Daily Chat Thread



  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member

    Question: As the reps go down, what do you do if you can't go up in weight? Mainly, for me, the problem is the shoulder press. I use 15lb dumbbells and there is NO way I can use 20s. Thoughts?

    Could you do any of the reps with 20 lb. DB's, then drop back to 15's when you reach failure with the 20's? That's what I did to get through a pushup plateau where I couldn't finish sets on any lower incline. I just did as many as I could on the lower incline, then raised it up for the rest of the set. Eventually, I could do the whole set on the lower setting (Smith machine).
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Just dropping in real quick to share a blog I discovered (thru facebook) about mobility and stretching exercises. Very interesting stuff.


    OH and

    Me - 7
    NEP - 4
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    emgel - I NEVER USED to be the "food police", but I think I am, now. I *did* catch my daughter, last winter, or maybe it was last summer, hoarding food in her room and eating it in secret! I was SO shocked!! So, yes, I am now the one who says to her, when she says, "can I have a snack?" I walk her through the, "are you really hungry?" "yes". Me: "Okay, well, let's start with 1 piece of fruit or 1 veggie and then we'll see if you are still hungry." And, she usually is, so then I'll give her a "snack". But, am I defeating this because now she is eating the "snack" PLUS the fruit/veggie - which really just means MORE calories???

    omg - when I think about this stuff, I just get SO ANXIOUS. I *know* this stuff marks girls FOR LIFE. I hate knowing that I am writing on her soul (thanks a LOT, Oprah!). I'm SO afraid of getting it wrong.


  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    karen's got a good recommendation for you, emgel.

    jennie - you are KILLING the protein challenge! YAY!

    I got my lifting in, today. Am really glad I can rest until Monday. I'm tired.

    My brother and his wife and their 2 little kids have arrived from OLDcity. So, I get to hug babies all weekend long (well, that and drive my kids to ice hockey, dance and basketball).
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Karen, that is a GREAT suggestion! Thanks! I bet I can do a set of 8 with the 20s and the second set with the 15s =D

    O Beeps I didn't mean to make you feel bad! It isn't food policing to help your daughter be aware of what she is eating. Fruits and veggies should be the go to snack! I think lots of kids store food in their rooms at some point (I had a whole drawer full of tootsie roll wrappers at one point) it is just a part of declaring their independence from their parents. And I think the fruit or veggie first is good! and not just more calories...it is more nutrients. If she likes to snack (I know I do) maybe make snack foods as healthy as possible (carrots and hummus, apple and peanut butter, veggie sticks and ranch dip)...that way she can eat the quantity she wants and not be aiming to consume chips or whatever? Sigh, I dunno. I think a lot of kids go through stages where they care more about food than the way they look. They usually come around to being more health conscious and your daughter is an athlete (which means she is or will be surrounded by other health conscious kids/tweens/teens) and she has you as such a good example! As I got older I noticed more and more of my friends working out because "their moms did" - so everything counts!

    omg you are NOT marking her for life. geeeez! Just remember: kids will find a reason to hate you no matter what lol. It sounds like she is still young (maybe a tween?) this stuff clicks more for girls as they get older and body image becomes more important.

    you are a great example. just remember that.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Beeps, please don't worry about what you are thinking about your daughter! Think ANYTHING you want! Just as long as you are careful about what you say to her (and I am sure you are!). My mom was what I called the "food police" my WHOLE LIFE (you know, "you are eating another cookie?" or "don't eat that junk") and all it made me do was eat junk food in secret...a habit I still trend towards when hubby isn't home (bc I think "ooo house to myself, i can eat anything I want) when really it would have been better if she focused on my being HEALTHY, rather than skinny. Plus you are setting SUCH a good example for her...and that makes the biggest impact in the long run.

    I totally agree! My mom was also an "eat an apple and drink a large glass of water if you're hungry" kinda mom. It's great advice, but I was always really hungry as tween and teen. My mom was always speeching us on portion control and discipline, although shes always been overweight. With the constant reminder of how "not skinny" i was, i put myself on diets starting at age 12. I had a brief battle with an eating disorder and always had an unhealthy relationship with food- still do. The best thing you can do is to teach her about healthy lifestyle by being the example like you are. Sounds like she's active and healthy and you're doing a great job!

