Daily Chat Thread



  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    No workout so far this week. Crappy sleep. Still. And even more school work now.

    This afternoon my husband and I went mattress shopping. We bought the MacDaddy of Tempurpedics. If that puppy doesn't make me sleep, nothing will.

    We have a waterbed - everytime we travel it takes days for me to adjust, and then again when we're back home! I sure hope that Tempurpedic works for you Jess!
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    I hope that everyone is sleeping well and that the aches and pains, aside from working out, are resolving themselves.

    Just did workout B4 and upped all my weight from the first time. yeah...I am gonna feel that in the morning. or afternoon. or both. totally worth it though. I feel like a rockstar lifting.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    NEP: 3

    I had 170 grams on Monday. Go me!

    I can't keep up with all the posts, but I am with you ladies struggling with the fat loss dilemma. My hope was to preserve muscle while slowly losing. So far, it's working, but its veeeeery slow. Like .3 lbs a week, sometimes none. feel like I willNEVER reach my goal, but I know if I am consistent, I will eventually be smaller and hopefully still be strong. Right now I am struggling with that perfect number of calories to eat. Syncing MFP with my bodymedia might help with that.

    Sue, glad you're back for good! Good luck in stage 2!
    Beeps, hope the pain goes away quick! I seem to pull my trapezius a lot during lifting. Is that what yours is?
    Jennie, according to bodymedia, I burn some serious calories doing things like packing. Hope you sell lots of stuff!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    protein challenge:

    Me: 9
    NEP: 7

    It was a *fast* day, yesterday....I *knew* I wasn't going to get my protein in!

    Alas, why the heck did I START this protein challenge, again?????????????????


    I got zero lifting in, today. In fact, I didn't even make it to the gym! I ended up having a long-running meeting that eradicated my lunch hour. The WORST part is, I won't be able to step on the scale to see if my *fast* did ANYTHING to my scale weight.

  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    I'm resting this week and hoping/praying my knee feels better. Alleve and ice really helped.

    Sam - I have not heavy lifted before. I'm also overweight and have lots to lose (30 more pounds -- at least). I think this program would be harder if you were close to your goal. I do think finding the right amount of calories and getting the right nutrition are key components. I feel good with my calories right now -- they are lower than what the book prescribes, but not starvation mode low (1550 on non-workout days; 1750-1800 on workout days).

    I am not new to exercise. I have always been active, up until the last 5 years pretty much. But I always did cardio. I literally spent 2 years on weight watchers trying to lose 50 lbs. I eventually did, but I could NOT get below 140 (goal was 135). I am 5'2" -- and I was running, cycling, and swimming 5 days/week. Problem (looking back) was I wasn't eating nearly enough for the amount of exercise I was doing, probably wasn't getting enough protein, and only did barbie weights whenever I "lifted."

    gadenni - wooo! Good for you!!

    Welcome back Sue and congrats on dropping your vacation weight. Are you SURE you don't wanna start Stage 2? It looks like a few us are all starting around the same time. I think you'd be fine to move on, but you have to do what you're comfortable doing.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Yea!! I did Stage 1 7A tonight. I've lost strength in my shoulders, pushups just sucked out loud and my balance on the prone jacknife was bleh. I squated 60, and did stepups at 60, then I tried the step up on the bench, no weight and couldn't do it. I feel ok, stiff and will probably be sore tomorrow but I lifted! Felt good!!

    Me - 2
    NEP - 0
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member


    Sue-yay for getting it done! you mean you did a set of step-ups at 60 pounds? wowza!

    My neck and shoulders are stiff already tonight so I am pretty sure I am going to be sore tomorrow myself...ahhh ibuprofen.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    ME: 14

    Sue, It's always so nice to get back to lifting after a break!

    I forgot to mention earlier that I finally hit 150 on DLs and 70lbs on FSPP! I've been struggling to get over 145 and 65, but I did two full sets of 150 and 70 Monday. Woot!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Crap evening, didn't go to the gym, ate bad, talk to you later
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    I really suck lately. Too much going on. I haven't worked out in 10 days - and I've barely kept up with walking.
    Apparently I can't multitask worth doody.

    COWGIRL how awesome! lovin' them PRs!
    Sue, you'll be doing those heavy step ups on the bench in no time! :)
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    I forgot to mention earlier that I finally hit 150 on DLs and 70lbs on FSPP! I've been struggling to get over 145 and 65, but I did two full sets of 150 and 70 Monday. Woot!

    Whoa - you are killing it!! I can't even imagine lifting 150 for my deadlifts. Very cool. I'll be starting the FSPPs next Monday. I'm a bit intimidated by the move. I was going to start with just the Oly bar (since my shoulder presses are at 50 total). 70 sounds killer!

    FunBun - Sometimes life just gets in the way. We have all been there. At least you are walking. Hope things settle down and you can get back into your routine soon.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    in case you missed it, this is the result of my rafting trip this summer. Only took me 2 months to get it up here.

    Me - 11
    NEP - 6

    7.5 done this morning and I killed it! Sometimes I rested a bit longer than I should have, still less than a minute though. I was able to do all 4 sets of 15 push ups on the ground. The last couple times I quit before 15 or went to my knees for a few. One more and on to Stronglifts! I have not done any foam rolling, but I'm thinking I need to buy one. My hamstrings are sore all the time lately.

