Daily Chat Thread



  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Killed the protein today!! I was OVER by almost 20g, that's 164g. Eggs and veggie sausage sandwich for breakfast, tuna and greek yogurt fr lunch and the equivalent of 1/2 a damn chicken on a buffet at dinner lol.

    ME: 9
    NEP: 10
  • jsextrasmooth
    jsextrasmooth Posts: 127 Member
    Beeps - Wow no wonder you're stoked, that's fantastic! Yay!

    Emgel & Gadenni - Well done to you both on the squats! I squatted 60lbs today, determined to nail 66lbs on my next workout though (half my bodyweight).

    Jennie & mermegan - loving the new profile pics!

    Ihergenr - welcome :smile:

    Sam - Awesome protein hit!

    To everyone else happy Saturday :flowerforyou:

    Friday night beers - oh how I love Friday night beers :sad: - put me over on calories and carbs yesterday, but back on track today.

    Me: 11
    NEP: 9
  • heatheralia
    heatheralia Posts: 79 Member
    Glad to see I'm not the only one enjoying Friday night beers :drinker: but I pushed hard through stage 7 workout 1 this morning to get back on track. Congrats to Beep's for the serious fat loss!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I don't think it's a *big deal* what order you do the weights in - for Stage 1. For later stages, I *do* think you'll want to follow the order in the book, because you want to EXHAUST your BIG MUSCLE GROUPS first, before hitting those little ones.

    Hey, my *cut* is WORKING!

    I started 30 days ago - and I've lost ~7 lbs of PURE FAT. That's right - I keep lifting heavy and getting my work-outs in, but eating at a deficit (and doing some fasting, actually) has FINALLY pushed that scale in the RIGHT direction.

    Oh yeah....2012, you will be my *kitten*, yet!

    Yea Beeps! That's my plan and I'm really glad to see that it's a successful plan. I am going to do all of NROL4W, and maybe Abs or StrongLifts, get good muscle and then focus on cutting. Thank you for posting this! You give me great encouragement!

    ETA to add
    Me - 4
    NEP - 0

    Love this lazy Saturday. Cleaning, laundry and then workout, either here or at the gym. Yea I know I said I was going over there today but honestly, it's great not having an agenda or hard schedule to follow after all those weekends where I had to be someplace on someone else's schedule!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    experiencing the repercussions of a high protein, low veggie day. Not good.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    experiencing the repercussions of a high protein, low veggie day. Not good.

    oh oh... :frown:
  • jojojo909090
    jojojo909090 Posts: 205 Member
    I went to my husband's gym yesterday - fabulous place, has cafes, bars, saunas, massage - a stunning gym. And yes, it was great using all the equipment and not having to think about putting it away again (although I did as I am tidy by nature). Lovely using all the preloaded barbells and dumbells too...and enough room to swing 20 cats should one choose to do so!

    If I had a "regular" job and and worked "regualr" hours and was going to be driving nearby every day then I would join, but as it is, being self employed, it still works out better for me to work out at home even if inbetwen answering emails and taking client's calls.

    We were planning a 22k walk today but the weather is terrible - hoping tomorrow is better (especially as it's a long weekend here).

    Hope you've all had a lovely day. :)
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    ME:10 NEP: 10
    Had a great time at lunch with friends yesterday, and because we sat there talking for so long, I wasn't home eating. Very low calorie day, but I made 30% protein. Getting back to the gym st some point. Busy week.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    experiencing the repercussions of a high protein, low veggie day. Not good.

    oh oh... :frown:

    ummm seriously, what happens? as yall know, I RARELY have a high protein day with or without veggies.
  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441
    I went to my husband's gym yesterday - fabulous place, has cafes, bars, saunas, massage - a stunning gym. And yes, it was great using all the equipment and not having to think about putting it away again (although I did as I am tidy by nature). Lovely using all the preloaded barbells and dumbells too...and enough room to swing 20 cats should one choose to do so!

    If I had a "regular" job and and worked "regualr" hours and was going to be driving nearby every day then I would join, but as it is, being self employed, it still works out better for me to work out at home even if inbetwen answering emails and taking client's calls.

    We were planning a 22k walk today but the weather is terrible - hoping tomorrow is better (especially as it's a long weekend here).

    Hope you've all had a lovely day. :)

    Mmm, a bar in a gym!! I'm there!! :). Sounds like a lovely place!!

    I'm with you all on the cutting...I really want to cut in but I know I need to try to gain muscle throughout the next few months and then cut in at the beginning of the year. Here's to a brand new bikini body come this summer!! Though Beeps you make me want to start NOW!!

    I'm stoked I get to finally get some gym time with my husband tomorrow morning :) we haven't been able to go together in the last couple of weeks. I'm hoping to add those last 20lbs to my deadlifts and make it 195 (1.5x my BW)...for at least one set :) I don't know if I could do all 3. (I'm on Stage 3 B and will be trading the Romanian lifts for regular ones). I hope to make some heads spin again, lol! Last time I was dead lifting I had a guy stop me and tell me I really put a hurtin' on his manhood today!! Booyah!! That's what I like... Just kidding, thats not really my goal but boy it did make me feel FANTASTIC!!

    Ok...back to work I go.
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    RUNN3rmom - go you!!!! That is one of my goals! To have the man lifters in the gym just stop and be amazed that a 5'1" girl is kicking *kitten* and taking names! sigh, maybe by the time I'm in stage 3!

    NSV for me this weekend! The hubby and I did a tree tops ropes course on Saturday (really challenging actually!). Last time we did one I was sore for a week afterwards! And today? NO SORENESS! Maybe I'm already kicking *kitten* at the gym...

    here's to the start of a great week!
  • Nix143
    Nix143 Posts: 522 Member
    Hello - back again and hopefully for good.

