Daily Chat Thread



  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Megan - when are you starting Stage 2? I'll be done with Stage 1 by end of next week if I include the AMRAPs -- in which case, I will start Stage 2 on the 22nd. If I skip the AMRAPs, I'll be done next Monday, would take the rest of the week off, and would start Stage 2 on the 15th. Maybe we can sync up! I still plan on going 3X/week for Stages 2 and 3.

    Hope your foot heals fast. Be careful!! I agree that spinning or swimming might be a great alternative.

    Who needs free weights when you have toddlers? I have a 40 lb almost 3-year old. Before I started New Rules, I was having trouble lifting her and actally think I pulled something in my elbow from carrying her a certain way. NOW??? She seems light as a feather. This program works!
  • mermegan
    mermegan Posts: 143
    @Kathy: I hear you! Kids just keep wanting to be carried by their mamas, even when they get heavy! How great a feeling to pick her up no problem—awesome! My left tricep is way bigger than my right because I would always carry my girl on my left side. Guess I just have to live with a large left arm :happy:

    K: re: stage 2, I'd love to sync up! You're a little ahead. I'm doing B6 tonight, so I should be ready for Stage 2 on the 21st. That's if I skip AMRAP, which I really have no desire to do anyway!

    @Beeps/Jennie: Thanks for the tips. I think I will focus on cycling because that doesn't seem to bother it as much. It's more lateral movement that hurts. I go to a bootcamp at the beach that I think I'll have to give up, which makes me very sad. BUT, it's better than being totally sidelined. The class is all running--stairs, sand, so it's not very foot friendly. My biggest interest is losing fat and gaining/keeping muscle. I still struggle with cutting cardio--old habits. BUT, I think I'll just bring it down to 20 minutes, 3 x a week. The stepmill isn't too tough on my foot although it's tough after doing NROL4W.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I forgot what me totals were but today NEP.

    Sam, I am DORK! I can not stop laughing at this... me totals, LOL!! I am at work so please allow me to giggle but if I am offensive please tell me to knock it off! I keep picturing you as a little Leprechaun :) Too funny...

    ok, I have come back to my senses and I am going to go back to saving lives ;)
    Glad I could make you laugh at my totals. Great now I'm laughing too :laugh:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I hope that everyone feeling the blah's starts feeling better. Just keep swimming, just keep swimming. Frankly I log but I really don't sweat it. It's more like, "Oh that's interesting. Keep it moving." I still feel bleh today but I'm still fighting it. SKipped the gym tonight. Hubby went out to play with his friends and I get and extra rest day.

    Interesting NSV: I mail ordered some new bras bask in May, but they we WAY to tight. Couldn't breathe while wearing them tight. Well thanks to my cat, long story, I put one one over the weekend and the kinda fit. Still snug, but not cutting off my air. I got through an entire day at work in one today, so YAY, two new bras. They actually give my tiny little boobies a nice shape too.
    AND Being stronger made it so I could carry my 30lb box of cat litter throughout store and out to my car without needing a shopping cart. Go me!

    ME: 4
    NEP: 6
    Good day and I avoided over-eating at dinner. I still wanted more when my plate was clean but I drank my iced tea and figured if i was still hungry in 15 min. I'd have another serving. Nope I'm good.
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    OK I will bite: You tried on the bras "thanks to your cat"?????? :)

    DO tell...
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    I've gotten a little bit of sleep. Not super great, but it's definitely an improvement over NO sleep. I'm working on some deep relaxation techniques to help relax and get my mind to stop racing. It seems to be helping some. Now, I just have to figure out the tossing and turning part.

    Good news: I'm down on the scale.
    Bad news: I'm scared it's muscle from not having lifted but once in two weeks. :-/
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Jessica, have you tried bikram yoga? I've been doing it for years. I am not a great sleeper but I am out like a light every night I do bikram. If nothing else it is exhausting and might help you get a good night's sleep...might be worth a shot!

    Sam, I carry my cat litter now too!

    My M W F workouts got changed this week to M T F...so back in the gym tmw!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I'm in Maine. I had to laugh - my sister has 3 and 5 lb weights. She's such a cardio nut and no matter how much I talk about the benefits, she equates muscle building with looking fat. Thanks Mom.... We sisters all have really struggled with the "look fat" thing as opposed to eating well and doing the right exercises because my mom for so many years talked about being skinny and dieted the old-fashioned way - all to no avail! She remained overweight her entire life. It's a lousy inheritance, one that I am tossing in the garbage can. I refuse to do that anymore!!! I am very concerned tho that I am taking another whole week off from lifting. I almost feel as if I should be starting the whole program over, since I hardly did anything last week, and now it's 4 full weeks without following the program at all. What do you all think?

    Sam, I too, am curious how the cat made you try on the snug bra!

