Daily Chat Thread



  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    ME - 4
    NEP - 4

    I just realized that one year on MFP has come and gone. I was in a really good place before summer started and it's gone downhill since then. I wish I could get back to the mindset I was in. Right now, I'm done. I don't want to track food anymore. I've been doing it on and off for almost 4 years on different websites. I want to be done with it. I love exercise and will never quit that, but I go thru ups and downs with that too (down right now). That's enough of me feeling sorry for myself. I reached my original goal of losing the baby weight in about 6 months. The last 6 months has been about getting stronger and changing my shape. It's taken longer than I had planned, but I will get there.

    Jessica - so sorry for you! I could not function without sleep AT ALL!!!! I'm getting less than usual and suffering (see rant above!).

    megan - glad you had a good time in Portland! and welcome back!

    emgel and gadenni - Welcome!!!

    Sue - Glad the club is going to work out for you!

    We don't have any Planet Fitness clubs around here, but just the fact that they don't have free weights would turn me off.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    I don't have a S.A.D lamp. I'm in KY though, and winter hasn't really hitt yet. We still have enough sunshine for that not to be an issue yet. Yet. :-/

    I did some body weight squats and pushups on the bathroom counter before my shower. It's all I could muster, but it's making me anxious to not be doing anything at all. :-P
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    Jessica! That is AWESOME! You get my "FABULOUS EFFORT" post of the day!

    jennie - girl, you are TOUGH. TOUGH on yourself! I'd bet, anyway, after 4 years of tracking you KNOW how much you are eating, just by eye-balling it....so, I think it's cool that you're done with that!

    mermegan - wanted to say that I *think* you should drop the weight down and work on your step-up form on the bench. Like I've said in previous posts, I'm the same way! I bump up my weight and it's like I'm IMMEDIATELY having to "push-off" that damn back foot. So, back down I go. I'm not as freaked about it as I used to be - it is what it is. We are ALL built differently and some of us have killer legs/glutes that can do step-ups with TONS O' WEIGHT, and some of us CANNOT. Go for the proper form. Every time. All the time.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member

    How can a person be so fricking sleepy and tired, and NOT be able to go to sleep? I'm going on my third day with only a few short periods of lucid sleep at night. Somebody stick a fork in me.

    Today should be a lift day. I don't even know if it's safe for me to attempt. I'm thinking probably not. This is really getting to me. I know how to get my body to relax, but how do you make your mind stop racing?
    Have you had a formal sleep study done yet? As busy as you are you NEED sleep.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    BLeh, I'm getting a head cold. Luckily I went to the gym yesterday, so today was a rest day. Seems like everyone at work was working on getting sick after the long weekend. THa's it goo night! My protein is over 100g but not near my 130 and only at 22%/ Bleh on that too. I forgot what me totals were but today NEP.
    Looked it up.
    NEP: 6
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    oh.my.gosh. I am exhausted today. not sure if it is just my day or something about lifting differently. I really would not think it was that but man...I am bone tired. and sore. more sore now than I was this morning. I assume I just lift through it tomorrow right? since I am just starting and all? I am fine with that....should check the book. nighttime snack and then I am in bed.
  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441
    I forgot what me totals were but today NEP.

    Sam, I am DORK! I can not stop laughing at this... me totals, LOL!! I am at work so please allow me to giggle but if I am offensive please tell me to knock it off! I keep picturing you as a little Leprechaun :) Too funny...

    ok, I have come back to my senses and I am going to go back to saving lives ;)
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! Just got back from WOB7 in Stage 1 --- I can SEE the finish line!

    Jessica - I really hope you can get some sleep. It's so vital to everything. I had a better workout today because I slept well last night. I agree with looking into a sleep study. I did one earlier this year and discovered I have mild apnea.

    Jennie - Congrats on your 1 year with MFP. I can imagine once you reach your weight goal, it would be hard to continue tracking food. Sounds like you have maintenance under control. If and when the time comes, you know you can start logging again. But definitely don't stress about it. Interesting article on clean eating. I skimmed towards the end, but my takeaway was "everything in moderation."

    emgel - glad you're liking Stage 1! I predict you will soon love deadlifts. :)

    Gretchen - welcome! I'm rather new too and coming to the end of stage 1. I agree about focusing on protein. My calories and macros are a work in progress. I aim for 40/30/30... I usually end up with more fats than protein. So I'm keeping my eye on that and will adjust accordingly. Everyone is different and you have to just find what works for you.

