Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    karen - you really can guage your own "protein" success, here. If you have set your protein macro to recognize that, as a weight-lifter, you NEED to eat more protein (just for muscle repair/growth), this challenge was ONE way of helping you be accountable for eating ALL THAT PROTEIN.

    *They* say you should be getting 1g of protein per 1 lb. of bodyweight, on a daily basis. So, that's one measure you can take.

    Another measure would be to get in whatever protein macro you have set for yourself.

    We're grading on the "honour" system, here!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Beeps - I know exactly how you feel. You are doing the right thing by teaching her how to handle it properly now and hopefully it won't be an issue when she gets older. You sound like a GREAT mom!!!
  • jsextrasmooth
    jsextrasmooth Posts: 127 Member
    This thread goes so fast I struggle to keep up reading never mind posting! Pleased to see good news from Jessica and Manic, Oh and I'd go insane without my shift key too!

    A3 done tonight and I'm starting to get more confident with the squats, I even added a teeny tiny bit of weight to the oly bar lol!

    Beeps, fab protein challenge - I struggle to meet the calories on some days, let alone the protein as I smoked for 24yrs and my mind is still adjusting to eating so much food! It's now been 3 months since I broke free of cigarettes and joined a gym woohoo!

    Me - 4
    NEP - 7

    One more workout and that's my 2nd full week of lifting done. Loving it so far and this thread is a great motivator :flowerforyou:

  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Man I love this thread! It is very distracting at work lol. I have sort of fallen off the healthy eating path this week (well, I have eaten all my healthy foods, plus lots of chocolate) but I haven't strayed from working out! Tomorrow makes 2 full weeks of NROL4W for me and I think I'm FINALLY getting a hang of the deadlifts...maybe. But I def have the rest of it down.

    For those of you who are doing the protein challenge (or just want more protein) on EM2WL forum Lucia posted a link to a new protein bar her friend makes from scratch and she claims are amazing. I took her word for it and ordered some (they do look good) to sub in as my afternoon snack. If you want to check it out it is www.sixpacknutritionshack.com Once I try them I will report back on the level of deliciousness.

    Also, quick question, the HIIT NROL4W incorporates in later stages is cardio, right? My hubby keeps telling me HIIT is a lifting method - we are in disagreement. If it IS cardio I am battling severe shin splints right now (normally I am a half marathoner) and can't do treadmill intervals...any other suggestions?
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Emgel, I've definitely been eating my share of chocolate lately too. Dang PMS and cool weather. HIIT is "High Intensity Interval Training" and is most definitely cardio! It can be any type of cardio as long as you are getting the "High Intensity" part. Cycling, elliptical, burpees, whatever. So you can chose something that won't aggravate your shin splints. Good luck on the DLs! You will come to love them with time :)

    extrasmooth, congrats on quitting smoking! That is HUGE!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    those protein bars don't get sent to Canadians, unfortunately....but, I have some good protein bars, so it's fine.

    emgel - you get the "1" in the "w" column this time out - your hubby is WRONG. HIIT just refers to "High Intensity Interval Training" - it really just means alternating periods of HIGH intensity (i.e. sprinting) with periods of LOW intensity (i.e. jogging), during a cardio activity. Is NOT a "lifting method". Just google it - you'll find TONS of info!

    jennie - thanks for your sweetness.....I love my daughter SO much - and it makes me feel ill when I say anything, anywhere, that might be taken as a "diss" against her.
  • briebear77
    briebear77 Posts: 253 Member
    Hey everyone, I've been lurking and though I'd jump in and say hello! I finish week two of NROL4W tomorrow, I freaking love this program already!
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    I DID google it!!! We are both ex-athletes and slightly competitve about this stuff, so he just came back with lifting websites that call what they do (like 20 fast reps, 10 seconds of rest) HIIT. But I knew I was right...I shall file this in the "secret win" column lol. I used to do HIIT training in field hockey...I had NEVER heard of it for lifting. silly boys.

    I shall try my HIIT on an elliptical for now I guess!

