Daily Chat Thread



  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Beeps you totally just rocked my world with your explanation of the step up!! I've DEF been doing it wrong and will try your way next week!! Although a weight bench seems a tad high for someone like me who stands at 5'1"...

    How do you hold a BB during step ups? I don't have my book with me right now so I can't check!

    I think I got a lousy workout today...there was a LINE for the squat rack so I just used the Smith machine because I had to get to work...def not a great way to do it, I could tell it was too easy. But I got up to 50lbs on my upright rows (my gyms doesn't have a seated row).
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    How do you hold a BB during step ups? I don't have my book with me right now so I can't check!

    You hold it on your back like you would for a back squat.

    Beeps - good luck!!! I LOVE Thanksgiving dinner.
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    I think I got a lousy workout today...there was a LINE for the squat rack so I just used the Smith machine because I had to get to work...def not a great way to do it, I could tell it was too easy. But I got up to 50lbs on my upright rows (my gyms doesn't have a seated row).

    A line?"!?!? What the--??? Crazy.

    Btw, I'm 5'2" and I do step ups on the weight bench. They are tough, but I'd rather do them over lunges. I hate lunges.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Wow, you ladies push A LOT of BB weight on those step-ups - GO YOU!!

    My cardio is a long-session on Saturday morn, and that's about it. Sometimes I get a little bit in on Tues/Thurs, but not this week.

    Protein challenge:

    Me: 4
    NEP: 0

    I had OVER 200g of protein yesterday! WOWZERS!
    what are you eating?
    speaking of eating, How should I adjust my intake for ABS? Not that it matters this week because I'm ovulating and eating EVERYTHING not nailed down, the good the bad and REALLY ugly.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Just came back from ABS phase 1 WOB. I did the dynamic workout which felt like a lot of jumping around. The overhead squat was tricky. All of the racks were being used, so I tried the Smith. Wrong move. Not enough freedom of motion and it really does make the bar too lite. I finally got on a rack and could only do three reps of the 45lb bar. However, I was able to get all 12 reps done with the 30lb curling bar. By the end of the third set I think I got the move down. You really have to push the tush lol.

    Now will someone save form eating myself into a coma. Although I must say that the workout helped clean out the gunk.
    PS: I'm over by almost 300 cals today but I made protein.
    ME: 2
    NEP: 3
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Nobody's around on the weekend when I actually have time to chat :(
    New measurements. 6.6 lbs accredited to NROL and 16 overall. Down 12 inches total from NROL4W Woo hoo! thought I'd come in down a little more because I was 12 in June. Also, My thighs seem bigger. Not sure if it's from actual muscle gain in my quads and hamstrings or if I just failed to measure in the same spot. I try to measure the biggest section every time.
  • SteAnnMui
    SteAnnMui Posts: 129 Member
    I think I got a lousy workout today...there was a LINE for the squat rack so I just used the Smith machine because I had to get to work...def not a great way to do it, I could tell it was too easy. But I got up to 50lbs on my upright rows (my gyms doesn't have a seated row).

    A line?"!?!? What the--??? Crazy.

    Btw, I'm 5'2" and I do step ups on the weight bench. They are tough, but I'd rather do them over lunges. I hate lunges.

    I'm just over 5'3 and I agree! I hate lunges with a passion.

    Edit to add:
    Me: 5
    NEP: 0
  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    Beeps you totally just rocked my world with your explanation of the step up!! I've DEF been doing it wrong and will try your way next week!! Although a weight bench seems a tad high for someone like me who stands at 5'1"...

    How do you hold a BB during step ups? I don't have my book with me right now so I can't check!

    I think I got a lousy workout today...there was a LINE for the squat rack so I just used the Smith machine because I had to get to work...def not a great way to do it, I could tell it was too easy. But I got up to 50lbs on my upright rows (my gyms doesn't have a seated row).

    If your gym has cables, you can put the cable pulley all the way down and sit on the floor and do your seated rows like that.
  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    Just came back from ABS phase 1 WOB. I did the dynamic workout which felt like a lot of jumping around. The overhead squat was tricky. All of the racks were being used, so I tried the Smith. Wrong move. Not enough freedom of motion and it really does make the bar too lite. I finally got on a rack and could only do three reps of the 45lb bar. However, I was able to get all 12 reps done with the 30lb curling bar. By the end of the third set I think I got the move down. You really have to push the tush lol.

    Now will someone save form eating myself into a coma. Although I must say that the workout helped clean out the gunk.
    PS: I'm over by almost 300 cals today but I made protein.
    ME: 2
    NEP: 3

    Way to go on the OH squat with 30#! I just finished stage 1 of NROLFAbs and that was the hardest one for me.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    samntha - the day I had 200g of protein, I had a steak! That red meat has WAY more protein than my usual fish/chicken....who knew??