    Megan - welcome back and AWESOME on the 115 deadlift. I'm jealous! I upped my last set of deadlifts today to 85. I know I can do more, but I'm not gonna push it in my old age. Looking back, I realize I started too heavy with the squat and too light with the deadlift. I think it's because I was so intimidated by the deadlift initially.

    Beeps - congrats for not going nutso with the food at TMO. I did much better this time around too (although I was noticeably hungrier/munchier -- I just controlled it). By the by, don't know if you saw the other thread, but I tried your step-up method of starting FROM the bench and just COULD NOT do them. LOL Oh well: I tried.

    RunnerMom - welcome back!

    kk - welcome!

    Chubbycowgirl - our weather changed drastically from Sun to Monday -- literally dropped 30 degrees. I wanted to do nothing but EAT on Monday. Comfort food, curled up with a warm blanket kind of eating. But I managed to keep it somewhat under control. Somewhat. :)

    Sue - congrats on your new gym.

    Manic - congrats on your weight loss!! My scale didn't move this past Monday for the first time in a few weeks. For once I wasn't completely bummed out because I KNOW I'm doing the right thing. And I have to keep reminding myself "it's a marathon, not a sprint."

    SteAnn - Go Canada! (my hubby was born there, so I have to give some props). Those cupcakes sound mouthwatering...

    Whew, that was a lot of shout outs. Sorry if I missed you. Still trying to get to know everyone.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    kmsairam - if it's any consolation, I expect very few women can do the step-ups by starting on the step and then going down-and-up. At least not with any weight besides body-weight. It's t-o-u-g-h. (I can't do it!)

    Me: 5
    NEP: 4

    Okay, that's looking MUCH better!

    Today, I lift.
  • SteAnnMui
    SteAnnMui Posts: 129 Member
    samntha, same here. I think I caught my daughters cold from this weekend. Glad I worked out yesterday!

    kmsairam, I cut out sugar but those cupcakes were my first treat in awhile! They were really good, I had to send them back out of town with my husband, haha. My period is due soon and I am scared what would happen if I was alone in the house with them.

    Protein Challenge:

    Me: 7
    NEP: 2

    Does anyone else feel like their motivation dissappears as the weather changes? Spring time when the snow started melting and the weather was getting nice I was so pumped up to work out and had all these aspirations. Now that I've seen some snow I find my motivation is lacking. Thankfully I've gotten into the habit of working out so it isn't hitting me as hard as it has in the past.

    Just something about winter that makes me want to eat comfort food and then go into hibernation :wink:
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Does anyone else feel like their motivation dissappears as the weather changes? Spring time when the snow started melting and the weather was getting nice I was so pumped up to work out and had all these aspirations. Now that I've seen some snow I find my motivation is lacking. Thankfully I've gotten into the habit of working out so it isn't hitting me as hard as it has in the past.

    Just something about winter that makes me want to eat comfort food and then go into hibernation :wink:

    YES!!! I'm totally feeling that way! Taking this week off and hoping I can get back to it next week.

    Me - 5
    NEP - 4
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Does anyone else feel like their motivation dissappears as the weather changes? Spring time when the snow started melting and the weather was getting nice I was so pumped up to work out and had all these aspirations. Now that I've seen some snow I find my motivation is lacking. Thankfully I've gotten into the habit of working out so it isn't hitting me as hard as it has in the past.

    Just something about winter that makes me want to eat comfort food and then go into hibernation :wink:

    YES!!! I'm totally feeling that way! Taking this week off and hoping I can get back to it next week.

    Me - 5
    NEP - 4


    I am taking another week off to let my body recover from what I don't know but I am just tired of hurting. Can't make dr appt because of insurance is messed up. Long story but it should be back in place by Monday.
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    I actually posted on my page the other day that I felt like hibernating with these weather changes! lol. I'm totally feeling that way, except I'm -- for once -- very determined to continue working out. But I still want to eat eat eat.... and sleep.
  • mermegan
    mermegan Posts: 143
    Kathy: I think I improved so quickly on the deadlift because I pick up my two toddlers a lot (30 & 50 lbs) in the same manner as a deadlift. No joke! It's such a natural move for me. The squat on the other hand is not. It never feels as fluid and I'm staying at 75 pounds. It's funny how different we all are.

    I'm nearing the end of Stage 1 and my lifts (except for DL and lunges) are staying pretty much the same. Most things, like lat pull downs and rows are too large of a jump to the next weight up.

