 35 lbs heavier than my stuff at home!

    Tonight I will do some lifting and some cardio on the new elliptical, presuming I get of work early enough.
  • jsextrasmooth
    jsextrasmooth Posts: 127 Member
    Me = 14
    NEP = 11

    No voice issues after lifting here, but then I spend all day on the phones at work so generally suffer with voice strain anyhow. I sometimes struggle to get to sleep as I can get over tired, but not had vivid dreams.

    Carb cycling sounds interesting, but I wouldn't have the discipline to do it properly.

    Workout 6A done this evening which went well, but I am soooo tired! I needed an extra rest day after my mega cleaning session on Tuesday as I slightly over stretched my right knee when cleaning the bath. It's been grumbling and feeling a bit unstable ever since due to an old ski injury, but didn't appear to affect my workout which is a relief. The next few days will tell if I've got away with it! What I don't get away with is a large vein which runs directly over the top of my right kneecap and it becomes uncomfortable for several hours after lifting - ugh.

    Planning to take the weekend off and enjoy with my friends from Germany, then back to the tracking and gym on Monday :drinker:
  • mermegan
    mermegan Posts: 143
    Your voice changes because of all that manly testosterone pumping through your body after lifting...

    (Kidding ya'll!)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    Kate gets the 'best post of the day' award! I have vivid dreams (don't know if it's related to lifting or not), but can't recall anything about my voice....hey, call me next time you're done your weights and I'll judge whether it's REALLY low, or just merely scratchy and dry!

    MtnKat - the gym just has SO many more options!

    Sue - I'm so glad you are moving onto Stage 2 and working on your form. YOU WILL KILL IT!

    jsextra - friends from germany IN OCTOBER?????????? I guess they can show you ALL ABOUT OKTOBERFEST! Have fun.

    merm - I was gonna say that maybe her voice changed because she was responding to all the cat-calling going on!

    Gawd, I need a work-out. Please. Tomorrow....
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    LOL, Kate! I had really vivid, crazy dreams when I first started lifting too. I thought it was related to starting melatonin at the same time, but maybe not.

    Carb cycling: sounds interesting. I struggle with carbs, so I might benefit from having "binge" days.

    Beeps, I need a workout too!

    Me: 19
    NEP: 6
  • mermegan
    mermegan Posts: 143
    Haha, she should put us all on conference call and we can let her know if it's manly deep or just "sexy" deep. Kate, I wish lifting gave me vivid dreams! I love dreaming. The first few nights of IF did that, but not anymore :(

    Stage 2, first workout B tonight. I'm SO tired today I've been dragging. Hoping I can pull out of it in time to get a good work out in. My foot has been hurting too, ugh. I tell myself it's a blessing in disguise so I don't have to do cardio (funny the things we tell ourselves!)

    SUE: On you on NROL4W Stage 2?
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    ME: 10 NEP: 15 just not hitting it and to be serious. I don't like the effect that high protein days have on my regularity (TMI)
    TOnight is a "rest" day...now only if I could leave work at work and get some actual rest. Tomorrow I'm doing a 1.5 hr Zumbathon for breast cancer research. It's at work so I'm not bothering to drive home. Yep I'm going to stay at work for an unpaid three hours and do work. Life is grand, but Zumba will be fun.
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Sort of hoping to have vivid dreams tonight!

    So I think on Nov 7 I am going to try carb cycling. I had to pick nov. 7 so I would have enough days to do what is basically the induction phase lol. I'm reading a book called Carb Nite, same guy who came up with Carb Back Loading - but Carb Nite is focused on fat loss rather than muscle gain.

    Once I figure out how to keep it under 30g of carbs per day (I range between 50 and 80 now) I think this might work for me because I also enjoy binging (not in a bad way, but while I like eating low carb sometimes I want to be able to stuff my face). Anyway, I'll be sure to report back since I haven't been losing any weight lately - so shaking things up might be good!

    It helps that the hubby doesn't eat carbs.

    Back in the gym tmw am! grrrrrrrrr

    hoping for some vivid dreams tonight, hahahaa
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    Protein challenge:

    Me: 13
    NEP: 12

    I am soooooooooo excited to get to the gym today. It's been 3 days and my head is VIBRATING! So, good or bad work-out, I DO NOT CARE. I just want to WORK-OUT!

    I hope you all have a good day at the gym!
  • mermegan
    mermegan Posts: 143
    Kill it today BEEPS!

    ....HOLY GLUTES! Did Stage 2 B last night and my booty and hammies are feeling it. Which is great because I want a nice big round firm tush, lol. Think my glutes are definitely lacking because it was tough. Easy on paper but the Bulgarian split squats and even reverse lunch off the box got me bad. I was tempted to do an extra set of Deads for my first exercise and am glad I didn't :)
  • Elissalove
    Elissalove Posts: 22 Member
    Only one more set of workouts (A&B) for Stage 1!!

    Also, IT'S REALLY HARD TO EAT ENOUGH PROTEIN! Holy cow. I'm always short. I think I need to meal plan better...
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Feeling totally drained the last few days and no workouts for me. Lost track of my protein count, I think it's

    Me - 16
    Nep - 9

    I did pretty good with my protein still when I was down and out. Stayed home the last couple days and rested, not really sick, just completely exhausted.

    Hope you all have a great weekend.
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    it has been a rough week. I have only been able to lift ONE day. which is tough for me. but I am exhausted, overwhelmed and stressed with life right now. I am planning a run for Sat. morning, I typically run a good run on the weekend, so I am happy to be planning on that.

    I hope to get back at it on Monday and until then I live vicariously through you all...and you all kick as&!
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    I feel ya gadenni. Crazy week for me too with moving. Why oh WHY did I not take off yesterday and today???! I took off next Mon and Tues instead. I'm sure I'll be up all night tonight preparing for the movers.

    But I made it to the gym M/W/F -- ending my first week of Stage 2. WHEW. It's so much tougher than it "reads." I really like it, but I need help with the front squat push press. Just doesn't feel right yet.

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    I did get a good work-out in.

    I did NOT get a good weigh-in.


    Last week, I has a SURPRISE whoosh! So, this week, I was COUNTING on something similar (since my diet plan has been PERFECT.) Nope. I've gained 1.7 lbs from where I was last week.

    I'm pissed off. I won't write anything further. I wanted to be down even MORE this week, because end-of-Oct stats are coming up. Now I have to lose the 2 lbs I expected to still have to lose, PLUS the 1.7 lbs that I was "surprised" with, today.

    And, yes, my eating was PERFECT. I even fasted on Tuesday. I weighed at same time of day under same conditions.

    It isn't "water weight" (I don't believe). It isn't DOMs. It isn't salt. *kitten*.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Beeps, that sucks!

    Had a great time at the zumbathon last night. I hung in there for the full hour and a half. burn an estimated 700 cals.and I totally nailed my protein yesterday. However, I also ate an ounce of spinach. THank you spinach. TIme for some Halloween festivities before "frankenstorm" hits and we have a week of being trapped in the house and missing out on real Halloween. Then I'll end up eating the 2 lbs of chocolate I bought sigh.

    ME: 11
    NEP: 15
    Yeah for a ME day
  • heidimaggott78
    What is ME and NEP?
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    ME= reached my personal protein goal. NEP: not enough protein