    Me: 8
    NEP: 3

    This weekend will be bad though. My weekends are horrible lately.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    Okay, thanks for those posts. Now, let's get back to the purpose of this thread!

    Which is to support all you IRON-LOVING WOMEN!

    I will post this:

    I am now, *officially* half-way through NROL4Abs! Wasn't that F-A-S-T! Yep, I finished my 3rd "B" work-out in Phase 2, today....so, that's halfway - WOW!

    I am still enjoying the program. I was a little crammed for time, today, so the ONLY "big lift" I did at the end was 2 sets of 8 reps of shoulder press. But, I pushed 55 lb BB, so that was pretty awesome. Seriously, my shoulders ARE THE BOMB!
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    55lb dumbbells on a SHOULDER PRESS??? I am humbled and duly impressed. And I have a new goal! WOW!!!

    way to go!

    Next week I'll be picking the 20lbs lol wooohooo
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I am still enjoying the program. I was a little crammed for time, today, so the ONLY "big lift" I did at the end was 2 sets of 8 reps of shoulder press. But, I pushed 55 lb BB, so that was pretty awesome. Seriously, my shoulders ARE THE BOMB!

    WOW! is all I have to say. I can barely get 30s up there and thought I was doing good.

    I am finally getting back to lifting tomorrow - if I can keep my motivation going. At least I get to sleep in a bit, first soccer game isn't until 10:00 (usually they're at 8:00). Have a great weekend ladies!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    gadenni - instead of lunges, can you do a bulgarian split squat?? (no rest on the toes.) I'd try that.

    samntha - I *like* the longer posts, actually....gives me "hints" as to what your real life is like! (And, it sounds pretty busy to me!)

    I'm bombing at this protein challenge - which is funny, because I ROCKED it, on my own, all summer. But, eating in a deficit puts me at risk of not getting in my protein. I am getting in >100g everyday, so I'm not worried about losing lean muscle mass, anyway.

    Me: 4
    NEP: 6
    Beeps, are you getting in 30% at least? Then I wouldn't worry about the actual gram count. Also, I'm like your daughter. Cardio does NOTHING for me. My body like lifting. I would even chose weight room over the track in high school gym class, lol. To each his own.

    We had a baby shower at work today, and I was only a "little" bad. I ate the quiche first to fill up with something that had protein in it, I only had half a bagel, a cup of fruit...then only 1 cookie and brownie. Considering the amount of pure junk in the room (donuts, cookies cake, salad, biscotti, rolls, brownies and more brownies, cakes, chocolate, pie etc...) I thought I did pretty good.

    Anyway, I still feel rough. I woke up late today and ran out without make-up, and had to listen people telling me how "tired" I look. <sigh> Well, I was low on protein so I had my egg sandwich for dinner. I feel like a have at least a little energy. Off to the gym I go. Maybe I'll take the easy road and do 2 sets instead of three.

    FOr the ABS people, How do you "rest and reset" for the phase 1 B elevated planks and side planks. Frankly I feel Like I could hold them.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member

    I am now, *officially* half-way through NROL4Abs! Wasn't that F-A-S-T! Yep, I finished my 3rd "B" work-out in Phase 2, today....so, that's halfway - WOW!

    I am still enjoying the program. I was a little crammed for time, today, so the ONLY "big lift" I did at the end was 2 sets of 8 reps of shoulder press. But, I pushed 55 lb BB, so that was pretty awesome. Seriously, my shoulders ARE THE BOMB!

    All I can say is WOW! You are super woman!!! You really need to post some pics of your amazing shoulders to inspire the rest of us :)

    It's 8 PM here and I am just now about to go lift AND I'm not getting enough protein today unless I do a double protein shake after my workout.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    NEP: 7
    But I'm at 51% carbs :blushing:
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member


    It has arrived. Oh sweet muscle soreness, be kind to me.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Good workout Jess?

    I went in last night and got my workout done. I only did 2 sets instead of three. I fly really good afterwards, but this morning I feel just plain exhausted and these kids and the dog are insane. I relocated to the couch and they are being somewhat better. No DOMS today.