    I'm really debating what to do about cardio. My foot is not doing well (still waiting to get my MRI) but I'm thinking it's an unstable ankle. I switched to cross training shoes and it made my foot worse, so I'm going back to my running shoes. I'm afraid if I continue the cardio I will hurt my foot to a point of not being able to lift like I do, then that would make me really unhappy.

    Anyone here have success with very limited to no cardio? I'm sure it would be fine, but maybe I'd need to drop calories down (sniff, sniff)
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Megan - can you use the elliptical or the bike for cardio? Would that be better on your ankle?

    The program, as written, does not include cardio - except for the intervals added in workouts 2&4 and the BWM added in 3&5. But even with those, I think you should follow the calorie intake recommendations in the book and eat even more calories if you're doing a lot of cardio. A little bit of cardio here and there shouldn't change your intake too much. Now, if you were doing some really hard core cardio training, then yes, you should adjust your calorie intake.

    I did all of Stage 1 without cardio and ate at maintenance and I maintained. I added a bit of walking in Stage 2, and it really didn't make much of a difference on my intake. I didn't start losing any weight (lost inches) until I started eating under maintenance.

    I don't know where you are, but if you're already under maintenance, then you are probably good where you are.

    Good luck with the ankle!
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    deadlift day1 for me. asked a trainer to help me check form etc. I lifted with the olympic bar, no problem. Just that though. A little later we were talking a little bit more about the bars and such. She proceeds to encourage me to keep using the 45pounder because "Most women around here are completely unable to lift that bar at all." made me that much more determined to keep using it. will use it for squats on Friday too. :) she was also very willing to help when I told her I was trying to lift heavy with less reps than what I had been doing in Body Pump. It was quite encouraging actually. now that I feel I have things navigated better I am really looking forward to continuing with the program!
  • jojojo909090
    jojojo909090 Posts: 205 Member
    We are in spring moving towards summer so at the other end of the motivation spectrum - can't wait to do even more (mind you, I have been doing lifting and cardio 6-7 days a week right through winter).

    Did some of my lifts outside last night (Stage 2 / workout B). It was lovely being outside with the trees and birds and sunshine. I may even consider moving my weight gear to an outside under cover area for summer. We have a very private property with fences and trees right around. Daylight saving has also kicked in so walking in the evening is now possible again, and as my husband is training too we can do it together.

    I've now done an A and a B set from Stage 2, and am looking forward to doing the next rounds with more confidence - the first time with a new exercise seems to take so long, I double and triple check the book as I go to make sure I've got it right.

    As Sue has headed off to the gym now too the thought did go through my mind about joining one for convenience - but decided that I'm in no rush to get through each session and to let the setting up and breaking down and moving round of gear be a nice part of the process.

    We are having a coffee meet with other MFPers from Auckland (New Zealand) on Sunday - it will be great to meet some of the friends I've made here IRL. :) No other NRoL4W ladies though unfortunately.

    Right, on with my work day. Take care all!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,005 Member
    merme - if you want to gain strength, cardio really doesn't make one whit of difference. NROL4W will work to increase your strength without any cardio. So, no worries!

    gadenni - I'm very happy to read you had someone check your form! that is AWESOME! And, knowing that you now have proper form, you can move up, up, UP with your weights! Don't ever forget to CHALLENGE yourself! Go for it!

    jojojo - whenever I'm moving through new stages, it DOES take time to flip through pages and re-check things. That's okay - it's part of the process. (And then, by the end of a stage, you're whipping through stuff, getting bored, and ready for the NEXT - challenging - stage!)

    I'm JUST ABOUT HALFWAY THROUGH NROL4Abs!! How about that! Boy, that was fast. On Friday, I'll be halfway through Phase 2, which means I'm halfway through the entire program! I am REALLY liking this program.
  • SteAnnMui
    SteAnnMui Posts: 129 Member
    jenniet04, hope your break helps with the feeling!

    manic4titans, I hope you are feeling better soon!

    Today is probably going to be a NEP day, I'm feeling worse and all I want to eat is toast because it settles my stomach.

    The good news is I booked my first driving lesson, I need to get my license within the next few months so I can go back to work. If I can't drive there is no way I can take Sloane to daycare and go to work. The bus system where I live is horrible because it's a small town. It was okay when I was pregnant and taking the bus to work but there's no way I can bus across town the daycare then bus back to work when they run once an hour.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    The weather is killing me too. Joints hurting everywhere. :(
    I haven't lifted in half a week.. I'll get around to it, everything just hurts so bad.