Daily Chat Thread



  • SteAnnMui
    SteAnnMui Posts: 129 Member
    I'm excited to say that NROL4W has helped me break the 50 lb mark, I've lost 50 lbs as of today! I lost inches like crazy in Stage 1 and now in Stage 2 my weight is dropping a lot faster. Since strarting NROL4W I've lost about 5-6 lbs and I'm about halfway through Stage 2 :)

    Are you guys doing a protein challenge? I think I missed it. I'm pretty good with my protein but a litlte extra motivation would be nice.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    samntha - with your sideways pic, I get a pretty good idea of what you look like doing push-ups and planks, lol! Nice!!

    sue - welcome back - can't wait to hear all about your *adventures*!

    RUNN - just READING that you are going to the "beach" Fri-Mon makes me realize you live NOWHERE near me, lol! Sounds like fun!

    Loop - I had a personal trainer walk me through each of the "A" and "B" work-outs, just prior to each stage....as I progressed through NROL4W. Best money I ever spent. It gave me the confidence I needed to know my form was good when I then did the exercises on my own!

    How about if we RE-START the protein challenge??

    So, start date is October 1. We'll track it for the month and see how we do, okay? Give the point to "Me" if you get in your protein for the day. Give the point to "NEP" (Not Enough Protein) if you didn't get your protein in.

    For me, therefore, on October 1, I am:

    Me: 1
    NEP: 0

    Good luck to all the heavy-lifting ladies out there!
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Good morning all. Hope you had a great weekend. I checked out New Rules for Abs over the weekend at the bookstore. That is definitely going to be my next thing! But since I started NROLFW, I'm going to finish it. I'm in week 4 of stage 1. Still loving it. I did 20 lb (each) shoulder presses this morning and felt like SHEERAH. Rawr!

    I lost the protein battle last week -- only 22% (goal is 30%). EEK. But I managed to lose another 2lbs this week. Something I'm doing is working, so I'm rolling with it!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Sam - You look AWESOME!!!

    Sue - Welcome Back!!

    Beeps - glad to hear you are having such good progress with Abs!

    Megan - A growl would have been great!! I hate when people comment about things they know nothing about (which I'm assuming she didn't)

    I don't track on the weekends, so never really know if I hit my protein goals. But, I try to make sure I'm getting protein at every meal so I'm probably close. I've been out of protein powder for weeks and thought I would have a really hard time making my goal without it, but I've been doing pretty good. Will occasionally have a protein bar. However, I'm not a carb junkie at all, I could really do without them. Sweet treats are my nemesis (i.e. chocolate!)

    I started Stage 7 on Saturday. After reading everyone else's comments on the difficulty of the 30 second rests, I tried to go lower on the weights and it wasn't too bad. I was starving afterward (did it on an empty stomach) and had to chug some water to fill my tummy. DOMS have really set in and I was going to get up this morning for workout 2, but pushed it off to tomorrow. Hopefully I won't be so sore.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    kms - congrats on the lost poundage - that's AWESOME!

    jenniet - I think it's GREAT that you could get through Stage 7 with only 30sec rests! That is how it is WRITTEn and I congratulate you on doing that. AWESOME!

    I finished my first "A" work-out in Phase 2, NROL4Abs. My comments:

    This was my first "A" work-out in Phase 2, NROL4Abs. My comments:

    1. SOooooooo glad that there were no 'side planks' in the ab piece....my bony elbows need a BREAK! The slides were okay. It was the mountainclimbers that I really need to work on! Boy, I did NOT feel very secure on the swiss ball, at all. I had to stop and re-set about 1/2 way through because it was just making me feel like I was falling. And, I'm pretty sure my "plank position" was terrible - butt in the air - feet not far enough away from the swiss ball. I'll keep trying, though!

    2. I really, REALLY like being back to 8 reps. 12 reps just sucks balls. Yay 8!!!!!!!!!!

    3. I did have time for a "big-lift", but I've decided to put them at the end of the work-out, in case I don't have time! And, instead of using that "big lift" for some UBER-heavy something, I'm just going to work on "muscle-mind" connection. Going nice and deep in a back squat. Going nice and deep in a deadlift. That kind of stuff.
  • SteAnnMui
    SteAnnMui Posts: 129 Member
    October 1st Protein Challenge, 144 grams today!

    Me: 1
    NEP: 0
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I'm going to turn into a grilled chicken salad lol
    Off to do my first WO of ABS. Wish me luck.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    sounds great, Beeps. My legs are so wobbly after the workouts I can barely lift them up on the treadmill to walk it out. Is it the core work that's doing that or because I had a 2 week break?

    Yeah, Sam! We will be working together.