    Sorry Canadians...I didn't realize those bars were US only!
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    beeps: don't feel ill voicing your concerns about your daughter. as mothers we worry. I was just looking at my almost 5yo this morning and thinking that she looks to be built like me and I hope that I can help guide her if her weight ever does become a problem. My oldest is an absolute string bean, like her daddy, for now. Who knows though...like you described my oldest was a big baby, 10'1" when born. She is in second grade so we'll see. anyhow...I just don't think you should feel bad. your worry for your daughter is valid as someone who only wants the best for their children. hugs.

    briebear-welcome here. I am new myself, will finish week one tomorrow. I am loving it too!

    true to form it seems my soreness, DOMS, starts in the afternoons the day after a workout. I will go in tomorrow morning, early, because we are leaving to go out of town in the afternoon. Aside from hiking and nature trail walking I will be taking the weekend off. then hit it again on Mon. I am kind of excited for tomorrow. since I had help on Wed. at the gym I was able to show myself that I can pick up the 45 pounder and will be doing at least that, probably more, for squats. *grunt*. lol
  • briebear77
    briebear77 Posts: 253 Member
    How fast did your guys' muscle soreness start to get less? I kicked butt yesterday in my workout and pushed myself really hard but I'm only sore in a few random spots. Last week I could barely move after a workout like that!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    brie - I still get sore after work-outs - usually moreso day 2 than day 1. But, I haven't had the "I can't walk" feeling since the beginning of NROL4W - which I started end of December, 2011.

    gadenni - thanks for the words of support!
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    ok...I need help and/or suggestions please.

    I am still healing from a severe sprain of my foot/little toe. yeah I am awesomely clumsy! anyhow...I did not do lunges yesterday because I could not, I did more step ups. tomorrow actually calls for step ups and I am not sure I can do them. I am a hurting unit today. and climbing the stairs to get into the house it hit me...step ups are gonna be a killer.

    so....do I just do as many as possible? with or without weights? any other suggestions on a variation of either the step ups or lunges? I am not sure when I will be able to do lunges. I am just this week wearing normal shoes for the first time in a month.

    any help appreciated! Thanks!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    OK I will bite: You tried on the bras "thanks to your cat"?????? :)

    DO tell...
    My cat is very mad at me right now. I left my good bra laying on top of my dresser and she peed on it.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    You guys were chatting it up today.
    Speaking of moms, my mom is the unhealthiest person on the planet. She's a heavy smoker, though these days she tries to keep to half a pack a day, even though she has the early stages of emphazima (sp) COPD, and holes in her esophagus. She never worried about eating healthy and never promoted it. Never dieted or complained about her weight either. Her weight would fluctuate pretty badly because of her thyroid. Bad thyroid issues in the family. She has 7 sisters and all but one has some kind of problem and one aunt and 2 cousins have had the cancer. I was checked last year. In the mean time, she has had skin cancer, breast cancer and just had biopsies for her throat (fingers crossed). Thanks to the Live Strong foundation, My mom scored 12 free weeks at the YMCA as a cancer survivor. My aunt is dragging her to aqua-fit. She loves the pool, so hopefully this will workout. I will gladly pay for her membership is she will actually use it.

    I was talking in the car today about how the only veggies we ate growing up were peas, green an corn out of a can and easily mixed with the mashed potatoes ever present on our plates. Even the years I was vegetarian, I rarely ate fresh veggies. It is shocking how over the last couple of years that has changed. I was raised on chocolate and baked goods. My metabolism lasted until around 28 after the second baby lol. THat's when I really got dumpy in the rump and feeling very unhealthy. My brohter on the other hand, is morbidly obese. 6'3'' over 300lbs..

    Mary, bless you for dealing with all you do. It is amazing you hold it together as well as you do. I had to learn to live by the serenity prayer, and it took me a year in therapy.

    Gadenni, heal up.

    Brie, by the second or third time I did a particular series of exercises, I stopped getting sore. Not long after that you change up to next series of exercises and start all over again. When you stop getting sore, that means your muscles have adapted and they need something new.

    Beeps, you are super woman. Don't forget it.

    I will try not to complain about my kids or being busy because I don't do half of what you all do. However, I'm getting a Smartboard and laptop for my classroom next month. Yeah, now I can do work at home :( Like the 9 hours I do already isn't enough. k done complaining :)

    My kids rock. I need to not forget it (like today when I have to sign an office referral for the big one) They are mostly vegetarian, they love their fruits and veggies, they are in no structured activities, and they are super muscular twigs. Kid you not my 8 year old had an 8 pack. No fat on the kid. Frankly I think they are too skinny, so they have free reign of the kitchen. Luckily there isn't really any bad food in there. Yogurt, fruit, whole grain cereals and granola bars are their go to snacks. Their meal portions are a little on the small side, but given the opportunity they would eat me out of house and home. I spend about $800/month on food for four in the crazy house.