    Jess, I bet part of the issue is that you're so worried about sleeping that it's keeping you awake or worse, waking you up! Yoga, meditation etc, might indeed help with that!

    Me =7
    NEP = 3
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    Ugh. I lost the protein challenge battle yesterday - only got 109g of protein in.

    Me: 5
    NEP: 5

    And, to top it off, I ended up going over my calories by, like 1,000!!! I BINGED like an insane woman....yes, it's TOM, and I forgive myself, but it was f-ugly and I am totally embarrassed. Grossed out.

    Anyway, my muscles are sore - so I guess my lifting, yesterday, was a good performance. Today is a rest day....and a fast day since it was just SO TERRIBLE last night.

  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    We are in spring moving towards summer so at the other end of the motivation spectrum - can't wait to do even more (mind you, I have been doing lifting and cardio 6-7 days a week right through winter).

    Did some of my lifts outside last night (Stage 2 / workout B). It was lovely being outside with the trees and birds and sunshine. I may even consider moving my weight gear to an outside under cover area for summer. We have a very private property with fences and trees right around. Daylight saving has also kicked in so walking in the evening is now possible again, and as my husband is training too we can do it together.

    I've now done an A and a B set from Stage 2, and am looking forward to doing the next rounds with more confidence - the first time with a new exercise seems to take so long, I double and triple check the book as I go to make sure I've got it right.

    As Sue has headed off to the gym now too the thought did go through my mind about joining one for convenience - but decided that I'm in no rush to get through each session and to let the setting up and breaking down and moving round of gear be a nice part of the process.

    We are having a coffee meet with other MFPers from Auckland (New Zealand) on Sunday - it will be great to meet some of the friends I've made here IRL. :) No other NRoL4W ladies though unfortunately.

    Right, on with my work day. Take care all!

    Jo, I think it's awesome that you have the room to move about so easily. The only reason I've decided to use the gym is because of room. I think I would be able to pick up the moves for this stage if I had more maneuverability! But my space is just too limited to do the front squat push press, especially if i need to step off from it. I'd be crashing into stuff. I'm envious too that your summer is coming. I really am not much of a winter person and as I get older, even less so.
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    Hi ladies - I'm 3 workouts into S6, and have to take a break because I have 2 tiny little stitches in my right forearm. So I'll be doing cardio for a few days just to stay in the habit of waking up early & getting to the gym, plus I think I'd go nutty eating only 1400 calories/day for more than 2 days in a row when I'm used to having so much more. Never mind the weather change making it tougher to get up early too. I'm so glad S6 workouts are under 90 minutes. :)
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    suelegal: I grew up with a step-mom who tried all the craziest *kitten* on the market to diet and lose weight. She was never overweight but was flabby ya know? My goal is to be firm, would really like to be ripped;-), strong and NOT pass weird food stuff on to my kiddos. I also have a friend with some serious body issues and it breaks my heart to try to talk to her about it, she is about 10 years younger than I, and it also kills me to see how it is slowly rubbing off on her girls. so I hear you on all that.

    I would like to get in on the protein challenge. if I am getting this right the NEP stands for not enough protein right?

    since the first of October:


    thank you all for the warm welcome. I am slowly trying to get ot know you guys and dip my foot into commenting on your posts. always feels a little weird when you really don't *know* anyone yet.

    I do have a question...is soreness something that only happens at the beginning or does it come around every time you up weights? do you all suffer on some level with soreness or are some of you never really sore?

    with what I was doing in the past I seldom suffered soreness unless I upped weight or took a week or two off for whatever reason so I assume this will be the same but I just kind of wondered.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Beeps - you're right - I pretty much do know where my calories are every day. Lately the tracking was to get to know where my protein is every day and I'm starting to get that down. I'm almost always able to get at least 100g without protein supplements, but I like to get aroung 130g. I've been out of my protein powder for about a month, and I've actually done pretty good getting to 130g of protein a day without it, but need to really work on the weekends.

    Sue - don't fret over missing weeks here and there. As Lou says in the book, it happens, that's why he doesn't take scheduled breaks. I've been taking way more breaks than I want to, but just keep pushing forward. You can always do the whole program over again once you finish.

    And I hear you on the mom dieting scenario. My mom was always doing something, still is. I've been trying to teach my boys from the beginning about healthy eating and fueling their bodies for the exercise they are doing. It's amazing to me that even my boys have issues. My 9 year old will sometimes call himself fat because he is comparing himself to his friends. He is certainly NOT fat. He is thick with muscle, just like his dad.

    gadenni - I'm usually only sore for a few days when I start a new Stage. Even upping weights doesn't generally make me too sore.

    Me - 6
    NEP - 4
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I can't keep up with this thread, but hope everyone gets to feeling better soon! I suffer from the blahs at this time of year too. I barely got my HIIT in and it was only 10 minutes. I just literally couldn't make myself go any longer.