    I didn't make it to the gym today. Hubby was gone all day :frown:

    Tomorrow will be my 2nd workout of B. I don't like that one. My shoulder just can not hold the weight above my head. I can push and pull all day long but I can NOT lift my arm straight up. For the overhead squats I use a broomstick and even then my right arm falls forward. Any suggestions or do I complete the exercises as best as I can?

    ME:1 !!!!!!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Are we a\starting over for the new month with protein challenge?
    I ate really well today but ca,e up short. Oh and I discovered healthy Choice Greek Frozen Yogurt. I threw one in my shake and it was pretty good. 2g more protein than my usually 1/2c ice cream.

    OK So I did the first ABS workout. I didn't think it was all that intense, and I only gave myself 200 cal credit instead my usual 30 for an hour. he planks went very well and I will focus on extending time on those. Felt weird doing them at the beginning of the workout. MAybe being rested made a difference as opposed to doing them at the end of a workout. The Inverted Row was interesting. Pretty cool exercise. I'm going to try to talk the hubby into doing this one with me. His core needs work. LOL
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Are we a\starting over for the new month with protein challenge?
    I ate really well today but ca,e up short. Oh and I discovered healthy Choice Greek Frozen Yogurt. I threw one in my shake and it was pretty good. 2g more protein than my usually 1/2c ice cream.

    YES, I think because many wanted to jump in and some of us has lost count
  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441
    Morning! (well, it's midnight ;)

    Beeps, nope we don't live near each other. I'm in VA and you're in AB. You can live vicariously through me this weekend :)

    I am just checking in for the protein challenge. I try to get 120g each day regardless of lifting or not. Some days are better than others as I go over the 120-150 range. So I'll consider today a score because I'm at 143.

    Me: 1
    NEP: 0
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    :( October protein challenge

    Me 0
    NEP 1

    Well that just isn't the way to start a challenge! I will do better today for sure!
  • mermegan
    mermegan Posts: 143
    This October protein challenge is just what I need!

    Yesterday, I got more than usual but still came up short: 119 grams. Need 138.

    Me 0
    NEP 1

    Today is the day I hit it my friends! Oh, shredded chicken via the crockpot is a lifesaver!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Protein challenge:

    Me: 1
    NEP: 0

    manic - re: overhead squats, a little trick is to make sure your grip is a WIDE grip (1 1/2 times shoulder distance) and I find that if, as you are squatting, you are pulling your hands OUTWARD (i.e. gripping really tight, but moving your hands OUT, which tenses up all your arm muscles), you might find this exercise a bit easier. I *loved* the "B" workout in Phase 1 - much better than the "A" workout, for me. But, I've got strong shoulders, so maybe that's why. (vs. my *kitten*-lazy glutes...)

    samntha - while it took me a bit of awhile to get used to doing the ab-work, first, I'm not a TRUE convert, and I like getting the ab-work done and then onto the lifting.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Taking the day off. I don't want to take off an entire week, but I just need a break. I feel like I shouldn't need a break, since I only lift twice a week. But my body is just tired. Maybe it's stress. Whatever, I am taking a day or two off.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Me - 1
    NEP - 0

    I was actually 2 under, but I'm counting it since most days I'm way over.

    Did 7.2 today. I didn't quite get everything done with 30 second rests, mostly because I didn't get all the weights set up from the start like I should have and I wasn't diligent about watching the clock, but the rests were still under 1 minute. This one was tough with all those step ups!!! My heart rate was still high 5 minutes after I was done.
  • SteAnnMui
    SteAnnMui Posts: 129 Member
    Taking the day off. I don't want to take off an entire week, but I just need a break. I feel like I shouldn't need a break, since I only lift twice a week. But my body is just tired. Maybe it's stress. Whatever, I am taking a day or two off.

    If you feel like you need it, go ahead! I find it's really hard to commit myself to a workout if I'm already really tired and stressed.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    (((Jessica))) - hope you feel like lifting REALLY soon! I'm missing you (in Phase 2)!!

    jennie - i just felt like throwing up when I was doing the 30s rests....too TOUGH! I'll blame ye ole ticker....but, since you're proving it CAN be done, I'm wondering if I might have conditioned myself better? dunno....

    I had STEAK for lunch. Now THAT was yummy! (and unexpected - I went to a women's networking event and USUALLY, of course, it's salad and some white meat....nopey on this one, a YUMMY steak and roasted veggies showed up!)
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I was able to do the 30 sec rests for the 7B workouts but not the 7A workouts. The 7A workout made me feel like I was going to pass out and throw up and I have a great heart. No DOMS today from my first ABS WO :) I haven't read the book through, but when I finished the introduction I handed it to my husband and told him he HAS to do this program;.
  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441

    Me: 1
    NEP: 1

    Not enough today but am way over calories. Tropical Smoothie will do that to 'ya.