    Still fighting this head cold. I tried allergy pills today and now my nose went from congested to runny. No sure what's worse.
    How's everyone else? Good?

    NEP: 7
    Bad day. Movie packs of raisinettes were on sale :(

    (sorry didn't mean to write a book lol
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    gadenni - instead of lunges, can you do a bulgarian split squat?? (no rest on the toes.) I'd try that.

    samntha - I *like* the longer posts, actually....gives me "hints" as to what your real life is like! (And, it sounds pretty busy to me!)

    I'm bombing at this protein challenge - which is funny, because I ROCKED it, on my own, all summer. But, eating in a deficit puts me at risk of not getting in my protein. I am getting in >100g everyday, so I'm not worried about losing lean muscle mass, anyway.

    Me: 4
    NEP: 6
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member

    Jennie & Beeps - thanks for clarifying the protein challenge. I'll have to go back through my journal to see where I stand.

    Jan -- congratulations on being smoke-free for 3 mos.! That's fantastic!

    Beeps - It doesn't sound to me like there's any reason to feel bad about your daughter. You're worried about keeping her healthy. I'd be more likely to judge you if you *didn't* worry about her, or notice her weight/proportions changing like they do. If hockey seems to melt fat off her in the winter, is there a summer sport she'd enjoy that might help her stay more active in the spring/summer too?

    emgel - I agree with the others that HIIT is definitely cardio. If you can't do it on the treadmill, you can do it with almost anything else: elliptical, bike, rowing machine, swimming, etc. The intensity variations are what matters most.

    brie - congrats on finishing week 2! By the end of stage 1, I hardly ever had DOMS except as I started new stages. Stages 3 & 5 were especially brutal on my hamstrings for the first workout (stage 3 more than stage 5). The first workout of stage 6 was pretty rough on my lats & chest too.

    gadenni - your weekend plans sound fun! I'd skip the step-ups today though if you did them instead of lunges last time. I'd just let your foot heal until you're able to do both moves again.

    Samntha - I'm so sorry to hear about all your mom's health problems. I hope the swimming @ the Y is something she'll stick with!

    I'm stuck doing cardio for a few days while I wait for 2 stitches in my arm to heal. I had a benign fatty tumor removed on Wednesday, and the stitches don't come out until NEXT Wednesday, so between my Dr. and a trainer @ my gym, their collective advice was pretty much not to lift again until Monday. So only 1 lifting workout for me this week.
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member

    Me: 3
    NEP: 8*

    *On 2 NEP days, I didn't log at all, and on 2 others, I was at 28% and 29% protein -- soooooo close, but not quite 30%.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Hey...guess what! I lifted today! As in my workout A6 of Abs. For realz. Finally!

    I am not sleeping as well as I hope to eventually, but I'm sleeping enough to function again. Yay me! I have to say, making myself go workout after a couple weeks off was tough. I had a good workout though, pretty much picking up where I left off. So maybe that lost pound wasn't muscle after all. I even felt like throwing up afterward. It must have been a good one. Haha!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    karen - funny thing - she IS way more active (over-all) in the summer - she bikes! she runs! I actually think it has to do with the difference between anaerobic exercise - which she responds well to - and aerobic exercise - which keeps her pudgy. Anyway, it is what it is....I will be glad when puberty hits, I think, and she grows like a willow! (please??!!??)

    Jessica! YAY FOR LIFTING! I'm soooooooooo happy to read this! Yay for you!
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Well, today was the end of my second full week lifting! I like how challenging it is! I have noticed on the lunges though that my right hamstring HURTS (like DOMS, but only during the exercise)...makes it tough to finish the set!

    Question: As the reps go down, what do you do if you can't go up in weight? Mainly, for me, the problem is the shoulder press. I use 15lb dumbbells and there is NO way I can use 20s. Thoughts?

    Beeps, please don't worry about what you are thinking about your daughter! Think ANYTHING you want! Just as long as you are careful about what you say to her (and I am sure you are!). My mom was what I called the "food police" my WHOLE LIFE (you know, "you are eating another cookie?" or "don't eat that junk") and all it made me do was eat junk food in secret...a habit I still trend towards when hubby isn't home (bc I think "ooo house to myself, i can eat anything I want) when really it would have been better if she focused on my being HEALTHY, rather than skinny. Plus you are setting SUCH a good example for her...and that makes the biggest impact in the long run.