Daily Chat Thread



  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Welcome back, Jo!
    Glad to see your vacay didn't set you back at all! :)
  • woodsygirl
    woodsygirl Posts: 354 Member
    I go up to tiptoe when I do mine Sue, I think that really helps to work your calves into the equation as well. :)
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    i've totally went off the deep end. my eating has been horrible. i haven't exercised in a week or so. my puppy chewed off the left shift key so it doesn't work. my 19 year old is dating a total jerk. Don't you just love that. my entire body hurts and i don't know why. i am very sick of hurting all the time. i am not sure if it is from the lack of eating right and exercise but my body did hurt then too.

    soooo woohoo to yall. don't forget about me. don't don't don't forget about me (song). hehehehe i still have some humor

    awww Mary, hope things turn around for you! be easy. We all have at least 1 jerk in our past. Hope she gets it sooner than later!! Did you talk to a doc about your pain? Hope you do. Chat me on FB if you want to talk!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Hi all, just back from 2 1/2 weeks in Australia on holiday. The great thing was that it was my husband's birthday and I got him an HRM - and he walked with me every day (we did 1-2 hours hard each morning then another 3-5 hours easy just wandering around), and then for our week out on the coast we did a 18k, a 25k and a 14k walk. All great training for the Oxfam 100k walk in April.

    I came back 2.5 kgs heavier (eating out 3 x a day some days!) but have lost all that plus another 300gms since being home and logging my food again. Back into routine with 5 ks everyday except one day where we do 10 plus ks (did 12 ks today) plus have just started Stage 2 (A) so that goes on top of the walking 3 x a week.

    I struggled with a couple of the new lifts (ie: front squat) and ended up looking for examples on YouTube to check on how it was done in real life. Am thinking of going to a gym to get a PT to go through some of them with me to make sure my form is good - but I don't want to join one - I love working out at home.

    I was really pleased to come back from holiday fitter than when I left and very keen to start lifting again.

    Sue and I are both at exactly the same place (after some clever planning on our part) so it's great to have a buddy to work through it with. :)

    Jo, if Fitness Factory works out like I"m hoping, I'm joining. As much as I like working out at home, the area in my basement is really just too small to be able to do anymore more than the static squats and deadlifts. Trying to drive upwards was pretty difficult even with the empty bar, mainly because I had no room to step sideways if I lost my balance.

    ETA: last week's protein actually ended up ok, but I will do better this week, I Hope

    ME 5
    NEP 2
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    i've totally went off the deep end. my eating has been horrible. i haven't exercised in a week or so. my puppy chewed off the left shift key so it doesn't work. my 19 year old is dating a total jerk. Don't you just love that. my entire body hurts and i don't know why. i am very sick of hurting all the time. i am not sure if it is from the lack of eating right and exercise but my body did hurt then too.

    soooo woohoo to yall. don't forget about me. don't don't don't forget about me (song). hehehehe i still have some humor
    Mary I love you. Go to the gym and sweat out the frustration. Lift, run whatever. And step away from the SNickers bar. LOL

    I had a kid free day off so I hit the gym early for my second ABS A-WO. It is amazing how much you sweat doing planks. I'm back at 90 sec. Since it says 60-90, do I start to harder progressions? I''m going to do one more week at 90 anyway. And I got my Romanian DL back up to 12 reps of 90 woo hoo!!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I think this is the first weekend in a long time that the thread didn't explode. Most everyone must have been busy!

    Sam - such great progress! I'm totally jealous. I haven't lost anything - still weigh the same (actually a bit more), still in a size 10. I am getting stronger and some things are firming up a bit, but hasn't made a difference in the clothes yet.

    Jo - Welcome back! Glad you had a good vacation!

    Sue - hope it all works out well at the club!

    Mary - sorry you're struggling right now. If you really hurt all the time, it may be time for a doctor visit. There are definitely days that I'm sore, but it's not every day. Hit the gym, get some cardio in and relieve that stress!!

    I pretty much ate thru my entire weekend. There really is no excuse except that I was hungry and enjoying myself. I made sure to eat the good foods, but just ate too much of the not so good foods as well. The women's event at church was awesome! Soccer went well. I'm consigning the kids clothes with JBF (Just Between Friends) so my house is covered with all that stuff, but hopefully I can get some money back on it. I was up late and too tired to get up this morning to lift. Now I think I may be coming down with something or else it's just that I'm still exhausted from the weekend.

    to add - interesting article on clean eating

  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Thanks, SamBam and jenjen. no snickers for me today. I haven't felt like eating them. Will get a dr appt tomorrow.

    The good news i did lose a half of a pound. not sure how.
  • kkauz42
    kkauz42 Posts: 537 Member
    Hey ladies!! I am doing NROL for women and I am currently on stage 1! I started a while back and quit after like stage 3 or something....I don't even remember why but it was stupid! lol. My head is in the right place now and I'm determined to shape my body differently.

    The gym that I was a member at for a few years just suddenly closed down because the owners did some shady stuff (like pocketing cash when people bought memberships). I have since been forced to find a new gym and I landed upon Planet Fitness.

    At my current PF there is limited free weights so I will have to modify some things I am sure. Are there any PF members also doing NROL??
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    No Olympic barbell? The smith machine takes away the stability function of the movements. You'll have to go heavier on the weights if you use it, but I might stick with super heavy dumbbells or find the machines that mimic the movements. If they have the pre-weighted curling barbells thos I find very useful. ou may not run into trouble until you start going super heavy, i.e over 100lbs.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    YEA!!!! I have a new gym! Local, only 3 locations. This one is GREAT! Loads of amenities - even a boxing room and TRX room, but best of all loads of weights, lots of one on one, and an expansion of the lifting/powerlifting area!! I'm psyched. I will sign up tomorrow. There were several options including a "family" plan, so I wanted to talk to my husband about it. I will go back tomorrow, and the nice thing is they will hold my membership start until I come home from Maine. Yea! I'm a happy camper!

    Welcome kk - I am a recovering PF member! :laugh: I was actually working out at home because PF didn't have the equipment I needed nor did they really want anyone lifting really heavy (cue the commercial). I hope you can get what you want from yours!

    Mary, I'm glad you're going to the doc!! and congrats on losing!!

    Jennie, interesting article and site! Thanks!


    Me 1
    NEP 0
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Welcome kk! I have no experience with PF, but I hope you can figure out a way to make it work.
    Mary, sorry about all the stress:(. I hope things get better soon!
    Sam....12 inches is amazing! Way to really get the most of the program!
    Jennie, I love JBF. But they are so crazy when they have one here. I've found some great stuff at the sales.

    Got my protein plus some today. Unfortunately our day got crazy and I didn't get my lifting in. So bummed. I really like Stage 4/Stage 2. I really feel the workouts. The cooler weather makes me want to EAT, so I need to get the exercise in.
  • kkauz42
    kkauz42 Posts: 537 Member
    Sam & Sue, PF doesn't have any free barbells. They do have free dumbbells and weighted barbells up to 60lbs. For dead lifts the trainer recommended to do dumbbell lifts so I will do that for now. I'll stick with PF until I feel like I "out grow" it. Its $10/month with no contract so I will make it work for now. Also I will probably have to use the smith machine for some stuff. There is a new one opening closer to me so *maybe* it will have more free weights. If I don't like it I can just move on to another gym!
  • SteAnnMui
    SteAnnMui Posts: 129 Member
    Haven't been around much, my husband was back in town for a few days and in Canada we had Thanksgiving :)

    He totally threw off my eating though.

    Me: 6
    NEP: 2

    I didn't even have time to workout yesterday, we got up at 6 am and I started icing the pumpkin cupcakes and cake I made. Then we had to see a friend because it was her birthday, but she worked at noon so we had to get there early.

    I'm exhausted but glad to get back to working out (as soon as Sloane takes her nap). Will be done Stage 2 this week, only two more workouts left!
  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441
    Morning all-

    I'm back from the beach...what a good/bad trip! Weather was great on Friday & Saturday, a little cooler but still beautiful on Sunday, and chilly on Monday. But geez, it's only 48-50 in VA today...I'd rather go back to the beach. Our dog friendly hotel gave our dogs fleas so needless to say I have been a dog bathing, clothes washing and luggage machine. I am soooo paranoid about bringing fleas home - yuck!! So my doggies are so fresh and so clean :). But besides the flea issue we had a great time. We tried a few new restaurants and found a new favorite. I ate WAY too much food...but it was all so yummy! Crabcakes, Mahi Mahi, shrimp, hush puppies, Sweet Frog, and Dunkin' Donuts coffee!! Our kids collected shells and enjoyed the waves (which were awesome on Sunday because of the incoming weather). We found about 30 clams shells and the kids got to experience seeing the muscles come out and dig the shells in to the sand. They thought it was awesome (me too). I think they were Coquina shells.

    I need to get back on the lifting wagon today but I'm going to have to pass...my little girl is home from school with a fever :( Back at it tomorrow morning after a class at work.

    Welcome to all that are new to NR!!

    I'm going to claim NEP Friday thru Monday because I didn't count/log at all.

    Sue- Yipee!! Congrats on the new GYM!!

    Forgot what else I was going to write...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Protein challenge:

    Me: 4
    NEP: 4

    Even though I got MORE than 100g of protein in, every day of this (long) weekend, I did NOT get over 125g. The *problem* as I see it, is I'm eating at a deficit....so, there just is NOT room for 125g of protein, if I want to eat ANY other type of food (i.e. carbs or fat). I'm wondering if I should give myself the points when I just eat over 100g of protein?? Nah. I set out to eat 125g, and if I don't get it in, I don't get it in and point goes to NEP.

    The deficit eating has been a really good lesson for me. I am dropping scale weight! And, I don't see my "strength" component weakening, at all. Lesson learned.

    I *did* end up eating too much at Thanksgiving. I did NOT eat anything I didn't want to. But, my portions of the "want to" foods were too big. Oh well. It was one day.

    My BIG news is that my period came, today! Why is this big news? Well, normally, the day-or-two prior to my period I just eat junk food like it's going out of style and my carb count is OFF THE CHARTS. I didn't even think my period was coming until the end of this week, so I was prepared to try and steel myself against this "urge". Heck, it didn't even happen, that I can think of, and I ate at a deficit all weekend days, excepting Sunday, where I was only about 400 calories over (and yet, still at a deficit of what, for example, NROL4W says I should eat!). So, this is the first time, EVER, I think, where I just had no cravings and my period is gonna come and go without much fanfare.

  • mermegan
    mermegan Posts: 143
    Hi all! I'm back from Portland. Had lots of yummy food and drinks and came back with an extra pound. Didn't drink as much water as I should have so hoping it's not actually fat. But, well, it sure could be (mmm, pumpkin chocolate ice cream. Yes, I ate that). Got in a gym workout and am so excited:

    Hit my a new PR for my deadlift--115 pounds!

    Yay! Now I don't have to stack plates on the floor which is nice. There were two guys next to me and one was deadlifting the same amount of weight. Granted he was like 19, but hey! That was awesome. I also inspired my aunt to get back into weight training and that was a great feeling.

    I've lost track of where I am on protein, but I didn't reach it this weekend. Back at it this week!

    Got to catch up on this thread. In the meantime, have a great day everyone!
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member

    How can a person be so fricking sleepy and tired, and NOT be able to go to sleep? I'm going on my third day with only a few short periods of lucid sleep at night. Somebody stick a fork in me.

    Today should be a lift day. I don't even know if it's safe for me to attempt. I'm thinking probably not. This is really getting to me. I know how to get my body to relax, but how do you make your mind stop racing?
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    when I can't sleep because my mind is racing I count backwards from 200 or 300 if that does not work. normally once or twice through will do it for me. and some nights I have to constantly re-focus myself to count and start over again in the middle.
    hope you get some sleep soon!

    I have intro'ed myself a few times on this forum here and there but thought I would chime in on this thread as well. I am Gretchen, 37 yo mom to three kiddos. 7yo and twins who are almost 5.

    I started with Body Pump through the Y and quickly realized that I really enjoy lifting. Waaaaaaay more than cardio. I was led to MFP by an instructor at the Y and then through MFP heard about Nrol4W.

    I just completed the very first workout yesterday and loved it. It seems like something I can definitely do. it was more than I expected at the same time too. I am not sore in my legs at all today but my shoulders and abs are achy when I move them. I am ok with that though.

    question on carbs/fats and proteins...I am good now, through shakes and bars, at getting all my protein but some days my carbs lack. I feel a primary focus on protein with a secondary focus on calories is what I need to be doing but wonder if you guys have any suggestions or if I am wrong. I want to eventually wean off of shakes and bars so much so I am trying to get in natural lean protein sources as well. It will just take some manipulation and time to get it all in there I think. any suggestions on working this all out are appreciated!
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I really love this thread! And Beeps, you already have me looking forward to NROL Abs when I'm done with NROL4W! I'm in my second week of Stage 1 and still liking it...although I am not a deadlift fan but I AM a step up fan! I am not at all as strong as I thought I was lol...so something to keep working towards!

    Hope everyone had a great weekend!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    merme - welcome back!

    jessica - I just cannot imagine being as sleep-deprived as you! CANNOT!! I am sleep-deprived, today....actually, this whole weekend I didn't get much more than 5 or 6 hours per night - which is NOT enough, for me. Do you use an S.A.D. lamp?? Perhaps trying that during the day, and making sure you are getting your vitamin D. Those are my only suggestions, since I know you are under the care of a physician!

    gaden - I totally rely on shakes/bars to get enough protein in. 100%. I used to be afraid of so much shakes/bars, because I think they also cause me bloat. But, I've just decided, for me, it's more important to make sure I'm getting in my protein! My muscles NEED IT for their (appropriate) recovery!

    emge - you're gonna LOVE NROL4W! Everything gets better and better and better!