    I had an interesting conversation at work yesterday with a friend. SHe is the ultimate cardio queen. SHe literally does an hour everyday at the gym and 2 on Saturday. Of course she complimented my body changes, and asked what I did. I tried to explain heavy lifting to her. I told her I eat over 2k a day and only workout 3-4 days a week. Well, yesterday she was saying it seems her thighs are bigger, or at least her pants feel tighter in the upper leg. SHe loves cardio-kick and body pump, but she is in pretty good shape and tends to go 20's when everyone else is using 5s or 10s. SHe wants a nice rounded butt and tight legs. I asked, "WHat do you squat?" SHe does 20 reps with 10lbs dbs. I said, "Get under the squat bar. You're in good shape, no reason you can lift the bar." SHe didn't know what I was talking about. "The Olympic barbell, It's 45lbs. You know over in the free weight area." She goes to NYSC so I know they have a good free weight area." SHe looked at me like I'm nuts. "you want results you need to go heavy." Guess she's just not ready yet. lol
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    ....I should post pics of my shoulders....maybe when I do my month-end photos for October, I'll do some especially of my shoulders.

    On the Phase 1, workout "B" question (NROL4Abs), re: elevated planks - I only reset twice - meaning, I did each exercise 3 times - the front planks for 35 seconds each time and the side planks for 20 seconds each time.

    Yes, I'm easily getting in 30% protein. Frankly, most days, most of what I eat is protein (very few carbs and probably not enough healthy fats).

    samntha - nobody is EVER ready to hear about "heavy lifting" - it's just so counter-intuitive to what women have been taught, over-and-over-and-over. I just live by the adage, "when the student is ready, the teacher shall appear..." - it is EXACTLY what happened for me!
  • mermegan
    mermegan Posts: 143
    Happy Saturday all!

    Q: Has anyone tried Intermittent Fasting? I've been researching Lean Gains and I'm inspired to try it. One reason being it's very similar to how I naturally like to eat. No breakfast, fasting until 1PM then having a 10 hour feeding window (8 for men, 10 for women). The biggest part being your macros and when you eat certain macros on Training vs. Rest days. It seems like a lot of work, but I'm sure you get it down with practice. My only concern is cutting down to a lower calorie level than I'm used to on Rest days. On training days I'm eating slightly more than maintenance.

    I'm nervous but I'm also pretty excited about it all...

    Also, where have my DOMS gone? I'm concerned about upping more weight on squats/deads, but I'm not feeling a ton of soreness in my legs (my shoulders are a different matter) WTH? Is that normal? Am I not going heavy enough? When I'm working out my muscles feel tired and I feel the burn, but no soreness.

    EXCEPT for my right butt cheek lol. Guess that side was working extra hard at step ups.
  • mermegan
    mermegan Posts: 143
    P.S. You chicks have some strong *kitten* shoulders! Go You!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Me: 5 NEP:8
    WHy is the more rest I get , the worse I feel. Going to freight fest tomorrow. Lots of walking Lord help me.

    Megan, I don't have an answer about fasting. I'm hypoglycemic so I can't but I know some who have tried. Anything is worth trying as long as you are safe and healthy.
  • mermegan
    mermegan Posts: 143
    Looks like the other option is keeping calories steady at my 20 percent cut, but eating them in that window. And I think I'll manipulate my macros a little--protein high both days, more carbs on WO days and more fat on Rest days. That seems less intimidating than counting macros down to the gram.

    My issue is drinking too much coffee on an empty stomach so I'll have to watch out for that. I have two kids and they wake up early!

    Will let you know how it goes. Still battling this cold, ugh!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Mermegan, I've thought about trying IFing as well. I really don't think it can hurt as long as you're getting your protein in like you said. From the limited research I've done on it, it seems like it can be helpful for some people. Also, the DOMS gets better as you get into a Stage. I freaked the first time I didn't have DOMS in Stage 1. Don't worry, when you start a new Stage, it will return for the first several workouts.


    Yesterday was nasty. I got enough protein in, but ate waay over goal. Ugh. Today WILL be better.