    Sue, I hear ya. My mom was on a 1000-1500 calorie diet for as long as I can remember. She preached low calories and "self-control" to us from the time I was very young. However, it was never about being active and eating healthy. Needless to say, it definitely made for an unhealthy relationship with food for me. My mom has always been overweight.
    Also, I'd just keep going with the program instead of starting over. I think you'll be fine moving into Stage 2.

    Karen, I hope you can get back to lifting soon!

    Me: 7
    NEP: 3

    So I bought a BodyMedia Fit and wore it for the first time yesterday. I was expecting it to tell me I burned less than what I've had calculated this entire time. However, it actually said I burned nearly 2500 cals yesterday. I've only been eating 1600-1800 cals most days. I was busy yesterday and it was a lifting day, but I was very surprised by this! Today I won't be doing much but cleaning and packing around the house so we'll see what it says. Any input on how accurate these are for lifting? I suppose it's best to average out a week or two before making any changes to goals?
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    hi everyone! i am feeling better but life is so busy. my oldest daughter is having medical issues, my husband has ulcers and needs his gall bladder out, my baby is type 1 diabetic (keeps me stressed), and my son is a senior in HS and has homecoming this week! And it is killing me that my left shift key has been chewed off. i promise i have better grammar. lol

    CCG, i have a body media fit too. i love it for the fact i get a semi accurate reading of calories burned during exercise and my sleep pattern.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    Hi sue!

    karen - I'm very grateful, too, that 90 minutes work-outs (or longer!) are behind me. I swear if I'm not out of the gym in 60 minutes I actually start getting allergic hives!!

    gadenni - just jump right in....everybody loves everybody here!

    jennie - my daughter is quite pudgy. And, I'd be lying if I said it doesn't bug me - it does! During winter months, when she is in ice hockey, she seems quite controlled about her diet and the fat melts off her and she looks great. Summer - I dunno, she just turns into a perogy! Weird thing is, my son (one year older) is a stringbean. And, they eat the same food - because I do ALL the menu planning! I am going to sit down with her and kind of walk through the Canadian food guide and help her make some better "portion control" choices. My mom NEVER battled weight issues and never had a worry in the world. But HER mom used to want to "lose 5 lbs" every single day of her life. I'm afraid I'm like my nana....and not like my mom, in that regard!

    chubby - you are KILLING this protein challenge! yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!

    manic - ugh, soooooooooo much on your plate.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Beeps - I was worried a bit more about my 12 year old when he was younger. He wasn't really "fat", but he was kind of "pudgy" and he is thick with muscle also, so I knew it wasn't all fat, but still it concerned me. Especially since my DHs relatives are grossly obese. This is one of the reasons we had him in so many sports - soccer, basketball, wrestling, baseball. Anything I could do to keep him moving (he likes to sit and watch TV or play video games). Since he's starting to hit puberty - he's leaned out A LOT. He's 5'8" 160 lbs of solid muscle. I wish he had time to really fit in the weight lifting. Maybe when football/soccer season is over (yes he's doing both right now). I have to talk portion control with him also, but it's so hard because he's growing so much and is so active that I know he needs the extra calories, but still trying to get him to make good choices - like choosing the protein and veggies over the pasta and bread.
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    How are you measuring the NEP vs. Protein days? Is it by whether you ate 30% of your cals from protein? Or whether you hit your protein "target" for the day?

    *I know these will be the same on days that you eat exactly at your calorie target, but for days where your calories are a little over or under, I might get 30% protein, but be over/under on my number of protein grams, know what I mean?
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Karen - it's however you want to measure it. I measure mine as complete if I get at least 130g a day, no matter the percentage
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    jennie - i feel like *kitten* when I think about "pudgy" thoughts of my daughter. Like. A. Complete. *kitten*. But, something is a bit bizarre in her growth pattern. She was a big baby. Followed by being a tiny-mite through to school-age....as in REALLY tiny! Then, she was about average until grade 3 summer - then she became a dumpling. But, through grade 4, she played ice hockey and fat-melted, muscle-built and she was "average" again. Grade 4 summer - she became a dumpling, again! A BIGGER dumpling! Now, into grade 5, she's playing ice hockey and has joined skipping club (which starts tomorrow)....so, I think the fat will melt, again, and if she watches her portions, the fat will again melt off. BUT - something in the recesses of my memory think there's research out there that this sort of "fat-on/fat-off", in childhood, actually makes it MUCH TOUGHER for girls' as they mature into women, to KEEP on-track where weight is concerned. Can't remember. Anyway, I expect puberty will change her into a tall-lanky woman - I'm 5'9" and her dad is 6'3", so it's in her genes. But, in the meantime, it's just been a BIZARRE thing to watch! And, of course, my sons are stringbeans, so it feels like everyone (myself included) looks at her and tries to figure out where the "pudge" comes from?????????

    Okay, I feel awful, now....