    Last time I started I managed one ultra humiliating workout at the gym (that 19 year old trainer will burn in hell, believe me) and then blew my back.

    A month later my back is fine again, I have 150kgs of weight sat in my house with squat rack and bench and I'm much better prepared to start again tonight for my first workout again. Going to have to modify some of the exercises but that's ok. I've spent the last 2 weeks watching Rippetoe teach squats on You Tube and doing body weight squats any chance I get lol.

    I had wobbled during this month off - too much time to read - do I do NROL4W? Do I do 'Starting Strength'? Stronglifts 5x5?

    I've stopped the wobble and I'm set on NR. Huzzah!
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    RUNN3rmom - you are a beast in the gym! What a compliment!

    Nix - welcome back!! :) I'm glad you're back is mended and you're ready to roll. Let's do this!

    emgel9 - tree tops rope course - what?!?! That sounds hard, but fun!

    Manic4Titans - high protein + low veggie = constipation (at least that's what happens to me, sorry if TMI)

    Sam - Congrats on getting 30%. I'm impressed that you did it while out to lunch.

    AFM (as for me): I started Stage 2 today. WOO! It's different, but I like it so far. I cannot believe how much I was sweating though!!! I'll post more details in the Stage 2 thread.

  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Km, I asked for it. Lol I guess if I really thought about it I would have known.

    My knees are starting to hurt from all the jumping with insanity. I have a scored, painted concrete floor and do not have a choice where I do the workout. I will hold out as long as I can. :embarassed:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Protein challenge:

    Me: 12
    NEP: 9

    manic - ouch!! Gosh....

    kmsai - yay for getting to Stage 2!

    Nix - I think you'll enjoy the NROL4W program - welcome!

    emgel - yay for NO soreness!

    RUNN - I might as well have the bikini-body (well, tankini for moi!) for Jan/Feb....because that's when we actually take vacations to mexican beaches.....nothing going on in my hometown come June/July that I *need* a body for, lol.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Lots of good stuff going on here. I'm too tired to remember it all. I was hoping to finish Stage 7 on Saturday, but it didn't happen - life with boys! I was up at 6am and not done for the day until 6pm and was too tired to do anything but wait for kids to go to bed. Same with Sunday and this morning I slept in. Hoping tomorrow I can get up, but just have a feeling that I'm still going to need more rest. I'm leaving work at 3 pm today for my son's last football game, that goes until 5 pm, then to the JBF sale to pick up the clothes that didn't sell, then to bible study until 9 pm. Have a great day ladies!!
  • mermegan
    mermegan Posts: 143
    Hi all!

    Stage 1 finished!

    I lost my logs from when I started but pretty sure these are my starting stats:

    Squat: 60---->95
    Pushup: On the floor---->On the floor, but chest very low now
    Seated Row: 60
    Step Up: Tricky...did the low 12' box with 22# DB
    >High box with knee above hip, 10# weights no push off
    Prone Jackknife: 15 good form
    >15 good form

    Deadlift: 65
    >135 (new PR on last day of stage 1!)
    Shoulder Press: 15# DB
    >20# DB (new PR on last day of stage 1) Finally! Had trouble progressing on my shoulders
    Lat pulldown: 60
    Lunges: 15DBs
    >27.5 DB walking lunge (this was tough because of my grip strength)
    Swiss ball crunch: eh, I don't crunch on the ball so I did prone jackknives instead.

    Scale weight: 165---->159.8 (Most of this happened in the past week doing IF Lean Gains)
    Size: 10 pant
    >size 8, wahoo!

    I've also noticed WAY more ab definition after stage 1. I don't carry a lot of weight in my tummy so I noticed a hint of abs. Very excited to get rid of that fat layer and get a look at those muscles. Stage 1 did a lot for my gym confidence and I can't wait to start stage 2!

    Also, do you ladies do lunges in the squat rack? I'm assuming I'll have to in order to go heavy enough. It's tough to hold very heavy DBs but with a stacked BB I can't lift it over my head onto my shoulders...
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Congrats Megan!!! 135 deadlifts??!?!? Scared of you!

    Jennie - I was exhausted just reading your post. How do you do it??? I have a toddler and a stepson who's with us part-time and that's A LOT for me. (Stepson plays travel ball so that takes up most weekends in the fall and spring.)

    Beeps - Vacationing on Mexican beaches in Jan/Feb -- niiiiice. Where do you live?
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Mary - you have to eat enough greens! salads, spinach, broccoli. I also eat nuts - almonds, macademia and cashew mix. After all these years the only time it bothers me is when I'm travelling. And OWIE! I lift in the basement on a concrete floor but I'd never try insanity or any other active workout like that. My bod would give up!

    Megan, those are IMPRESSIVE stats! congrats!

    Wow Jennie, you are too busy! Catch up on your rest!

    Beeps, I bet you're ready for bikinis already!

    Nix! Yea! You're gonna love NROL4W.

    I've been ON the protein since last Tuesday! Woohoo!

    Me - 6
    NEP - 0

    Hubs got a great deal on an elliptical at Sears. We spent the afternoon yesterday cleaning out old junk from the junky side of the basement. Good exercise, 90 minutes or more of lifting and carrying stuff up the stairs to the curb. It's a great machine!

    Tomorrow I'm going over to the gym and find a trainer to help me with Stage 2.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    i could not bring myself to do Insanity today. The thought of my knees aching from the jumping and pounding on this concrete floor......:embarassed: That's one of the reasons I left Curves. I couldn't walk up and down steps for days because of painful swollen knees. I used the recover boards as cardio time (jumping jacks, kicks, jogging, and jump rope).

    NROL4Abs here I come back tomorrow.:blushing: