Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    No work-out for me, today. A rest day to be had. I'm suffering some pretty good DOMs, anyway. I'll lift tomorrow. I hope I sleep better, tonight. I keep waking up at 4 or 5 am for NO DAMN REASON! (Usually it's because I have to pee, but the last few nights THAT was NOT IT!)
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    No work-out for me, today. A rest day to be had. I'm suffering some pretty good DOMs, anyway. I'll lift tomorrow. I hope I sleep better, tonight. I keep waking up at 4 or 5 am for NO DAMN REASON! (Usually it's because I have to pee, but the last few nights THAT was NOT IT!)

    You must be feeling me starting my day!
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    OK I just tried to catch up and all I remember reading about is donuts and chocolate chip pancakes. Yes that is where my mind is today. I'm always so hungry the day after lifting. But I'm also feeling emotional and munchy. Not good. I'm still within my cals for today, so let me chug some more water before I make a choice I can't take back!

    Mercury - you are so right. Water is pretty miraculous.

    Sue - vet bills are crazy, but at least you have peace of mind that your kitty is OK. Sorry your Stage 2 is getting delayed (is it wrong of me to secretly hope yours coincides with when I start - which will be soon? :) sorry :(

    Step ups. I remember reading something about it. I may have to get it a try as the weights get heavier. Also: I'm sorry if I've asked this before (can't remember which thread it was) - what are you all stepping on? I use the weight bench. I used steps (like step class steps) on the first day, but only used like 2 of them, so it wasn't hard AT ALL. lol Then I went to the NR website and found a forum about it and they recommended the weight bench or anything where you're knee has to go up higher than your hip. Lemme just say, with the 20-lb dumbbells, it's a serious workout. Also - this question came up on that same forum was how to do them properly. So like Beeps mentioned, you push off from the leg on the bench. Do you LEAVE that leg on the bench the whole time? I do. I come down with my other foot and try (with all my might) not to push off again with that foot. Anyway, whatever I'm doing I'm getting a workout. Just wondered what everyone else was doing.

    So excited to lift tomorrow!! It's a deadlift day!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I'm present today. not really here.

    hope yall the best this coming weekend.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    FunBun - Before joining MFP, I was convinced my hormones were preventing me from losing. The few times I tried to exercise and eat better, the scale didn't move. It is definitely possible it's hormonal. But for me, the weight training seems to be working. It was definitely a jolt to my very sedentary system. Here I go again, but have you talked to your doc? You never know...

    Oh, we're working on it. My doctor is pretty useless. He likes to do selective blood testing, vaguely shrug his shoulders, suggest various things like, "Cut out wheat." or "Increase your activity level" The increase your activity level happened when I was doing 1.5 hour workouts daily at the minimum. He also believes weight training "does nothing but tone, if you like that kind of look". If you can imagine my horrified expression... Luckily my hair is also breaking off pretty short, when it used to grow fairly fast.. that, along with my fatigue and joint pain has caused him to finally agree to send me to an endochrinologist instead of saying "I don't really know what you can do to lose weight. It's hard. You got me!" which was the last thing I heard.

    Before anyone says I should switch doctors, he's literally been the BEST I've had in this area. I've switched a few times and this is the devil I know... much better than the devils I knew. ;)

    BEEPS, at least you are a shoulder beast. I can't agree as I LOVE THE STEP UPS. I do mine with a barbell though, so mine feel like triumph rather than trudging through suck.. You'll have the chin ups soon! When you do them regularly you do use your body a lot to get up there, and it's not as easy with your legs supported assisted. You'll have it soon! :)

    Today was good for me, cardio like a boss... splits like a boss.

    I'm going out of town tomorrow - for Miss Texas Pole Star. Going to support my best friend in her first competition! Yayyyy. I'm going to eat a ton of vegan food, so you can probably assume the next four days will be NEP.
    Please go see the endo!!! and maybe get a new doctor too. I went to a new GO 2 years ago and she didn't "guess" at anything. She took a VERY detailed family history and tested EVERYTHING then referred me to 2 specialists to get second opinions. Took some time but I got my diagnoses and was finally able to take the steps needed to get healthy.

    Jessica, I really don't know how you do and I 'm so glad you slept well, because if anybody needs a good night sleep for energy reasons, it's you.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    sue - why the hell are you being MY ROOSTER?????????

    kmsai - I'm REALLY glad to read you are using a weight bench for your step-ups. 100% AWESOME! The "working" leg is the leg on the step....the other leg, really, should be dangling, and THAT IS IT! Two correct ways: 1) leave your non-dominant foot on the weight bench for the entire set of 8 reps - then put your dominant foot on the weight bench and repeat the entire set of 8 reps with that foot; or 2) re-set yourself each and every time - meaning: put your non-dominant foot on the bench, do a step -up and take the foot off. Re-set with the non-dominant leg again, do the rep. Finish all 8 reps on the non-dominant foot and then repeat on the other side.

    The REASON many people do NOT keep "re-setting" has to do with BALANCE. Once you have a good set-up, it seems riDONKulous to keep re-setting because it becomes pretty easy to get out of BALANCE and feel like you are focusing MORE on re-setting your balance everytime than on the purpose of the exercise, which is glutes/legs.

    What you are doing is fine....it is important to do ALL the reps on one leg, before changing and doing the reps on the other leg.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    I don't have a LOT of DB weight on my step-ups....which makes me sad.

    But, one of the BEST tips that I ever got was to TRY and do your step-ups by starting ON the bench. Then, go DOWN-AND-UP, with your down foot just grazing the floor before the UP movement. The reason for this style? It eliminates, period, any "push-off" from the rear leg (the non-working leg)!!

    Every time I try step-ups that way, I cannot do them. CANNOT. And that REALLY means that I am CHEATING! If I drop my weight all the way back, i.e. NO dumbbells, I can *barely* squeak out my step-ups in this way.

    If you REALLY want to KICK *kitten* at step-ups, and know, 100% that you are NOT cheating (with your back-leg), give it a whirl!!

    Report back you strong beasts!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will cry for me, but I will CHEER FOR YOU!!!
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    LMAO Beeps! You're cracking me up.

    I'm scared, but I will definitely try my step-ups that way. EEK
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    How come you ladies are using BB's for step-ups?? I don't remember that even being an OPTION in NROL4W?? I'm wondering if I should switch to that....although, even in NROL4Abs, it's DB's that they use. (I have to REALLY concentrate to make sure I'm not SWINGING my DB's on the "up" part of the motion.)

    chubby - I wouldn't worry too much about how FAST the weight is coming off....just make sure that it is moving in a downward direction and then stay committed. I don't think you need MORE exercise, maybe more rest, actually. And, I think *stress* plays a big, bad part in some of the symptoms you are suffering from. You do sound like you have a bit of *extra* stress going on right now. So, pay attention to the ways that help you to reduce/manage your stress!!

    Beeps I used BB for Step ups. I can't hold the DB's over 25lbs for more than say 10 reps at best. Since step ups ar a LEG exercise, I use the BB for stability and lack of grip strength.

    And I agree with Beeps Chubby. What she said.

    I'm really having trouble keeping up with the thread lol
  • NthnButMoonshine
    NthnButMoonshine Posts: 125 Member
    I don't have a LOT of DB weight on my step-ups....which makes me sad.

    But, one of the BEST tips that I ever got was to TRY and do your step-ups by starting ON the bench. Then, go DOWN-AND-UP, with your down foot just grazing the floor before the UP movement. The reason for this style? It eliminates, period, any "push-off" from the rear leg (the non-working leg)!!

    Every time I try step-ups that way, I cannot do them. CANNOT. And that REALLY means that I am CHEATING! If I drop my weight all the way back, i.e. NO dumbbells, I can *barely* squeak out my step-ups in this way.

    If you REALLY want to KICK *kitten* at step-ups, and know, 100% that you are NOT cheating (with your back-leg), give it a whirl!!

    Report back you strong beasts!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will cry for me, but I will CHEER FOR YOU!!!

    That is FREAKING GENIUS!!!! I hope I can remember this come Stage 4 when step ups come back to haunt me again! Thanks, Beeps!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Gonna have to try the step ups on the bench. Not sure I can do even body weight with a step that high! They are definitely easier with a bb, though.

    Sue, sorry about the kitty. Vet bills are the worst.

    NEP: 1

    Totally carbed out today and only got 80 grams:( I WILL do better tomorrow!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    chubby - I wouldn't worry too much about how FAST the weight is coming off....just make sure that it is moving in a downward direction and then stay committed. I don't think you need MORE exercise, maybe more rest, actually. And, I think *stress* plays a big, bad part in some of the symptoms you are suffering from. You do sound like you have a bit of *extra* stress going on right now. So, pay attention to the ways that help you to reduce/manage your stress!!