    I did NOT get my protein in, yesterday, because I opted for popcorn for supper. So, protein challenge:

    Me: 4
    NEP: 1

    I did get my cardio in, today....my endurance *really* is suffering....and I could barely get through the class. :sad:

    But, since I'd rather be strong than worry about endurance, just now, I'll have to accept that something has to give....and, even though I might *usually* be tempted to do another cardio class on holiday monday, I won't - I'm going to hit the weights on the day!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    No red meat here lol. I think I need to get in more cardio. I've been really lazy about it lately. Maybe a swim this weekend.
  • jojojo909090
    jojojo909090 Posts: 205 Member
    Hi all, just back from 2 1/2 weeks in Australia on holiday. The great thing was that it was my husband's birthday and I got him an HRM - and he walked with me every day (we did 1-2 hours hard each morning then another 3-5 hours easy just wandering around), and then for our week out on the coast we did a 18k, a 25k and a 14k walk. All great training for the Oxfam 100k walk in April.

    I came back 2.5 kgs heavier (eating out 3 x a day some days!) but have lost all that plus another 300gms since being home and logging my food again. Back into routine with 5 ks everyday except one day where we do 10 plus ks (did 12 ks today) plus have just started Stage 2 (A) so that goes on top of the walking 3 x a week.

    I struggled with a couple of the new lifts (ie: front squat) and ended up looking for examples on YouTube to check on how it was done in real life. Am thinking of going to a gym to get a PT to go through some of them with me to make sure my form is good - but I don't want to join one - I love working out at home.

    I was really pleased to come back from holiday fitter than when I left and very keen to start lifting again.

    Sue and I are both at exactly the same place (after some clever planning on our part) so it's great to have a buddy to work through it with. :)
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    OMG will you please tell me how to do those stupid front squat push presses without falling over? Even with an empty bar it felt as awkward as could be. I didn't even really finish the workout. I wanted to hear what you all had to say about it, then I'll hit it hard tomorrow morning.

    Jo welcome back! Love your new profile pic!!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Here's a good example http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxXMjI4VJbk
    You really need to thrust up as you come up out of the squat. Use the momentum to get the bar over your head. Don't worry about the whole resting on your finger tips thing. I never did. I just held onto the bar on a good tight grip and showed it who's boss.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Here's a good example http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxXMjI4VJbk
    You really need to thrust up as you come up out of the squat. Use the momentum to get the bar over your head. Don't worry about the whole resting on your finger tips thing. I never did. I just held onto the bar on a good tight grip and showed it who's boss.

    Thanks Sam! That helps a whole lot. I'm off to the laundramat to clean comforters and pillows. I'll be back to workout later, and let you know how it went.
  • drummer_lady
    drummer_lady Posts: 150 Member
    I finally took the plunge and tried my squats with the olympic bar in the squat rack today (I had been using kettlebells for the last couple weeks because I was too scared to use the squat rack in front of all the huge buff dudes). It was awesome and I felt like a total badass! I even added some more weight to the bar and might try even more next time. Yay squat racks!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I have bitten the bullet. The other day I had a flyer in my mail so I called Fitness Factory to see if they had heavy weights, and a weight room. They do and they are expanding that area to a whole floor! I'm going over tomorrow after work with my "stuff" and if it's as he described, I'm signing up and I'll get a trainer to help me with these exercises,

    I didn't workout today, the weights are in my husbands woodshop and he's been down there all day, and truthfully the area we have set up for the bench etc is pretty small and not much maneuvering room. I'm no sweating it, I'm just going to see how this gym is and hopefully workout there from now on.

    I did a whole lot of stuff today, getting the house ready for winter. Went to the laundromat, grocery store, did more laundry here at home and cleaned. So I did sort of a workout in. :wink:

    Drummer lady - I know what you mean. For several weeks, I didn't have a squat rack. It makes a huge differnce!

    Sam, I looked at that video. Thanks, it really helps but I"m curious. In the book the model is on her toes at the top of the press. Do you not push up thru to you tiptoe?
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    You should. I couldn't because, well my balance sucks. I did better with the DB push press in Stage 7. Hopefully ABS will help with that.
    PS: Frankenweenie AKA, Frankenstein for kids, was awesome and ended with applause from the audience. And I totally appreciated I as a teacher, even though they run the awesome, knowledgeable science teacher out of town. Science ROCKS!

    ME: 3
    NEP: 4
    DEcent day even with crappy movie theater food.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    i've totally went off the deep end. my eating has been horrible. i haven't exercised in a week or so. my puppy chewed off the left shift key so it doesn't work. my 19 year old is dating a total jerk. Don't you just love that. my entire body hurts and i don't know why. i am very sick of hurting all the time. i am not sure if it is from the lack of eating right and exercise but my body did hurt then too.

    soooo woohoo to yall. don't forget about me. don't don't don't forget about me (song). hehehehe i still have some humor
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Hope you feel better, Manic! And that your daughter dumps the ****wad.

    I like the Front Squat Push Press most of the time, but my wrist flexibility is so hit and miss that if I don't spend FOREVEr warming up my wrists I can't front squat in the position required to really get the push press going. :(