    My weight is finally starting to work it's way back down. I have gained almost 10 lbs from the end of June when I was at my lowest. However, my measurements seem to be the same, no big changes. I'm sure it's mostly water weight, a bit of muscle and some fat, but hoping my getting back to the morning routine and adding in the cardio will help. I always hear "you can't exercise away a bad diet." Well, I have a pretty good diet and I still DO NOT lose weight unless I'm consistently exercising. It doesn't matter how well I eat, I HAVE to exercise. Period.

    Kathy - hope the rest helps your knee!

    Sue - welcome back and sounds like you had a great first session. It's always rough coming back off a break.

    cowgirl - AWESOME job on the PRs!!! and you are killing the protein challenge!

    gadenni - so glad you are enjoying the lifting! and great job on the protein!

    Sam - sorry you had a bad evening.:frown: Hope today is better.

    funbun - I totally understand being busy. Sometimes it's so hard to try to fit exercise and eating right into the day. Hope it slows down for you soon.
  • mermegan
    mermegan Posts: 143
    Good morning!

    Well, hit a PR on my deadlift last night: 125. I was making all types of noises and sweating like a crazy person. Was a good reminder how I should feel when I'm doing these big lifts. OH! And I lifted in Chucks last night and they were awesome!! Could feel the floor and my balance was MUCH better.

    Lost 3 pounds since starting IF on Saturday. That is a little fast that it kind of scares me (I'm 5'8, 161 so that's not really normal for me) but I'm sure it will slow down. BUT I can't complain and it feels great to see the scale move and clothes get looser. More than anything, I have not had any night eating issues since I started and that's worth more to me than the # on the scale. I'm sure my night eating has been the thing sabotaging my fitness goals.

    Jennie: I have to check out that pic closer, do tell? Are you pretty lean already?

    Kathy: Looks like we'll be starting stage 2 around the same time. I finish stage 1 on Sunday. What do we use if we can't perform awesome feats of strength with our shoulders like you? :smile: Looks like I'll be taking the pre-stacked bar somewhere to do it. I just CANNOT progress with my shoulder strength. I'm still pressing 17.5 DBs and pulling 75 on the lats.

    Cowgirl: Awesome job on the weight! PRs feel great

    Sam: Hope you have a better day today.

    FunBun: Happens to all of us, don't worry :) Hope you get back into your routine soon.

    Sorry for the novel guys!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    All the stats look good - congrats all!

    Protein Challenge:

    Me; 10
    NEP: 7
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    wow! all your deadlift weights are inspiring! I did 55 yesterday and I am sore today. not dying sore but a pleasant sore.

    I wish I had taken pictures of my legs, at least, before starting any of the weight work I have done. and even just in the past week or so...they look awesome. my thighs look great and I love to feel the muscle in them. does this make me nuts? ;0)

    may have to have the husband help me this weekend take some pictures of back/arms/legs etc for future reference.
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714

    What is NEP?

    Still lifting here. I'm on Stage one 4-b tomorrow (I believe). I love this program so far.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member

    (I try and post this advice, quite regularly.....gadenni, take them NOW...it doesn't matter if you didn't take them at the start - take them NOW and then take them REGULARLY.)

    MtnKat - NEP = "Not Enough Protein" - we are doing a "fun" protein challenge here, for the month of october.

    Just go back through your mfp diary and find out if you ate enough protein, everyday, to help with your muscle recovery.

  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441
    Hi everyone!

    I have been a SLACKER on the site and the threads lately. Work & home have been busy. We have promotions and restructing going on and I was given a few projects so I am hoping it all means something *fingers crossed*.inq u211

    I have eaten WAY too many sweets and crap lately...I am BACK on track tomorrow. I went to the grocery store and stocked up, made a dinner/menu list and am ready for a day of preparing and cooking (so that meals will be easier tograb).

    To all that have new PR's - CONGRATS!! I set a new dead lift at 175 :) it's only 10 more pounds than before but man oh man...it is tough!! I am only 125-130 lbs so I am just about lifting 1.5x my body weight (my goal 195). I think I am done w/Stage 3 (I left my sheet at work so the last couple of workouts have been scribbled on a post it). I am going to check later and go from there.

  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Everyone is so busy and it sounds like everyone is heading back to the gym ad getting back on track...me too :) Funny how we fluctuate together lol.

    Yes, today was better. I actually got some down time. I get psychotic when I don't get at least a little down time, when it's non-stop from 5:30 am to 11:00 pm. Last night was just a new level of crazy in this house and I needed a tie out.:tongue:
    Ate better today and getting into the gym (maybe) tomorrow. I have a cocktail party after work here I fully intend to eat my $20 worth of food :laugh: We actually had a "Hispanic heritage" luncheon yesterday. A Buffet of amazing SPanish and SPanish inspired food. I ate fairly bad, but then I didn't eat the rest of the night lol. Tomorrow is down home cooking. I'll just try to avoid most of the past dishes:blushing: THen Saturday I'm having a reunion luncheon with friends from high school. Plated lunch so I can choose wisely. Funny how our social lives seem to circulate around food. I made the comment at lunch yesterday, as the two skinny-minnies next to me were munching their tiny portions and refusing desert, I don't workout to be skinny. I workout so I can eat and enjoy my life.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    PS: I hid the Halloween candy wrapped in the shopping bag, in the cabinet above the refrigerator (chair required to access) It's been 4 days and so far so good lol)

    ME: 7
    NEP: 11