    Good advice as usual:)
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    I let the non-working foot in the step ups come down to the toe, but I use a really high plyo table - it's kind of a two step motion for me, coming to parallel, and then coming up to standing. I'm at 75 lbs using the BB, and they're really a damn good workout. I sometimes go down to a bench and then increase my weight. When I warm up, I usually do them without touching the ground at all, but I make sure when doing my working sets to resist on the way down and slowly come up so that it's not me just bouncing on my nonworking leg.

    Sam, those new body pics are amazing! Gloooorious shape.

    Today wasn't as bad as I thought even though I'm away from home. Got about 110g of protein in - so, definitely could have been worse.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Please go see the endo!!! and maybe get a new doctor too. I went to a new GO 2 years ago and she didn't "guess" at anything. She took a VERY detailed family history and tested EVERYTHING then referred me to 2 specialists to get second opinions. Took some time but I got my diagnoses and was finally able to take the steps needed to get healthy.

    I'm hoping my next doctor when we move is like that. This guy is nice, reliable, but totally unconcerned with what I consider health disasters! I have constant yeast infections - systemic ones (like, skin, mouth, everyyyything) that I baaarely keep ahold of using probiotics, but he isn't concerned with my out of control fauna.
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    FunBun - what's a plyo table? It's sounds HIGH. I can't imagine stepping any higher. I'm 5'2" and the weight bench is hard enough. So where/how do you hold the barbell -- on your back? I have to concentrate so hard to not wobble on my stepups; I just can't imagine using a barbell.

    Weird workout today. I upped my weights and it was too much I think. The middle right side of my back is hurting. I did 2 sets of 100 lbs lats and had to drop back. I also dropped back on my lunges. Knees were hurting. Dangit! I added in 15 minutes of HIIT and now I'm just tired and extremely hungry.

    What days do you ladies do your cardio??? I allowed myself to not worry about cardio these first few weeks, but I want to work it back in. I'm getting so comfortable with NOT doing it -- that's not good. I will try to at least walk this weekend. But ideally I can either do a spinning class or swim once or twice a week. I just can't work it all in and I NEED rest days. I cannot work out 6-7 days/week; just not me and I won't keep it up for the long haul.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Wow, you ladies push A LOT of BB weight on those step-ups - GO YOU!!

    My cardio is a long-session on Saturday morn, and that's about it. Sometimes I get a little bit in on Tues/Thurs, but not this week.

    Protein challenge:

    Me: 4
    NEP: 0

    I had OVER 200g of protein yesterday! WOWZERS!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Did not do well at our little party yesterday. Could not stop eating! I did play some ping pong and burned a few calories, but not nearly enough. Can't wait for this week to be over. I was too tired to get up this morning after going to bed late and the little one getting up in the middle of the night. Quarter end and tax returns are keeping me crazy busy at work, church event tonight and tomorrow morning, soccer tomorrow afternoon......I need a vacation! Actually what I really need is some cardio to bust out this stress. I may have to go to yoga at lunch.

    Me = 3
    NEP = 1
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Me 2
    NEP 2

    I'm going to have snack more on sardines and chicken I guess. I was doing so much better before vacation!

    Beeps awesome on the protein coup!!

    My step ups are not high. But that said, I really try to do them so my trailing leg doesn't push off at all, hence the lower level. Even with low weight, if I raise the step too high, I have to push off. That's my challenge - to get the step higher and not push off.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    jennie - I hear ya on getting some cardio in to reduce stress. I haven't done ANY cardio ALL WEEK! And, I'm feeling it. But, tomorrow is my big cardio day, so it's coming!

    sue - GET YOUR PROTEIN IN - YOUR MUSCLES NEED IT! I think it's okay to learn how to do bodyweight step-ups, on a higher step. Making sure the step is high enough, for your leg length, is *key*. Drop the weight ALL the way down (use a toilet paper roll if you want to still give your hands something to grip) and raise your step up. In the long run, YOU WILL THANK ME!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Well, I got my lifting in, today. Yay! Even did some front squats and some (assisted) chin-ups at the end. Plus, 1 plank! I guess I'm missing them, lol.

    Tomorrow is cardio - yay!

    Sunday is Thanksgiving turkey...I'm trying to figure out how to eat the things I want, not eat the things I don't want, and STILL stay within my alotted calories. It's like a GIANT PUZZLE, I tell ya! Wish me luck!